Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

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He immediately ordered his subordinates to say, "Let's see what happened to Lan Yu, who is commanding the battle ahead? The number of Qin soldiers in the city gate has increased so much!"

After he finished speaking, the guards around him immediately stepped forward!

The guard ran to Lan Yu's side.

Lan Yu was gritting her teeth at this time, standing in the direction of the city gate.

At this time, he saw the anxious faces of the soldiers, and after they were a little unstable, he immediately ordered all the teams to merge together in "400"!

Then he prepared to form a cone formation and rushed into the city gate hole, but the few lieutenants who did not obey his orders dragged them all away, preventing the team from gathering in time!

So much time wasted, that Meng Yi, who was standing in the Chengmen Cave, found an opportunity to mobilize a large number of Qin soldiers from outside to reach the Chengmen Cave!

At this time, even if they wanted to counterattack, it might be too late.

At this time, the messenger sent by Prince Echo also came to him to inquire.

Lan Yu asked the messenger to reply that he would be intercepted immediately!

At the same time, he looked loudly at the lieutenants standing beside him and said, "I know some of you are very upset about me!

I feel that I am deeply favored by the prince and have robbed you of your status!

But think about it, if you don't cooperate at this time, and I let those Qin soldiers run into the city gate, it will be a massacre.

They are not something ordinary city-state soldiers can resist!"

At this time, a city-state guard said: "How old are you? Our city-state soldiers are strictly trained!

Ordinary robbers are nothing more than chickens in their hands!

It is easy to kill these Qin soldiers.

If it is really powerful, it will not be blocked in the city gate and can't get out!

After hearing his words, Lan Yu immediately gritted her teeth and said, "You are confused, didn't you see it?

The soldiers of the Qin State in this city gate cave were not blocked by you, but were deliberately delaying time!

I want to secure the victory in the city gate hole! 35

After he finished speaking, he raised his two fingers and pointed towards the city gate hole!

At this time, the rest of the lieutenants turned their heads and saw that a large number of Qin soldiers gathered in the city gate hole, and they did not charge forward too much!

Instead, with the help of a few shield players in the front row, the formation was stabilized!

A large number of pikemen in the rear, relying on the rear of the shield player, continue to attack forward!

At the same time, there were several archers shooting arrows in the direction of Nagato-dong.

Although their efficiency in clearing city-state soldiers is very low, they are moving forward steadily.

Those city-state soldiers seemed to gather in the direction of the city gate hole, but they continued to lose blood, and eventually they would all be shot dead on the spot!

After seeing this situation, all the lieutenants were shocked.

Of course they knew that if this continued, Chengmendong would become the home ground for Qin soldiers.

Originally, they were still feeling complacent for their soldiers who could block Qin soldiers!

At this time, all information is thrown away!

Taking this opportunity, Lan Yu stepped forward and said loudly: "If you believe me, follow my instructions immediately, and there is still a chance to block them back!

If you don't believe me, fall into a state of loose sand again.

Maybe all of you will die in the end, and there will be no way to intercept these Qin soldiers who rushed into the city.

The prince's rebuke punishment is small, if the 1.4 city-state is turned into a battlefield, I'm afraid no one will be better off!

After hearing his words, the lieutenants standing next to each other looked at each other․

Finally, a lieutenant said: "Okay, we will follow your command, what should we do now!?"

After hearing his words, Lan Yu's face brightened with joy!

He then said: "First, withdraw all the soldiers who were blocking the direction of the city gate!

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