Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

392 power display, all kinds of sweeps! (Please subscribe!)

Two obviously large carriages attracted the attention of the soldiers present.

They were all guessing what it was!

The carriage that was traveling in the past was larger than the ordinary cavalry, and it was very powerful where it stood!

Then two soldiers who were obviously baggage soldiers ran over. The two of them worked together to lift a huge spear, and then stuck on the longbow above the base, pulling hard towards the rear.

After it was tightened, the two of them immediately kicked the longbow with their feet and stuck the arrow in front of the bowstring!

With a creaking sound, the spear was immediately pulled away.

Only the sharp head remained exposed.

At this time, Han Xin ordered the soldiers operating these weapons to aim at the top of the city wall!

They each aimed at a catapult.

After doing this, Han Xin immediately issued an order and said: "-launched!"

After he finished speaking, the cargo soldier who was operating the Heaven-Breaking Divine Arrow roared loudly and slammed the hammer in his hand on a machine bracket!

Only a bang was heard, the bowstring trembled, and the sound like a dull thunder spread throughout the battlefield!

Immediately after, two very large spears flew out, hitting the two trebuchets directly above the city wall.

As the spear fell, the European soldiers operating the trebuchet were caught off guard, and were immediately penetrated by the impact force of the spear, and fell into pieces in mid-air.

Two soldiers in full body armor were killed in an instant.

These full body armors are like paper.

In front of the Heaven-shattering Divine Arrow, it is vulnerable!

And these spears were also castrated, hitting the central axis of the trebuchet, forcibly smashing the entire trebuchet!

Then the spear flew into the city, and a roaring sound could be heard in the distance, showing that the power was very strong.

This time, it's an experimental shot!

It seems to work well.

This first spear directly destroyed a trebuchet.

Although the second spear was not completely destroyed, it also severely damaged the trebuchet.

There is no way to use it in a short time.

And it also killed and wounded those European soldiers who operated the trebuchets. This result has already satisfied Han Xin and Meng Yi!

They felt that this weapon was unexpectedly strong!

And those European soldiers on the city wall were equally frightened. They didn't expect that the Qin soldiers outside the city actually had such powerful weapons!

The knight who led the European cavalry to defend in the interior of the city was also extremely shaken in his heart.

He also saw the movement just now.

He originally thought that the trebuchet should be able to take down the opponent's Qin cavalry team.

He had just received a report from his subordinates.

The subordinates said that the cavalry of the Qin state had already retreated a long distance, and there was no way to threaten the city wall any more!

Therefore, Lord Knight is thinking about how to kill or drive away all the Qin soldiers in the city gate cave.

At that time, he can find someone to block the city gate again. As for the city wall, those catapults are absolutely safe for defense.

If these foreign enemies are going to advance, he doesn't mind using the trebuchet to teach them a lesson!

Unexpectedly, this idea was just raised, and before it was fully implemented, a loud noise was heard, and then the two trebuchets above the city wall were smashed!

Immediately afterwards, two black shadows descended from the sky, stabbed heavily into the street, penetrated two houses, and everyone inside the house was stabbed to death!

The screams sounded, and the room was full of blood and broken corpses!

At this moment, these two huge shadows flickered and were also seen by the knights. They were two spears that had been enlarged many times. They were very powerful. Inside, mighty!

Such weapons are more powerful than their catapults!

After all, the shooting distance of these black shadows is too far, and they are shot from outside the city wall.

Even if the catapult is on the city wall, it is condescending, and it is as far as half a mile away!

Before waiting, the knight-sama reacted.

Han Xin, who was standing outside the city, and Meng Yi immediately ordered the soldiers under him, and once again stuck the two arrows on the longbow!

Then they smashed the machine bracket, and with two slams, these heaven-shattering arrows stuck on the machine bracket flew into the air! They hit the trebuchets installed above the city wall again!

The range of the trebuchets is very small, and they have no way to affect the flying of these heaven-shattering arrows from a long distance.

··For flowers.....

At this time, all they can do is to quickly disperse the soldiers operating the trebuchets to avoid casualties!

In fact, when such a powerful weapon was flying over, the soldiers who operated the trebuchet did not dare to stand beside them, and fell directly to the ground!

During this period, no one's orders are required.

After all, no one is a fool, why should they die if they can live!

With a rumbling sound, the catapults were smashed again. After these catapults were shattered, they were completely useless, and some of the broken parts even smashed on the soldiers next to them.

Some soldiers were smashed and vomited blood on the spot, and they died on the spot as soon as they stared!

Some had their legs broken, and screamed while hugging the injured area.


There are also broken hands, broken eyes and so on.

The screams rang out, and the soldiers' eyes were filled with fear, and the soldiers who were intact were squatting on the edge of the wall in fear, not daring to move.

The spear shot just now scared them!

And the two heaven-shattering divine arrows that were shot also flew into the city at this time!

With the sound of rumbling and rumbling, it smashed into many houses.

At this moment, the soldiers of Qin State gave these European soldiers a hard lesson, letting them know what it means to have a heaven outside the sky!

As for the heavy armored cavalry of the Qin State standing in the gate of the city, as well as the ordinary cavalry, they all cheered!

They stood in the gate of the city, thinking that they were going to die, because under the sweep of the trebuchet, their companions could not get close.

And they are so few in the city gate cave, facing the European cavalry that is dozens of times more than them, the chance of surviving is very slim!

But they didn't expect that just when they were about to despair, they heard an explosion sound in the distance!

Immediately afterwards, the trebuchets above the city walls were all smashed, and the European cavalry behind the city gates were also frightened to the point of panic, and their formations were somewhat loose.

Their performance fell into the eyes of the Daqin cavalry in Chengmendong, which made everyone feel proud and self-confidence returned.

Everyone thinks that these European cavalry are nothing more than that.

The artifact of the Great Qin that appeared at this time could absolutely swept these European cavalry.

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