Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

499 Charge command, tragic death on the spot! (Please subscribe!)

In the end, these lieutenants could only grit their teeth and endure it. They each held up their weapons and charged forward quickly, and the soldiers who were following them also kept increasing their speed!

As for Han Xin at this time, in addition to letting the archers release arrows to consume the number of opponents, he also ordered a team of cavalry to run directly from the rear, chase and kill these rushing city-state cavalry from the rear, and block their back roads.

Following Han Xin's command, these cavalrymen assembled one after another and formed a huge team and began to quickly rush forward to the team of these city-state cavalrymen running at the front.

When they reached the rear of the team, they immediately chopped the weapons in their hands towards the back of the city-state cavalry. At this time, all the city-state cavalry were speeding up their horses and running forward.

No one cares about what's going on behind the scenes!

When the soldiers of Daqin rushed into their crowd, a bloody storm broke out immediately!

Because the soldiers of these city-states are all facing forward, they attack from behind, and they have no ability to parry, even if someone reacts very quickly and turns around and uses weapons to resist.

However, with a single strength, there was no way to resist these brave Qin soldiers, and they were beaten to the bottom of the war horses one after another.

After the sound of the human body falling, the soldiers of the city gate died tragically on the spot. At this time, the Daqin soldiers did not stop. The Daqin soldiers who arranged the pocket formation slowly retreated, and finally they were at the camp of the Emperor Qin. , thousands of able-bodied soldiers assembled.

They hold thick shields directly on the ground, so that a high wall is formed, and those in the front row have to pass over, but in time to face the shields of later generations, the war horses will knock them out when they hit them. There is simply no way to break through.

The strong warriors in the rear can use their shoulders to put their shields on their shoulders to increase their strength. In this way, they can withstand the impact of the cavalry, and the soldiers who are guarding the side take this opportunity to straighten their spears and move forward. Shock, the long spears in their hands are more useful than short knives.

The spear only needs to be aimed at the warhorse ahead. As long as the warhorse is stabbed, the warhorse will die immediately. Undoubtedly, as for the soldiers on the warhorse, if they fall under the platform at this time, they will also be supplemented by the soldiers. He was hacked to death on the spot, with blood splashing and screaming in a row!

Those city-state cavalrymen were knocked down one after another, and then stabbed to death on the spot. Well, the 8,000 cavalrymen were exhausted in an instant. Facing this victory, the soldiers of Da Qin were very calm, but everyone was very excited.

After all, even if the 8,000 cavalry were taken out, it would still be a huge area to spread out on the ground!

Even their blood stained the ground of the entire camp, after seeing that all the cavalry were killed.

Han Xin also let out a sigh of relief, and then he said: "The person who comes here must clean up this place and clean up the blood stains, so as not to disturb the Emperor Qin.~!"

Immediately after he finished speaking, soldiers walked over and dragged the corpse away. The flames that were still burning far away (okay) just threw the corpse into the fire and burned it!

After their bodies were burnt clean, their armor was gathered up.

As for weapons, they are thrown on the ground in front of them on the spot, and they can be classified or re-refined at that time.

The dead city-state soldiers were dragged away, and those Qing soldiers began to clear the ground, they sprinkled new loess, because the blood spilled on the ground was not easy to clean, and could only be covered with a layer of loess!

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