Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

613 3 trenches, insurmountable! 【Subscribe!】

If he fell, he would die or be disabled. When Han Xin was digging the trap, he had already considered the number of people on the other side, so he dug the traps unevenly and as wide as possible!

In this case, when the enemy came over, no matter how far he ran, he would encounter too many soldiers and horses led by anyone, and he did not dare to take the risk.

You can only do things according to his arrangement, crossing the edge of the ditch, so that they can stop their pace.

Prince Caesar originally wanted to charge directly to the edge of the city wall. After all, there were many ladders and trebuchets that attacked the city wall behind him. Although the attack ability was strong, the attack distance was not far. The power of the city wall will be stronger.

Under such a premise, he could only stop the horn first, and it was impossible to rush the charge at this time.

And just when he was entangled in the temptation, Han Xin on the other side of the city wall also learned the news that the army was coming. At least, when Prince Caesar and others came to him, he could make preparations in advance.

A large number of bows and arrows were carried up the city wall!

In addition, the soldiers also sorted out their armor and weapons, squatting on the edge of the city wall, waiting for a battle to arrive!

Han Xin instructed the soldiers under him to check the traps set up on the side of the city wall again, trying to be foolproof.

After the bundles of bows and arrows fell to the ground, there was a popping sound, and then soldiers scattered these bows and arrows throughout the city wall. On the top of the city wall, there are many incisions for special shooting!

There are several archers squatting and guarding there, and there are sufficient personnel in each place. In this way, if the enemy's attack is tight, they can use the bows and arrows of these archers to deal with the enemies below.

At this time, Prince Caesar also took the soldiers under his hands and slowly walked towards the edge of the trench!

He first dispatched 2,000 men and horses, and tentatively moved towards the river ditch. There were 2,000 men and horses inlaid on the edge of the river. They were the least important marginal soldiers. When their own armors were relatively old and ran forward, these soldiers still felt in their hearts. slightly worried.

Because when they reached the edge of the ditch, they could see that the width of the ditch was about two meters wide.

A soldier who does not believe in evil, he is the first to jump over the good pot, because he did not control the width of the entire trench when he is moving forward, when he is jumping and earning money, he immediately stumbles and falls under the trench with a bang!

The depth of the entire trench is about six meters. After falling down, it is equivalent to falling from the top of a two-story building. There are 513 sharp wooden stakes at the bottom. Although these wooden stakes are not as shiny and sharp as iron, but If a person falls heavily from above.

Getting stabbed by a stake is still pretty awesome.

With a click, the soldier was immediately stabbed to death by a sharp wooden stake!

The same is true for the war horses he rode. One person and one horse fell directly into the pit, and died on the spot without a sound. Their appearance fell in the eyes of the others.

The other companions present felt a burst of fear, and everyone stared at the front with horrified eyes. Afterwards, another teacher urged them to move forward quickly!

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