Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

537 Weak point, find a breakthrough! (Please subscribe!)

Moreover, it is not suitable for the cavalry to advance at this time, the probability of the cavalry team colliding and dying is too high, and there are too many people on the main street here, and the cavalry cannot be used!

After the archers flew down, they caused great damage to the infantry in the half-armor. With the screams of the large area, the soldiers fell to the ground one after another, and Meng Yi stood in the middle of his team of Daqin soldiers. , holding up the sword in his hand.

"Forty Six Zero"

He constantly commanded the soldiers to charge forward. As his orders were issued, the soldiers showed their fighting will and fighting ability to slash forward, aiming at their enemies to launch the most valiant attack. When it hits the ground, it moves forward empty-handed, grabs the enemy directly, and starts to bite with its mouth open!

until the enemy is killed!

At this time, quite a lot of soldiers had gaps in their knives when they were slashing. This was because there were too many slashes, and the resistance they encountered was too strong.

The personnel on both sides kept colliding with the soldiers, and they kept dumping on the ground when they collided. The bloody aura emanated, and it was so thick that it couldn't be dispersed. The Prince Echo standing at the back of the team, after seeing this situation, his face changed. After several changes, he originally thought of letting the people on his side attack and drive those Qin soldiers away, but in the end he didn't succeed.

Now it seems that the combat effectiveness of the two sides is equal. Even in the infantry battle, the combat effectiveness of the Qin soldiers is stronger. Faced with this situation, he can only pray that Lan Yu will find those Qin soldiers quickly. The weak point of the soldiers, and then launched an attack to completely drive the Qin soldiers out of the city-state!

With this thought in mind, he turned to look in the direction Lan Yu was walking. At this time, he didn't find the missing figure. He finally regained his gaze, and the whole person seemed a little desolate. The soldiers are here, launching a round of collision.

The archers kept shooting arrows down, and the soldiers of the city-state screamed and fell to the ground one after another.

Originally, the soldiers of the Qin State had a catapult to smash stones. In the end, because Lan Yu broke up their colleague's machine, they couldn't use it. They could only shoot arrows with bows and arrows. Without a huge threat to life, you also know how to use a bow and arrow for intensive shooting!

The bows and arrows on their side are still sufficient, and when they shoot arrows forward, they form a rain of swords. Generally, the two sides are constantly looking at each other. The soldiers who have been invited are relatively well equipped!

Every three soldiers have a shield to guard, guarding the side. When the bow and arrows are shot down, the shield soldiers will raise the shield horizontally and the clanging sound is endless!

These shields combine to form a problem, so that more people can be protected, so that they can hide under the Iron Curtain to avoid the bow and arrow hitting them!

Under this round of bows and arrows, the number of their deaths was relatively small. However, the battle between the two sides could not be directly stalemate in this 1.4. In fact, Meng Yi was still anxious, because they were a long distance. fight..

Although they fight bravely, if they are entangled here and fill the entire battlefield with human lives, relatively speaking, the soldiers of the Qin State are still at a disadvantage. They are very troublesome to supplement personnel for expeditionary operations, and there is no that condition.

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