Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

441 City State Cavalry Regiment, extremely sharp! (Subscribe!)

At that time, when the war is the most tense, send personnel to carry out sneak attacks, so that the city-state can be saved by surprise!

After he finished speaking, his men hesitated slightly.

At this time, Allen said with a stern face: "Why, as a general, don't you listen to what I say?

There is some threat in the words!

After listening to his orders, the soldiers under him immediately bowed their heads and agreed.

After getting the consent of his soldiers, Allen finally stopped being angry.

He rearranged his armor, and then said: "Everyone is waiting here, take a break!

Follow my orders! If there are private actors, kill them directly!

Ellen speaks with high spirits!

After all, although the 30,000 horses were damaged by 1/2,390, there are still some people who may not have the strength to fight!

He was thinking at this moment, how to lead the troops to save the entire city-state in times of crisis, and eventually he might turn from a defeated general with a felony to a hero who saves the people in the midst of water and fire!

With this thought in mind, Alan couldn't help but smile.

At the same time, in the forest about ten miles away from the Allen Corps, Qin Hua was surrounded by soldiers, watching the report from the front.

This report was sent here by Meng Yi.

He knew that Emperor Qin definitely wanted to know about the battle ahead, so he sent troops to explain everything that happened (bbbe).

When he learned that the Qin soldiers were fighting bravely and ambushed at the crossroads, the city-state cavalry regiment was about to run over.

Emperor Qin was also very happy. He pointed to the report and said to Su Qing: "Look at the elite soldiers under my command. They are very elite and can easily destroy the enemy army! 39

After hearing his words, Su Qing didn't know that this was Emperor Qin's boasting.

This is the old problem of Emperor Qin.

Immediately, he said with a chuckle: "The world is infinite, and Qin Bing is elite, naturally it is good.

But also, you have to be careful, it is hard to guarantee that you will end up in a fight!

It must be known that at this time, the Qin army's expedition fighters are limited, and relying on the consumption of those vassal soldiers, I am afraid that it will not be able to maintain their combat effectiveness for a long time.

One of them died, but one less, very precious!"

Speaking of this Qin Emperor, he put the back of his hand, looked at the sky outside the tent, and said, "It's okay! These vassals are second, and my focus is still on my Daqin soldiers!

They will definitely be able to help and take down this barbarian land!

Then turn it into the land of Da Qin!

What Qin Huang said was very domineering.

Su Qing didn't say anything, what he wanted was for Qin Huang to maintain such a sharp and domineering arrogance.

In this way, more land can be conquered.

Then his reward will be even more generous.

Su Qing is very much looking forward to how he will grow by then.

With this thought in mind, he stopped talking.

At this time, in the city-state ahead, Prince Echo was standing above the city wall with a group of people.

It's been half a day now.

You can't just stand there.

Because it will be tiring for a long time.

Therefore, Prince Echo ordered his men to start preparing the gazebo.

This pavilion is a temporary structure.

Just above the city wall, install some wooden sheds, and then sit in them and block some sunlight!

The main reason is that Prince Echo is more worried about the city-state cavalry led by Allen in front.

Can they beat Qin soldiers?

Therefore, he did not go back to the city, but sat just above the city wall and waited with the rest of the core men.

King Arthur sat next to him.

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