Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

563 Masculine attitude, very transparent! (Please subscribe!)

The Daqin soldiers who were standing on guard at the periphery had been replaced by the inner guards, the inner guards, who occupied all the main roads, and then the vicinity of the residence was protected by the safety of the Qin emperor. After that, Meng Yi and Han Xin And the generals of all sizes walked into the hall one after another to meet the Emperor Qin!

Emperor Qin was sitting in the hall at this time. This time, the prince's hall was also built magnificently, with a suspended ceiling above, and various local style chairs and tables beside it. The floor was also covered with carpets, and it was very soft to walk on.

For this place, Emperor Qin was very satisfied with those generals. After arriving under the leadership of Meng Yi and Han Xin, they paid tribute to Emperor Qin one after another!

For the kowtows of these generals, Emperor Qin accepted it with a smile, and then he sat on the main seat as if he was in the court and encouraged everyone first, praised everyone for their contributions, and also ordered Meng Yi to look for some precious things Reward to these generals below!

Let them know that after this big battle, Qin Huang did not forget them, and the generals were very happy about this, and Su Qing also smiled when watching it.

Qin Huang's work is very satisfying. These generals stood up after being encouraged and rewarded. At this time, Qin Huang asked how to do this next step. Meng Yi told the truth that he will now be in the city-state. The situation has been said again.

This city-state is larger than the previous city-state where King Arthur was, and the number of civilians in it is also very large. In addition, there are defeated soldiers who hide in the entire city during the battle. They are more difficult to deal with, and they must be one by one. pull it out!

Otherwise, it would be a hidden danger, and it would be very difficult to rule the entire city, so Emperor Qin let Meng Yi. Think about how to do it yourself, you can promote those local people to manage it, and after getting Qin Huang's order, Meng Yi immediately nodded in agreement.

After that, he stopped talking. Qin Huang looked around and let them all go down. The people under his command will naturally do the things here. Now he needs to rest. Qin Huang stayed at a distance before. Camp in the woods, although the camp is very well built!

But because it is made of new wood, it is relatively humid, and it is uncomfortable to live for a long time. At this time, when you arrive in the city-state, you should have a good rest when you have the conditions. This thing is more complicated!

The generals below also knew that Qin Huang had just arrived and had to take a good rest, so they went down first. Of course, these generals did not leave directly after walking out of the palace.

Instead, Meng Yi and Han Xin took him all the way to a nearby one. The courtyard in the courtyard was close to Wang Zifu, so it was established as the power center of the entire city. The generals had to discuss things here, and this was also the general. 477 Central location where the order was issued!

In this way, once there is a situation, it can be reported to the Qin Emperor in time, so that time will not be delayed.

For this approach of Meng Yi, those generals are all unconvinced!

When they arrived in the courtyard, they could see many elite soldiers standing nearby. These soldiers were the strongest soldiers who stayed on the battlefield. When they stood, they looked ahead!

His eyes were not disturbed at all. In the yard, there were no decorations except for the road to walk. The four squares showed the kind of masculine posture required by the army. When you walked into the hall, you could see that the windows were all opened. The light diffuses into the hall, making it very transparent!

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