Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

655 The whirlwind of flickering cold light! (Please subscribe!)

Some of them still lie on the back of the warhorse with several arrows in their bodies and hold the armrest of the saddle tightly, so that the warhorse can take them back to their camp when they flee, so as not to leave the corpse behind. In the enemy's camp, he was arbitrarily suppressed by others.

The Yinglong guards who followed behind the Daqin soldiers all took out their hands at this time, but their ability to withstand pressure was not as good as that of the Daqin soldiers, especially the tens of thousands who followed behind Han "May Sanqi" letter Yemeni escorts, after a victory themselves!

When they were in a good mood, they encountered a round of bows and arrows. These bows and arrows were the talismans of death for them, constantly reaping their lives.

Originally, they were going to chase after them, sing victory songs and crush the enemy under their feet. Now a round of bows and arrows will bring them back to reality. These can react to each other, and they are not as good as Daqin soldiers. There are quite a lot of them here. A salvo fell under the horse.

Fortunately, these tanker escorts are not fully equipped, so only a few people wear the armor of Daqin soldiers and most of them still wear their original full-body armor. Mass shooting!

If it wasn't for this, they would kill and injure more people. At this time, the tanker guards were a little terrified. Many of them lay directly on the horse's back, letting the bows and arrows fall like raindrops without the slightest resistance. Others were startled by the onslaught.

They cried directly, and then they were shot by bows and arrows from unknown places to weak spots on their bodies, such as the eye sockets, and they were shot to death on the spot!

In contrast, the European infantry formations also suffered a lot of casualties. Who were these targets who were originally dispatched to block the footsteps of the cavalry, after a round of bows and arrows shot down, although a lot of casualties were The cavalry in this area of ​​Daqin.

The same targets that were used to block their footsteps were also damaged a lot. These targets wore half-armor and held weapons in their hands, but very few held shields. Facing bows and arrows, they were powerless to resist for a while and then immediately fell to the ground. .

Fresh blood flowed out, dyeing the ground red, and these soldiers still insisted, but most of them had collapsed, they let out shrill screams and fled around, but there was no way, because their formation was too large. It is too dense, and they are madly attacked by war horses. If they want to escape randomly at this time, it is no different from sending them to death!

The warhorse trampled them all to death. The spear in Han Xin's hand came continuously, and he danced the spear in an airtight manner. on the ground!

And the long spear in Han Xin's hand also formed a whirlwind of flickering cold light at this moment. Those who were running wildly and originally blocked their progress were all easily swayed by him, and some soldiers were killed by surprise.

Compared with the previous soldiers who lined up to resist, it was easier for Han Xin to break through their defenses now. After these soldiers became flustered in 1.4, they didn't even think about fighting back. Forward!

Through the impact of the warhorse, a blood-paved road was forcibly cut through the crowd. Then he went straight to the front, and the long spear in his hand kept poking out, forming a stabbing appearance, constantly reaping those blocking the road. The life of the person, and then Han Xin rushed to kill at a faster speed.

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