Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

387 Scattered apart, arrows shot to death! (Subscribe!)

At this time, if anyone passes by, they will be shot to death immediately.

It would be very suitable to let the heavily armored soldiers in, but there is a low wall on the opposite side. When these heavily armored soldiers are running, they can only defend against the attack, and they need some strength to climb up.

The strength of the heavy armored soldiers can be rushed, but not climbing.

At that time, I am afraid that he will be trapped in the gate of the city and become the target of the opponent.

This situation is something that Han Xin doesn't want to see!

Immediately, he exclaimed loudly: "The archer-hand let me shoot the arrow! 39

He was going to try the first wave with archers.

After his order was issued, he saw the archers standing behind them all pulling their long bows and loosening their bowstrings towards the front.

With a clatter, these bows and arrows shot out and fell to the side of the low wall!

The bow and arrow slammed into the wall and was immediately bounced back.

Some of them poked into the gaps between the low walls, and the ends were shaking constantly.

Some penetrated the rear of the wall and immediately screamed, which was obviously intercepted by the opponent's archer.

Archers of European soldiers did not wear armor.

This is the same as the soldiers of Daqin. In addition to the defense of knights among Daqin soldiers, professional archers only wear leather armor, in order to make their body light, they will not be affected by armor when shooting arrows, and they can carry More bows and arrows.

The archer kept firing arrows forward, the bow and arrow hit the low wall, and then bounced back by the low wall.

Seeing that it would be useless to continue shooting arrows, Han Xin tentatively ordered: "Rush inside immediately, destroy the low wall in a short time, and then rush straight into the city."

Following his order, he saw a row of cavalry rushing out.

After they entered the city gate, they kept shaking their arms.

Between their arms there are ropes, the ends of which are hooks.

As long as they hang on those low walls, they will be dragged away, and just as they are running forward, a few heads suddenly appear behind the low walls.

It is the archer behind the city gate.

The number of these archers is around several hundred, and they form a ring and gather at the gate of the city.

Then draw the longbow.

European longbows are longer, and they shoot with great power.

After loosening the bowstring, the bow and arrow flew out immediately and fell towards the cavalry.

After seeing this situation, the cavalrymen squatted on the horse's back one after another, and then threw out the iron hook in their hands.

Some hooks were hung on the low wall, and the cavalrymen turned around and fled without hesitation!

When they were running backwards, they also pulled out a piece of the low wall through the power of the warhorse! And some hooks caught the archers behind.

With a scream, the archer was dragged away, and another archer from the rear came up and continued to shoot.

After the dense rain of arrows fell, many cavalrymen were shot dead!

The rope they were pulling was originally tied to the saddle of the war horse. At this time, they died, but it did not affect the horse's dragging!

After turning the direction, these war horses galloped fast and immediately pulled the low wall so that it looked very broken.

At this time, the low wall seems to be riddled with holes!

Seeing this, Han Xin immediately ordered the soldiers around him to hold the war horses that the cavalry was riding. Some war horses were also shot with bows and arrows, and they were pulled aside for treatment!

If it cannot be cured, it will be slaughtered nearby, and like those cattle, it will eventually be used as food for Daqin soldiers.

At this time, Han Xin observed from the outside and found that the low wall full of holes could no longer stop the cavalry from advancing!

Immediately, he said loudly on his face: "The soldiers charge with me, this wave must break a gap for the cavalry team on the opposite side!"

After he finished speaking, the cavalry under his hand immediately agreed loudly.

Then, under the leadership of a sturdy cavalry, they rushed into the gate of the city.

As they rushed forward wildly, the hooves of the war horse rumbled on the ground.

The burly soldier at the head was a leader specially selected by Han Xin.

His body is strong and strong, and this time he has a strong impact.

The weapon in his hand is also a very heavy mace. Han Xin hopes to take the lead in charging through this person and destroy that low wall directly!

This person is also very brave. When he came to the edge of the low wall, he smashed the mace in his hand with force and smashed it directly on the wall!

··For flowers.....

Only a clatter was heard, and the low wall was smashed into all directions.

Then at least he rushed past, from the gap into the rear!

A row of archers stood behind the gap, and they shot their bows and arrows at the knight who rushed out of the low wall.

That cavalryman on a warhorse was shot dead by random arrows before he could kill with a mace in his hand. He turned into a human-shaped hedgehog and fell miserably on the ground.

After that, another Daqin cavalry rushed over.

However, they were shot by bows and arrows one after another, and the shrill screams were endless.

At this time, Han Xin continued to send out the cavalry, and these archers formed a cross. Even if the cavalry wanted to attack, they still needed a certain distance to reach them.

But as long as the cavalry entered the field of vision of these archers, they would be shot to death by random arrows.

At the beginning, the cavalry did fall down, but then, when the low wall was continuously swept away and a large number of cavalrymen rushed in, it was not so easy to leave all the cavalry behind.

Because the speed of the horses was very fast, he rushed forward at this time and led the cavalry, avoiding the shooting of those bows and arrows.

These cavalrymen on horses are not all Muna, they have practiced very good riding skills during the long-term battle.

As long as you hide in a stirrup, you can avoid the shooting of those bows and arrows.

And those who survived, took advantage of the situation and rushed to the street.

The streets were lined up with a dense line of knights.

Armed with knight lances and knights swords, they stood there to welcome the arrival of the enemy.

The enemy is the Qin soldiers.

Among these cavalrymen of the Qin state who rushed forward, there were also some surrendered Huns.

These Huns were the Huns soldiers of the Golden Family. They wanted to make meritorious deeds, so they participated in the battle.

In the face of the shooting of these European archers, the sturdy golden tribe warrior headed by them thought of a way.

When he got on his horse and passed this time, he saw the bow and arrows coming, and immediately threw something from his hand. This thing was a skill that those warriors on the grasslands knew, flying stones.

A rope is tied between the two stones, and as long as they are thrown out, they can hang the legs of cattle and sheep.

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