Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

527 The official position is very large and extremely arrogant! (Please subscribe!)

At this time, Lan Yu has an important task, that is, to lead the soldiers to contain those Daqin soldiers who were brought by Meng Yi!

Let them change their direction of travel, or let them collapse from the rear and be driven out of the city-state.

After the idea was settled, Lan Yu immediately led the remaining 500 soldiers around him. These 500 soldiers were sent to him by Prince Echo earlier. There were only five hundred people left.

However, being able to survive on the battlefield itself shows that the combat skills of these 500 people are very superb, their combat effectiveness is also relatively powerful, and their ability to avoid danger is very strong, these 500 people, Lan Yu intends to be his core Staff training!

In the future, they will protect their own safety. As for the remaining 5,000 men and horses, Lan Yu has placed them in a hidden place next to them, waiting for his order to act. These 5,000 men and horses belong to different armies!

But in the follow-up, because the establishment between them has been broken up, and the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, it is very dangerous, Prince Echo ordered those soldiers to assemble and attack directly, and have no time to take care of these, and it is cheap to be settled next to the 5,000 people. Lan Yu!

Lan Yu could justifiably hold the token at this time and become their general and command them to fight. You must know that these five thousand men and horses are all riding horses, elite cavalry, they are all wearing full body armor, and the Weapons are sharp enough.

As long as Lan Yu gave his order, they would move forward at full speed without frowning at all!

When Lan Yu led the 500 soldiers and horses to walk in the direction of the 5,000 people, he heard a noise from afar. The 5,000 people he had settled with were being reprimanded by another group of people.

At this time, before the people and horses, a person riding on a horse should be dressed as a general!

On the opposite side are several soldiers in ordinary armor.

They are all captains appointed by Lan Yu to restrain the soldiers of the army!

He was temporarily placed among the 5,000 people, and the faces of those who were the captains were very ugly.

What are you arguing about!

However, in the end, because the person who spoke was a general with a great position, he was not able to speak about him in the end.

Lan Yu was just proud that these 5,000 men and horses fell into his hands, which could improve his strength a bit. Now, he heard someone want to reprimand the soldiers in his hands, which is worth it!

Moreover, the battlefield is extremely dangerous at this time, and all the soldiers have entered the battlefield. No one will arrive here at this time. Immediately, he will speed up and take the five hundred soldiers who survived the battlefield and walk directly there!

As soon as he arrived at the edge, he heard an extremely arrogant reprimand, the voice coming from a man with a big poop and two beards on his face!

The armor he is wearing has been stretched to the point of cracking, and the armor is not a full-body armor-type half-body armor. It's not that he can't equip the full-body armor, but because of his appearance, he really can't fit into the 1.4. Full body armor like a jar.

He can only use this kind of half-body armor with less protection, and the warhorses he rides are also very powerful, if they are thinner warhorses.

At this time, I am afraid that I will go home and lie down. This person is sitting there like a piece of flying. Of course, this description is slightly inappropriate, but in fact it is true.

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