Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

483 powerful combat power, rush to the opp1nt! (Please subscribe!)

I only heard the sound of a small stone flying up into the sky and then moving towards the team led by Lan Yu. The stone that we used to be one person high hit the top of the soldiers in an instant, and the soldiers were knocked over with a loud bang. on the ground!

The war horse they were riding was also smashed into a flat shape at this time, and the blood was scattered around like a gushing waterfall, and the ground was dyed red.

After a round of firing, the stone was too late to continue filling, and the city-state cavalry led by Lan Yu arrived!

At this time, Meng Yi raised the spear in his hand and loudly ordered the soldiers behind him to rush forward quickly, don't be afraid!

He ordered the Daqin cavalry to rearrange their formation at this time, and then turned around and quickly moved towards Lan Yu and the others who were charging over to attack 11.

At this time, the soldiers of both sides were the soldiers who led Meng Yi's side by their respective commanders. They held war knives in their hands, and when they lined up to run wildly here, the armors they wore clang!

With a very strong fighting spirit.

On the other hand, the city-state cavalry led by Lan Yu also had excited expressions in their eyes. They all knew that this was the most crucial battle. If they could not stop these, the Daqin cavalry rushing in madly, then they wanted to protect the city wall. This thought immediately became nothingness!

Because of this, everyone took out all the rights. Meng Yi and Lan Yu met at the first time. There was no war when the two sides were in front. other side.

The iron spear in Meng Yi's hand swung like a whirlwind, and the knight's sword in Lan Yu's hand on the opposite side was also swung like a flash of light. They collided in the next moment with the help of the impact force of the war horse. Now, at the moment when the two sides collided, the weapons also staggered by each other.

And then these weapons made a jingle sound!

The iron spear in Meng Yi's hand was very fast when he swung it, and it was heavy!

Lan Yu is relatively at a loss!

But he is experienced, and he is wearing full-body armor, facing the impact of the iron spear, directly using the armor on his elbow for protection, but it resists the sliding force of the iron spear and does not hurt himself.

The next moment Lan Yu began to aim the knight's sword in his hand, and Meng Yi followed a Daqin cavalry to charge over!

The knight's sword in his hand is very sharp. When he was attacking forward, with the whistling sound of wind and snow and the soldiers of Daqin saw his attack, they immediately rushed up with the sword, ready to cut him. Flip under the warhorse!

But he didn't expect Lan Yu's combat power to be very strong. He had seen the opponent's sword coming, and without hesitation, he retracted his arm, making the opponent flutter in the air!

Then he raised one leg horizontally, and with a bang, he used the armor on his leg to catch the slash of the opponent's sword. He was not injured in this section, but he himself took the opportunity to attack the 417 meeting. The back of the head of the Daqin soldier passes through!

With just one blow, a deep blood hole was poked out of the back of the cavalry's head, and the cavalry then fell to the ground and died on the spot!

When he fell to the ground, he was also trampled by his own warhorse. It was normal for people to die on the battlefield, and the rest of the companions directly waved their weapons towards Lan Yu again.

Everyone didn't even look at the soldier who fell off the horse. Only the living people have the right to speak on the battlefield. Therefore, everyone just wanted to kill the Lan Yu who kept rushing forward. With the limited impact of the cavalry , A large number of cavalry began to charge in Lan Yu's direction.

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