Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

567 troop expansion plan, bring it up again! (Please subscribe!)

When Meng Yi was commanding the soldiers to rest here, he also reported this plan to Emperor Qin. The Emperor Qin and Su Qing listened to the report on Meng Yi's plan. When he heard that Meng Yi was preparing After taking a break here for a while, Emperor Qin secretly discussed with Su Qing!

He agreed with what he said. Anyway, the army has experienced a battle and needs a good rest. Moreover, the battle goal of the basic "480" book has been reached. At this time, there is no need to continue to advance, and Qin Huang also I feel very tired, so I might as well rest here for a while.

After Qin Huang and Su Qing listened to Meng Yi's data about the casualties, Qin Huang didn't feel much, he felt that it was nothing to kill some people in a battle.

But Su Qing felt a little apprehensive, because this time the number of soldiers brought by Da Qin was only 100,000 people. If the loss was too much, even if the entire European emperor was punished in the end, I am afraid there is no way to control them reasonably. This matter has to be considered.

So he suggested to Emperor Qin that he could take advantage of the period of rectification to get in touch with the local soldiers who were willing to take refuge in Daqin, or local civilians to recruit them together, and then form a new army to assist the soldiers of Daqin Go to war!

In this way, it can ease the pressure of Daqin soldiers, and secondly, it can make these local people more loyal to Daqin.

For Su Qing's proposal, Qin Huang carefully considered, and then agreed, and Meng Yi was also present, he obeyed Qin Huang's explanation to him, Qin Huang's words were naturally heard from Su Qing, he proceeded as usual Reciting, Meng Yi's eyes lit up immediately after listening to Emperor Qin's retelling.

He also thinks this is a good solution. In fact, this time the Qin soldiers lost more than one-fifth. If they continue to lose, I am afraid that in the end, none of his soldiers will be left. , under such circumstances.

If there is a reserve source of troops to support, then there will be great things to do in the future.

At the moment, Meng Yi immediately proposed to Emperor Qin in full spirit, and began to search for the local civilians to gather them in his hands.

Because in the city of King Arthur, the descendants gathered earlier can be used as the backbone, and then these local civilians can be absorbed into it for mixing!

Disperse their cohesion, disrupt each of their formations, and then use Daqin's soldiers as their captains or lieutenants to lead them.

In this way, the control of the entire army can be firmly grasped in the hands, and there is no worry that they will rebel. At the same time, it can be very useful to supplement the soldiers of Da Qin. For what Meng Yi said, Qin Huang was very useful, and he went on to Let Meng Yi go ahead and do this.

If there is a need to report to him again, it is enough. After Qin Huang finished speaking, Meng Yi could not wait to leave and go to 1.4 to do this. It can expand armaments. will do.

After Meng Yi left, Emperor Qin talked to Su Qing for a while, and then he went to sleep. At this time, Meng Yi was in good spirits, standing in the general's mansion he set up!

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