Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

648 Unprepared, I don't know what to do! (Please subscribe!)

Their speed is extremely fast and neat. Although there are only a few thousand people, they have an indomitable momentum, and the knight spears in their hands are very sharp and flickering with cold light, and the horses rush forward, carrying the long spears in their hands. It also sprinted all the way, as if to open the air!

The flames soared. At this time, the knights who were riding on the warhorse shouted and rushed to Han Xin. As the knight spear approached, Han Xin gave a strange cry and immediately swung the spear out of his hand.

With a bang, he hit one of the knight spears, swinging the knight spears to the top, and then followed by Han Xin, before rushing to the front, he immediately retracted the spear to form an arc, and 533 hit the other knight. Above the gun, tilt the knight's gun to the side!

After the knight spear tilted, it hit the knight spear held by the companion, and immediately knocked the weapon in the companion's hand crooked. Under such circumstances, Han Xin just broke through the opponent's defense a little bit. When he shook his arm.

The long spear in his hand turned into a poisonous dragon and rushed into the crowd at this time. Han Xin's spear skills were so good that after rushing into the crowd, the tips of the spears seemed to be life-threatening scythes, moving forward quickly. The stabs went out, and with the sound of a click (bbbe), the knights on the warhorses were called by him one after another, and the point of the gun was at the connection of the soldiers' armor.

Every time he moved, he could make a scream, blood splashed, and cavalry fell under the horse at every moment, but Han Xin's eyes were calm at this time. The cavalry of Da Qin also rushed forward quickly!

With the help of Han Xin, they opened a little gap, forming a dense formation and rushing in to split. From their side, there were 15,000 people who followed Han Xin.

Among them, 5,000 were Da Qin's cavalry, and the other was a member of Yinglong's escort. After they appeared, they were led by Han Xin and ran forward.

After contacting the knights who rushed over, the members of Yinglong's bodyguard were still somewhat uncertain.

After all, they were a sneak attack, and they also knew that there were more than 200,000 troops in this military camp!

They only have 50,000 troops now, and they have 15,000 troops on their side, relatively speaking, it is still not enough to resist the 200,000-strong army!

First of all, they were timid. If Han Xin didn't break the defense at this time, I am afraid that the subsequent Yinglong guards might be unstable and collapse directly.

Now Han Xin set an example, a long spear in his hand swept back and forth, under his attack, no soldier who could easily survive was attacked by him and fell to the chopping block. Below, and the Daqin soldiers standing beside him as Han Xin madly rushed forward!

They all raised their weapons and shouted and charged forward. In the face of their attack, those knights in full armor who had come forward to resist were all knocked to the ground. Although these soldiers were not as superb as Han Xin's martial arts, they were still on the battlefield. The fighting skills are outstanding.

Combining the length and the length of the attack can easily bring down the opponent directly. Their resistance made the shadow dragon guards morale high, and they immediately agitated in their hearts.

These Yinglong guards had previously participated in the training and were also taught by the Daqin soldiers how to use their weapons for joint strikes. At this time, there were ready-made teachers in front of them to teach them, and there were actual combat scenes to give them a certain space to let them Go to practice.

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