Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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At the same time, some more personnel were recruited from the city that was laid at the rear to join the Yinglong Guard. The original 50,000-strong Yinglong Guard can completely adjust the number to a higher number. I will no longer be afraid of the enemy troops that suddenly attack.

Su Xiang thought about the idea of ​​Emperor Qin and felt that it was like this. At the moment, he stopped saying anything, and Emperor Qin made a decision on the matter behind!

He came to make up his mind, and Meng Yi in front also led the soldiers of Daqin to patrol the whole outside. Ziwei City was flat around the periphery. He rode a war horse and walked in it. It was very fast and had a wide field of vision. In order to Prevent Prince Caesar's side 11 from sending troops again!

Meng Yi specially asked people to build a pendant, and by erecting the pendant, you can see farther, and above the pendant, you can see the situation almost three miles away. And those European soldiers who came from the expedition happened to be within the scope of observation.

The Daqin soldiers who were in charge of vigilance stood loyally on the pendant. They held bows and arrows in their hands, ready to shoot at any time. In addition, there were cavalry soldiers scanning the vicinity of the pendant to clear out all possible hiding places in the grass. After some preparations, although some enemies did not come out, they also drove away a lot of animals.

After a good hunt, it can add some meat to the logistics team, which is still very good. When it was attacked earlier, the trenches and antlers dug in front of the city were almost destroyed. restructured.

Compared with the soldiers in the front, who were standing on the tower and only observing, the preparations in the rear were even more tense. The civilians were driven to the edge of the trench. There were many corpses lying on the edge of the trench. The most brutal location!

The soldiers who came from the expedition were shot to death by bows and arrows before they could reach them. Some people were even trampled by war horses, and they were all broken into pieces. These corpses needed to be cleaned up. There were many civilians in the city. , After seeing this situation, I felt it, and I wanted to vomit for a while!

Under this circumstance, Meng Yi reluctantly selected some brave civilians, gave them generous rewards, and asked them to clean up the corpses here. Impact!

If you let it rot, let alone the air, how bad the environment will be, just the virus produced by the decay of the corpse can affect all the living things here. This is what Meng Yi does not want to see. The removal of those bodies is a top priority.

Speaking of which, there are still some daring people in Ziwei City. 523 They received generous rewards and immediately wrapped their noses and mouths with towels to prevent the smell from getting into their noses. At the same time, they took simple tools and wrapped their hands around them. With all kinds of wood, he began to clean up those corpses on the battlefield.

The scattered corpses were carried away one by one, then piled up on the car, and pulled away from a large ditch outside the city. If it was a Daqin soldier, they would gather them together, and then put them in a place with lush water and grass. , dig one by one tombs, put them into them, and then erect inscriptions.

Then it is for future generations to look up and miss, as for those attacking enemies, it is easy to deal with.

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