Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

607 The horses that are mounted are dead and wounded! (Please subscribe!)

However, when the soldiers come, they will block the water and the soil, and the war will arrive anytime, anywhere. For this matter, Meng Yi and Han Xin have already made preparations.

Now that the fire in front has blocked the attack of the soldiers of the Kaile Empire in front, we only need to follow this method and resist step by step. As long as they can consume more troops, then there is a chance to defeat them. !

For patience, Daqin soldiers "May 10" have never lacked.

Meng Yi returned to the top of the tower. At this time, above the tower, the soldiers who resisted the opponent's attack had already stood in several rows of shields. Under the circumstance, if the shield continues to be used, it may be directly smashed.

There were still some wounded soldiers lying on the ground. Some of them were attacked so hard that their bows and arrows hit their bodies. Most of them had no problems. Han Xin led some soldiers to hold the city wall against the base of the wall. Look down the gap between!

At this time, it can be seen that among the 120,000 troops in the distance, the archers have retreated. The archers are not able to shoot bows and arrows continuously, and the number of bows and arrows each of them carries is only 20. And if they shoot arrows, the requirements for arm strength are still very large.

If a little slack, the arm strength will not be enough to shoot the bow and arrow to the top of the city wall, but the long-term high-intensity use of the longbow may deplete their muscle strength, causing them to be unable to draw the longbow.

Under such circumstances.

Prince Caesar temporarily asked the longbowmen under his hands to stop shooting arrows and let them rest temporarily. Soldiers on fire.

And the war horses they were riding on were almost burned to death. The soldiers were connected with stirrups and saddles on the war horses, so when their masters were burned by the fire, the war horses were also invaded by the fire at the first time. , Not a few people who were burned to death on the spot also escaped with burns all over their bodies.

They don't think they will live long. No one cares about these war horses and they fled in all directions. They will take this group to other places, and then no one cares at this time. The ground is scorched black. Soldiers go forward with the weapons in their hands!

These charred corpses were dragged away to form an open ground, and at this time, a large number of bows and arrows were poking at the walls of the entire Ziwei City, and there were bows and arrows crossing each other between the bricks, as if a piece of ground had grown. black weed..

Standing on the city wall, Han Xin saw that the other party started to move forward and cleaned up the charred corpses on the ground. He did not hesitate to order the soldiers who were standing on the city wall to fight back. The method of counterattack was naturally archery. At this time In the case of no frontal attack, bow and arrow are the only means of counterattack!

At this time, Meng Yi just arrived. He stood beside 1.4 Han Xin, and together he instructed the soldiers to open their long bows and shoot arrows below, because they were condescending.

The distance of the archery should be longer. At this time, the longbow shoots the bow and arrows, and after a puff puff sound, these bows and arrows immediately fly to the ground in the distance.

The soldiers who were cleaning up the charred corpses on the ground fell to the ground screaming under the shroud of arrows!

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