Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

529 Point out a clear way and avoid fighting! (Please subscribe!)

Lan Yu promised them that it would not be long before he would come with Prince Echo's orders, and then bring them to build credits and become higher generals.

It is because of these commitments that these soldiers of different affiliations will stay here, no one has any movement, just waiting for you to lead them to make achievements, just at this moment, this fat general came to take them under his own hands, How is it possible to agree?

It was precisely because of this that they quarreled. The fat general raised his hand and slapped one of the captains in the face, almost breaking his face. These captains were naturally unhappy. Seeing Prince Echo coming over, They were all ready to cry!

But I didn't expect Prince Echo, so I would go out for them first without thinking about it!

These captains were moved in their hearts, and the rest of the soldiers also showed excited expressions on their faces. Lan Yu came over and they seemed to have found the backbone.

Because they were abandoned and dismantled in the past, it was Lan Yu who led them and gathered them together to help them stabilize the army and stabilize the formation. This is on the battlefield where there is no death. You must know that death on the battlefield is fleeting. If the queue is not meticulous enough and the doodles of Liushenwuzhu sway, they may be hurt by their own people because of some inappropriate behavior.

Lan Yu can point out a clear path for them on the battlefield, and let them avoid fighting. Staying in this safe space is already very good to them. It makes them grateful, and they naturally don't think about being included. Of course, The irresistible factor is another matter.

At this time, when Lan Yu returned, everyone wanted him to come forward to save face for himself and the captains. When Lan Yu stood still, he immediately finished talking about what had just happened, and after listening to this What the captain said, Lan Yu also showed a displeased look on her face!

Originally, he wanted to use these 5,000 people as his subordinates, as capital for promotion, but now he has to be picked up by this fat general, how can he bear it?

He made due etiquette, handed the waist card to the fat general to watch, and explained to him that the 5,000 men and horses belonged to him, and he would leave if he was wise!

He also doesn't want to cause any more trouble, but if he doesn't know each other, Lan Yu will not give up the opportunity to educate the other party.

But when he saw the fat general standing opposite, he suddenly had a black face and piled up and said loudly: "Bold, you dare to forge the waist card and forge the prince's order, I will not let you go, someone will take him down. , Come to the prince with me and talk about it.~!

After he finished speaking, he asked the soldiers who followed him to come forward to prepare to take down Lan Yu, and Lan Yu's face turned black when he saw this!

He naturally knew how the other party was thinking. If he had doubts about the waist card, he would not be able to take her down. Instead, he directly sent troops to ask Prince Echo, and he naturally knew the truth.

At this time, it is estimated that he wanted to restrict his movements, and then seized her waist to face the rest of the soldiers, so as to achieve his goal of gathering the soldiers here (Li Zhao)!

At this time, Lan Yu naturally refused.

He frowned immediately and said, "..who dares to touch me?"

After he finished speaking, he saw that the five hundred soldiers who were coming behind him immediately stepped forward, most of them held their weapons, and looked at the soldiers who were about to charge in front of them, ready to kill at any time!

After seeing their appearance, the fat general who led the troops immediately shouted angrily: "You are so bold, how dare you obstruct me from arresting people!"

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