Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

436 Trample on each other, the damage is great! (Please subscribe!)

Encircled these Qin cavalry and killed them all!

Under such circumstances, the situation of Meng Yi and his men became critical!

At this time, Meng Yi said loudly: "Send a signal to let the vassals start to attack, and smash through the targets of these city-states from the periphery."9

Meng Yi could see that if they were encircled, there would be little chance of them trying to get out because their speed was limited!

At this time, external help must be sought.

When those vassals fought on the battlefield, they were very brave.

All this is seen.

However, at that time, Meng Yi and the others were facing Allen's main force 390, so the two sides fought further!

As for the vassals, they lined up beside them to make soy sauce.

They don't know how to enter the battlefield at this time!

After Meng Yi asked his subordinates to issue an order, he immediately took out a horn and blew it loudly.

The sound of the horn was passed out, and the vassals who were watching on the side were all in high spirits at this time.

They knew that the sound of the horn meant that they had rushed, and the place where the horn sounded was the direction where they charged forward. The vassals who survived on the battlefield rushed forward frantically under the leadership of their respective captains!

They are very powerful.

Straight to the seam of the cavalry team!

After arriving here, they all aimed at their former companions in front of them with their weapons and rushed over.

All are European style cavalry, and they all wear armor!

And their offensive moves and skills are the same, the soldier with the knight's gun is in front!

If the long knight's spear is on those knights, even if they are wearing full armor, they will be pushed to the ground.

At this time, very few people can escape.

Unless you shoot with bows and arrows, and the rear has something to do with knight swords, they are lined up in neat queues until they reach the front of the array!

At this time, Allen was leading the troops and was concentrating on dealing with Meng Yi.

He didn't even realize that there was someone of his own rushing over from behind!

Of course, these (bbbe) vassal soldiers who have surrendered to Qin are not their own!

but their enemy he

Unprepared, these vassals were immediately rammed into their outer defensive team, and there was a clatter mixed with loud screams!

Those European cavalry were knocked over to the ground, and the cavalry team that surrendered to Daqin was very crippled!

Some of them were beheaded by Lan Yu's troops before, and they were very unhappy in their hearts.

Everyone wants to find their way back.

Now Meng Yi has given them a chance, and everyone cherishes it very much.

At this time, they have come up with a powerful fighting force!

They dashed straight into each other's formations, and a fierce battle began between them!

The originally perfect surrounding formation had a gap!

This is the effect of fighting.

At this time, Meng Yi found this situation and immediately shouted loudly: "Soldiers! We have to change the formation, don't fight with each other, rush out and talk about it!"5

After he finished speaking, he immediately started running towards the edge area!

His target was not Aaron who rushed over, but the gap that was opened!

As he reached the side, the entire formation immediately changed.

Finally, he ran fast with him as the center.

When they were running, Allen naturally wanted to hunt down!

However, his team is still huge, and he can't turn around easily, and he has to turn around.

Otherwise, you will trample on yourself and cause great damage.

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