Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

381 Lied to open the city gate, relieved! (Please subscribe!)

The Huns said: "Where are you going! We are the rootless people on this land, the people here are completely different from us, and we obviously have the faces of foreigners!

Even if it escapes the control of these Qin soldiers, it may fall into the hands of other forces, so it is better to let it go now!

You have all seen that the two lower-level Huns were rewarded with the code, and the golden leg of lamb was eaten. This time, the Qin general promised!

As long as the task is completed, it will give us the status of ordinary Qin soldiers. At that time, with this opportunity, we can gather our strength to climb up.

As long as we climb high enough, we can gain power and wealth, and then find some women on the grasslands to breed offspring, so as to gradually increase our strength. One day, we Turks will have a time to turn over.

After he finished speaking, the Huns next to each other looked at each other and nodded.

Everyone thought it was like this.

At this time, the Huns who had been slapped earlier said in shame, "It's my lack of consideration, and you're right.

At this time, the sturdy Xiongnu patted him on the shoulder and said, "What we have to do now is not to escape, not to betray, but to do things well for the soldiers of the Qin State and help them conquer the world."

363 This Xiongnu soldier was still very capable, and with just a few words, all his anger was suppressed.

And at this time, he put his eyes back on the city wall in front of him!

At this time they hid in the shadows by the woods, and they could see many soldiers in one-piece armor patrolling the city walls.

These are native European soldiers, and their clothes are completely different from those in the Central Plains, and even more different from the leather armor of the Huns!

But it can be seen that the protection is very good, the only disadvantage is that the flexibility is not good, and among these soldiers, some archers with long bows are also seen.

They are not patrolling, but standing in fixed locations!

But they seem to be very relaxed, and they are talking and laughing, which gives the Huns a chance.

The Huns on both ends thought for a moment, and then they came up with a plan!

Immediately, he and the rest of his subordinates began to discuss the plan, and everyone knew the plan.

After discussing it, everyone walked out from their hiding places!

They all walked out facing the city wall. (bbbe)

These Huns were all wearing tattered leather armor. When walking, they staggered and looked like they were in very poor condition.

And while walking around, a Xiongnu soldier fell to the ground without a tom!

Then he was helped by the rest of the people, this situation would not give the soldiers on the city wall the slightest alert!

Because their group seemed to have been running for a long time and were seriously injured, the threat was almost zero.

The soldiers standing on the city wall finally found the Huns below, and the archers just drew their long bows!

After seeing the state of the Huns below, they immediately put down the longbow!

And they are also gleefully pointing at the bottom.

Not even the alarm bell rang, because everyone knew that the number of people was only more than 20, and the state was very low. These Huns did not threaten their city at all.

And this is also an opportunity, these Huns took the opportunity to approach the edge of the city wall.

In the thoughts of the Xiongnu warriors of the golden family, they acted as exhausted wanderers, came to the edge of the city wall, and asked to enter the city for a temporary rest, and then cheated to open the city gate.

The plan is very simple, and if you have a heart, you will definitely see through it all at once.

But just because it is simple, no one will think about the specific reason.

When those Daqin soldiers approached this time before, they were all light-handed, and were not noticed by those soldiers above the city wall!

After that, Han Xin led his soldiers to retreat to a far position, and when he joined Meng Yi, there was no movement at all.

In the eyes of the soldiers standing guard on the city wall, these Huns were all the strangers they saw.

Twenty or so strangers, although they are not local in appearance, they are still in such a poor state that no one will treat them as enemies.

In order to keep the performance realistic, these Huns put their weapons in the woods when they came over, and they came to the edge of the city gate empty-handed, which emphasized the authenticity.

When they came to the edge of the city gate, the sturdy Xiongnu who was headed immediately knelt on the ground and shouted loudly.

They did not understand the local language, but their expressions told the people above the city walls that they wanted to ask for help.

For the appearance of the Huns, the soldiers standing guard above the city wall all understood what he meant.

The rest of the Huns also did the same thing, because when they came over, they smeared the dirt on their faces, and even if the sound of the performance was far away, they could not see clearly.

At this time, a man who looked like a general came over the city wall. He stood above the city wall and looked at it, and said two words to the soldiers next to him.

The soldier shouted at once!

As his words fell, he saw the archers come to the edge of the city wall, aiming at the Huns below!

Seeing all the Xiongnu soldiers here, they were shocked.

At this time, the man with the sturdy chest stood up abruptly, he climbed hard on the city wall, and shouted loudly.

It's like extreme fear because of an archer!

The rest of the Huns had no masters at this time.

They also slapped the city wall along with his appearance, showing a panicked look.

Seeing this, the archers looked back at the general who led the troops.

At this time, the generals led the troops laughed, and he felt that these people were very funny.

After seeing his appearance, the sturdy Xiongnu who took the lead thought for a moment, and immediately turned the somersault on the spot to perform.

At this time, he fell down on purpose, showing his physical weakness.

This comical performance attracted the attention of the soldiers above the city wall.

They all burst into laughter, mocking the Huns below, and the general who led the troops laughed even more.

He then waved his arm.

Following his movements, those archers who were pulling their bows and preparing to shoot arrows backed away one after another!

Stand beside him.

The danger was cleared, and all the Huns breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, everyone looked at the Huns who were in the lead, with admiration in their hearts.

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