Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

508 The qualifications are still shallow, and the troops are self respecting! (Please subscribe!)

He then said: "Hurry up and invite Lan Yu over!"

This time he used the word invitation!

After he finished speaking, the soldiers went to invite Lan Yu to come over, and then stood in front of Prince Echo.

Lan Yu clasped his fists with both hands and said, "Reporting to the prince, this subordinate is willing to lead the soldiers to destroy the trebuchet that the other party has captured!

After he finished speaking, Prince Lanyu almost burst into tears!

So impressed!

The lieutenants under his command all started to brag and flatter him about how central they were, but he didn't expect that at the critical moment, Lan Yu was the one who caught his heart the most!

11 Seeing that Prince Echo was very complacent and his face turned a few times, he immediately said: "Prince, do you not agree with your subordinates to go ahead and do things?

After he finished speaking, Prince Echo immediately took a deep breath, and he pressed Lan Yu's shoulder with his palm and said, "How could it be that none of my lieutenants are willing to risk their lives to destroy the enemy. Those heads of the world, only you agree!

And he asked for his life on his own initiative, and it was too late for this king to be happy. 35

After he finished speaking, he directly pressed Lan Yu's shoulder and said, "If this is done, you will be the most powerful general under my hands!

I will hand over all the troops in my hands to you to manage, and you can kill everything on the battlefield first!"

After he finished speaking, the rest of the lieutenants were shocked. No one thought that Prince Echo would give Lan Yu so much power!

You must know that all the lieutenants do not have such treatment.

Therefore, some lieutenants began to speak in opposition.

Of course, they didn't directly oppose it, but they pointed out in a euphemistic tone that Lan Yu's qualifications were still relatively low, and he was later accepted by the prince's side, preventing him from taking his own arms in the end. Of course, only smart people can listen to these words. come out.

Lan Yu could also hear it, he frowned slightly, but he didn't say that his loyalty did not need to be proved by words, he believed that if it took a long time, Prince Echo would naturally know, and at this time Prince Echo also frowned. .

He somewhat believed the words of the lieutenants under his command. After all, those lieutenants had followed him for a long time. Relatively speaking, the center was stronger than Lan Yu.

After this time, none of these lieutenants dared to go forward to destroy those trebuchets, because the trebuchets were surrounded by Daqin soldiers. These Daqin soldiers are too elite, and their combat effectiveness is so powerful that it is impossible to defeat them easily.

These lieutenants were afraid to rush up and lose their lives. After weighing the two, Prince Echo decided to trust Lan Yu. After all, only Lan Yu dared to step forward to help him at this time.

If those trebuchets are not broken, I am afraid that the soldiers on their side will always be immersed in fear, and I am afraid that they will be crushed and defeated by the soldiers of Daqin after 440.

He made a decision in his heart, and then said loudly: "I have already decided, none of you need to say more, now only Lan Yu dares to do things for me, who of you dare to replace Lan Yu to destroy the trebuchet?

I also give him all my promises to make him a general!"

After Prince Echo finished speaking, the lieutenants who were originally opposed to them all stopped speaking. They all dared not help Prince Echo to kill those trebuchets. After seeing their appearance, Prince Echo completely gave up and continued to believe. The thoughts of these lieutenants.

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