Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

570 Daqin swords, worn by the whole army! (Subscribe!)

If you don't need silver coins, we can give you food, but if you hide it and don't report it, your house will be directly closed in the future! You will also be pulled out and beheaded!"

As for Antonio's words, the man couldn't help shaking his fingers. There were only two paths in front of him, and he knew very well that as long as he cooperated, nothing would happen.

But if he doesn't cooperate, that's a big problem. Just when he was hesitating, there was a sudden noise from the house. It was the big guy who had refused the soldiers to enter. He pressed his hands on the wall with all his strength, ready to stand up!

But he was crushed to the ground by the soldiers under Antonio's hands. At this time, he didn't know what the thin man thought, he directly gritted his teeth and said: "They are in the cellar of my house, they are too cruel, Killed my family, please kill them all!

Avenge my family and bring them all to justice!"

After he finished speaking, Antonio immediately showed a smile, patted him on the shoulder and told him, rest assured, these people under his command will definitely help him. This house is fenced off!

Everyone pulled out their weapons and aimed at the front, but the man who blocked the entry of the bbbe soldiers opened his eyes and fiercely said to the thin man that he was courting death. Hearing this man, Antonio strode forward. He walked over, slapped him in the face, and slammed his directly slapped face against the wall and bounced back!

At this time, he immediately screamed because of the pain. Antonio directly grabbed his neck with one hand, lifted him up, glared at him and said, "What are you, the people of Daqin can be easily threatened by you. !

As soon as he spoke, he immediately pulled out, and the Great Qin sword he wore around his waist stabbed into the man's heart and nailed him to the wall!

Antonio himself used a knight's sword, but later he was given the Daqin sword because of his great military exploits. It will be pulled out, and while showing off, it will quickly kill the enemy with a sword!

In use, he found that the sword is more convenient than the knight's sword he used, and the power is strong, as if it should be his weapon by nature!

In response to this, Anthony had to directly abandon the knight's sword, and after killing this man, Antonio ignored it, blood dripped down the wall, and directly swayed his arms, letting the soldiers surround the house!

Then he looked at the emaciated man. When the man saw that Anthony was about to kill, his eyes first became frightened, and then he showed a determined look. He pointed directly to a place opposite and said that it was the entrance to the cellar. Follow his instructions!

The soldier immediately pulled the ground away, and as expected, he found a dark hole, and there was a sound of exclamation, followed by a cold light, and immediately came out of the hole.

After seeing this Han Guang, Antonio stepped back half a step, and then slashed forward with the sword, with a loud noise, the sword collided with the cold light that flew out, at this time Antonio took a closer look and found that it was a A knight's sword!.

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