Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

432 is incomparable, very brave! (Please subscribe!)

They originally wanted to form a group and reach the front to deal with the Qin cavalry, but they didn't expect to be separated at this time!

As a result, their original attack plan was useless!

Because the Qin cavalry maintained a triangular formation, the gaps that were cut became bigger and bigger!

As the gap widens, the space for those city-state cavalry activities to be compressed is extremely small!

One of the characteristics of the triangle formation is that it is injected into the opponent's array along with his team.

If the current trend is not hijacked as soon as possible, then after more and more cavalry teams penetrate into it, a local situation of fighting more and fighting less will be formed!

This is very bad for the overall situation!

But for the Qin cavalry, it is very beneficial!

With the arrival of a large number of Qin cavalry, they are often a few cavalry to deal with a city-state ~ cavalry!

These Daqin cavalry-soldiers are all armed with war knives!

Even if the fighting skills of the city-state cavalry are formidable, they will not be able to support the siege!

The screams kept ringing!

Although they wear full body armor, their protection is still very good when dealing with impact.

However, in the face of constant collisions, the soldiers gradually couldn't hold on anymore.

It's not that the soldiers don't care, it's that there are too many people on the other side!

They work hard!

Ellen took the lead and rushed forward!

When he was fighting against Meng Yi before, Meng Yi used his fancy skills to directly smash him and almost fell under the horse.

Fortunately, he was very skilled, and finally turned back.

However, this incident made him have lingering fears, so after sitting down again, he immediately stabilized his mind.

The knight sword in his hand was squeezed tightly by him, dealing with the Qin cavalry.

At this time, he was greeted by ordinary Daqin soldiers!

Although these Daqin soldiers are very capable of fighting, they are no match for Meng Yi.

They're a notch below Ellen.

Although Allen showed great joy, but he was a very powerful warrior by the side of Prince Echo.

Just by looking at his position, how could he be valued by Prince Echo if he didn't have any real skills!

After all, Prince Echo is not a piece of junk like King Arthur.

He still has a bit of an ability to know people.

This Allen's own fighting ability is very strong, and his personal bravery is also very powerful!

That's why Prince Echo will value him.

・・For flowers.....

When he proposed to go out to fight, he agreed with a little hesitation!

Incomparable confidence in his fighting ability.

The knight sword in Ellen's hand is heavier than the ordinary knight sword!

When it is swung, there is a sudden wind, and this knight's sword is also designed to be inclined at an angle!

Strangely shaped like a long knife.

But it is very thin.

After using it, Allen will continue to identify the opponent's shortcomings and attack.

This is a combat technique developed by Allen himself. Using this special weapon, when fighting, he can often quickly disintegrate the opponent's attack!

Of course, he did not succeed in meeting Meng Yi, a special existence, and was almost knocked down by a war horse.

But that doesn't mean he can't do this skill!

Facing him, ordinary Daqin cavalrymen were cut down by him and fell under the horse!

Fortunately, the Daqin cavalry are relatively united.

When Allen was dealing with a cavalry, the rest of the cavalry would step forward to help.

Under such circumstances, Allen's lethality was limited, and he vigorously maintained the offensive ability of the knight's sword in his hand, and defeated several Daqin cavalry Bu.

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