Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

589 The loss of 30,000 troops! (Please subscribe!)

After receiving Qin Huang's affirmation, Han Xin excitedly clasped his fists and knelt down to express his gratitude. At the same time, they promised to do a good job in attacking and try to disappear the enemy's queue in the middle of the road.

On the Daqin side, Han Xin assured the Qin Emperor that he would recharge and kill his team again, when Prince Caesar was standing on a high slope looking ahead.

Here the army has stopped, and a large number of cavalry are scattered on the flat ground, and in a huge plain behind these cavalry, there are nearly 200,000 troops stationed, and these people are on the spot. A shallow hole was dug in the ground, take a break!

There was some hay in the money pit, and some soldiers were sitting in it. Most of these soldiers were injured and their armor was tattered. This was the first wave of the previous attack. Han Xin led the Daqin soldiers under him to cause damage. .

Those who could not continue to move forward, in order to ensure the marching rhythm of the entire army, therefore, Prince Caesar would stop the army temporarily, and then continue to move forward after waiting. He looked directly at the expressions on the faces of the wounded soldiers on the ground ahead. It turned into a black color!

He was in a very dull and angry mood, and a lieutenant was standing next to him, softly saying that the wind was blowing, and he would go down temporarily.

At this moment, Prince Caesar kicked angrily on a stone in front of him, and with a bang, the stone was kicked over by him, and it tumbled directly to the bottom of the hill!

He then shouted loudly and shouted angrily, meaning to lead the soldiers directly into Ziwei City, and then kill all those Daqin people inside, and cut off the heads of those Han Xin who rushed forward with the soldiers. , and then hang it on the flagpole for ten days for shock and awe to relieve the hatred in my heart!

He kept shouting, and soon he calmed down himself. After all, he was the most trusted and valued house under Emperor Keller, and he had the ability to command!

It's just that because he didn't have enough combat experience, he was very angry after being attacked this time, and he didn't have any confidence. After venting at this time, he regained his confidence.

After all, there are 300,000 troops around him, and the loss of 30,000 troops is only a drop in the ocean for the entire team, and has no impact on the overall situation. Walk through the barracks below.

He wanted to inspect to see how many wounded soldiers were in the barracks!

At the same time, the soldiers in the general's battalion trained well, waiting for him to lead everyone to take revenge on the Daqin soldiers who came over, and chop off their heads.

Then, use these heads to avenge everyone.

When Prince Caesar was walking around and inspecting the front, the wounded soldiers in the camp also looked at him one after another.

Every time King Caesar (Mano Zhao) passed a place, he repeated the above passages again.

Under the encouragement of his words, the morale of the soldiers below continued to improve. Just as Prince Caesar thought, there were 300,000 troops on their side.

Although 10,000 people have already died, the remaining 20,000 people were only injured but not dead, and only a few were seriously injured, although these people were out of the footsteps of the army!

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