Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

The mind of 518 subordinates, 50people! (Please subscribe!)

They are all captains appointed by Lan Yu to restrain the soldiers of the army!

He was temporarily placed among the 5,000 people, and the faces of those who were the captains were very ugly.

What are you arguing about!

However, in the end, because the person who spoke was a general with a great position, he was not able to speak to him in the end.

Lan Yu was just proud that these 5,000 men and horses fell into his hands, which could improve his strength a bit. Now, he heard someone want to reprimand the soldiers in his hands, which is worth it!

Moreover, the battlefield is extremely dangerous at this time, and all the soldiers have entered the battlefield. No one will arrive here at this time. Immediately, he will speed up and take the five hundred soldiers who survived the battlefield and walk directly there!

As soon as he arrived at the edge, he heard an extremely arrogant reprimand, the voice coming from a man with a big poop and two beards on his face!

The armor he was wearing was already so stretched that it was about to crack, and the armor wasn't a full-body armor-type half-body armor. It wasn't because he couldn't equip the full-body armor, but because of his appearance, he really couldn't fit in that stuffy jar. Same full body armor.

He can only use this kind of half-body armor with less protection, and the warhorses he rides are also very powerful, if they are thinner warhorses.

At this time, I am afraid that I will go home and lie down. This person is sitting there like a piece of flying. Of course, this description is slightly inappropriate, but in fact it is true.

He is very fat.

The moment Lan Yu arrived with the people, the fat-looking general who was riding on the warhorse slapped one of the captains in the face, knocking him to the ground.

At this time, Lan Yu immediately stepped forward and without hesitation, pulled out the long sword he was wearing, and then swung it hard towards the front.

When he saw a soldier standing beside the general, he roared.

He waved the weapon in his hand and directly collided with the long sword shot by Lan Yu. When the two sides collided, only a few jingles were heard, and sparks flew!

The long sword in Lan Yu's hand was also beaten back, but he himself looked at the front with fierce eyes. The captains who were standing on the ground on the opposite side all showed excitement when they saw him coming. Everyone gathered around, but Lan Yu did not. Ignore them, but look ahead!

Looking at the fat man on the warhorse, he said, "Who are you to scold my subordinates here!"

After he finished speaking, the fat man immediately raised his head, looked at Lan Yu with his small eyes and said, "Who are you? I haven't seen you before! These soldiers were originally my subordinates, When is it counted as your subordinate?

After he finished speaking, Lan Yu immediately took out the token he just got from behind!

At the same time, he said loudly: "Bold! This general has been ordered by Prince Echo! Leading 5,000 men and horses to rush to kill the enemy, why are you not on the battlefield?

But come here to teach my soldiers, who gave you the right to have the prince's order to dispatch troops?

His words were to the point, and when he spoke, he was arrogant and full of posture.

And the fat man riding on the warhorse was stunned for a moment when he saw his appearance, and then took a closer look. The token he held in his hand first became shorter!

Originally, he relied on himself as a general, so he was able to reprimand his subordinates!

This person is a coward. He deliberately fell behind during the battle, wanted to pick up a bargain, and was ready to rush up when the battle situation became clear.

If the city-state has an advantage, then he will lead his troops, crush it from the rear, and take credit. If the city-state falls into a defeated situation and is rushed in by the enemy, he will immediately disarm and surrender.

At the same time, he will assist the rushing enemy to become the enemy's lackey to crush the people on his side. In short, he is a speculator!

Originally, he wanted to hide behind and wait for the battle to clear up and rush out, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a lot of soldiers and horses standing in a nearby open space. He originally thought he was sent here for the prince. of!

When he found out that all these people were not managed by anyone, he immediately took it to heart. In fact, in the city-state, among the generals, there are some competing generals who have a large number of people under them, so this general is in the heart of Prince Echo. Your position will increase a lot!

And if the strength is strong, the rest of the generals will not dare to go to the sun at will, so when he sees these five thousand troops, he immediately has the idea of ​​​​collecting them!

However, his idea was immediately dismissed after he said it.

These people who were appointed by Lan Yu to be the team captains all fought brilliantly on the battlefield.

Moreover, the soldiers with strong fighting ability are only small soldiers themselves. They can become captains only when Lan Yu likes them. Naturally, they are very convinced of his words, and they are loyal enough to him.

Lan Yu promised them that it would not be long before he would come with Prince Echo's orders, and then bring them to build credits and become higher generals.

It is because of these commitments that these soldiers of different affiliations will stay here, no one has any movement, just waiting for you to lead them to make achievements, just at this moment, this fat general came to take them under his own hands, How is it possible to agree?

It was precisely because of this that they had an argument. The fat general raised his hand and slapped one of the captains in the face, almost breaking his face. Naturally, these captains were upset and watched Prince Echo come over. , they all stepped forward to prepare to cry!

But I didn't expect Prince Echo, so I would go out for them first without thinking about it!

These captains were moved in their hearts, and the rest of the soldiers also showed excited expressions on their faces. Lan Yu came over and they seemed to have found the backbone.

Because they were abandoned and dismantled in the past, it was Lan Yu who led them and gathered them together to help them stabilize the army and stabilize the formation. This is on the battlefield where there is no death. You must know that death on the battlefield is fleeting. If the queue is not meticulous enough and the doodles of Liushenwuzhu sway, they may be hurt by their own people because of some inappropriate behavior.

Lan Yu can point out a clear path for them on the battlefield, and let them avoid fighting. Staying in this safe space is already very good to them. It makes them grateful, and they naturally don't think about being included. Of course, The irresistible factor is another matter.

At this time, when Lan Yu returned, everyone wanted him to come forward to save face for himself and the captains. When Lan Yu stood still, he immediately finished talking about what had just happened, and after listening to this What the captain said, Lan Yu also showed a displeased look on her face!

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