Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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In addition, the things of rolling stone and orange wood are ready. This is the basic rule of Daqin soldiers' defense, and all the guards on the city wall are all real Daqin soldiers, not the surrendered Yinglong guards.

Meng Yi nodded at this arrangement. At this time, it is better to let his own people defend it just in case. Besides, he didn't know what the other party's situation was. At this moment, Han Xin pointed at "507" and went under the city wall to tell Meng Yi that the lieutenant sent out had returned.

But he didn't let it go, because the follow-up soldiers were going to look for an opportunity to attack the city gate. Meng Yi nodded slightly after looking at Han Xin's worries.

He also saw the other party's purpose, and the lieutenant at the bottom was still shouting loudly. After he saw Meng Yi, he immediately wanted to ask Meng Yi to put him up.

At this time, Meng Yi had to look at the lieutenant below and told him with a stern face that he must stick to the spot and not move in the slightest. For the lieutenant under the topic of Meng Yi, he immediately despaired. He originally thought that Meng Yi could watch in the For the sake of following him wholeheartedly, he opened the city gate and let his men in.

Now outright refused.

He can only fight recklessly underneath.

This is no different from courting death. The soldiers and horses led by Prince Caesar of 40,000 have already arrived. When they were about to reach the edge of the city wall, Han Xin glanced at Meng Yi.

Meng Yi nodded to him immediately, which was a sign of agreeing with his command, and then Han Xin raised his arms high, and the soldiers who had been instructed by him immediately started running. The soldiers of Qin State were well trained and they Immediately under the command, it broke into an array, mainly the archers stepped forward.

There were about 8,000 archers. When they reached the sky over Chongqing, they immediately lined up and pointed their long bows at those who were galloping in front of them. When the European cavalry saw this, Han Xin did not hesitate. The arm swung down and fell with his arm.

With a bang, a large number of bows and arrows went out again. When these bows and arrows hit the sky, they formed a sky of bows and arrows, and then fell into the European cavalry who were charging. As the bows and arrows splashed away, the Jiangzhou cavalrymen rushed out. Raise your head to resist with weapons.

Their weapons kept moving, and when the bows and arrows fell, they were blown away by their weapons, and some other food was on them, but it didn't work much.

The purpose of their full body armor is to defend against long-range bows and arrows. After seeing this place, Han Xin did not move at all, and he was constantly facing the shooting bows and arrows of the soldiers.

The cavalry below are also moving forward quickly. They are facing a limited number of people involved in business. After all, their armor can protect the whole body, not just decoration!

They even felt that the offensive capabilities above the city wall were too weak, and their target was now the shivering Yinglong guards standing in front of the city gate.

After Yinglong escort was chased around by them, there were only less than three 14,000 people left in the original six thousand men. two people.

At this time, the lieutenant was also pale.

He knew that there was no way to hold on now. Facing the enemy's attack, they had to be abandoned. Under such circumstances, he couldn't help but tremble in his calf!

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