Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

455 Report immediately, elite cavalry! (Please subscribe!)

After listening to his words, these generals were not as neat and tidy as Prince Echo had previously instructed.

They looked at Lan Yu and spoke with some disdain and contempt.

"Who are you? You told us that!

"You instructed a knight commander under King Arthur to be appreciated by the prince, but he wanted to turn his head and ride on top of us!

"That's right! You really think of yourself as a scallion, why should we listen to your orders!

"Tell you, today you must hand over the power yourself, or we will never finish with you!"

Lan Yu hasn't given the order yet, these people have already started talking about you and me.

In the words, Lan Yu was extremely contemptuous.

And threatened to let him hand over power.

This situation made Lan Yu feel very anxious in her heart.

Qin Bing was blocked outside the city gate, but it was not impossible to rush into the city gate hole!

If the people on their side did not gather together before the other side rushed over.

If you do not complete the defense against the enemy, you will step into the footsteps of the previous King Arthur!

When someone broke through the city gate, and then came to the city, all the civilians and soldiers in the city would be finished.

Including the leader here, Prince Echo!

Immediately Lan Yu said loudly: "Are you going to disregard the prince's orders.~?"

Now hurry up and do as I say, or I will sue the prince for your sins!

After he finished speaking, the generals below immediately looked at him through gritted teeth.

Prince Echo has always reprimanded these people. After all, Prince Echo is not a slapstick like King Arthur.

The ability to control the hands is still very good!

These generals were not afraid of Lan Yu, but they were afraid that Prince Echo would go mad.

Prince Echo will really chop off their heads!

At this time, one of the generals headed looked at Lan Yu and said, "Let's wait and see!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand and said, "Immediately rectify the team and let the army gather together!

After he finished speaking, the rest of the generals also left.

Lan Yu sighed at this time.

Originally, he thought that he would be able to consolidate the military power and make the soldiers under his hand into a single piece to face the elite Qin cavalry!

Unexpectedly, such a thing came out, disrupting all his plans.

However, the current situation can only be taken one step at a time.

Hopefully these generals will put the bigger picture first.

While thinking about Lan Yu, she took her saber and walked to the side of the street to watch what happened on the other side of the door.

At this time thousands of soldiers gathered at the gate of the city.

The soldiers looked very nervous.

At this time, in the city gate cave, Meng Yi commanded the soldiers under his command, and they rushed towards the front with their weapons!

They are to deal with those city-state soldiers blocking the gate of the city gate!

And at the city gate hole behind them, a series of bows and arrows are shooting at them!

This situation made Meng Yi anxious.

On the city wall, archers shot down arrows constantly, blocking the route of the army outside.

Some Qin soldiers wanted to go to rescue Meng Yi, but as soon as they reached the gate of the city, they were immediately stopped by the bow and arrow shot from the city tower.

Some of their soldiers fell to the ground with arrows, and soon there were piles of dead bodies on the ground.

The corpses were horribly deceased.

The whole body is covered with bows and arrows.

They were all shot.

Those city-state soldiers standing on the tower, at this time, showed happy expressions on their faces!

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