Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

The news of the death of 375 Da Chanyu is a blow to morale! (Please subscribe!)

They exclaimed: "The last will greet His Majesty!"

After they finished speaking, Emperor Qin said with a smile: "You did a good job, you have captured Da Shanyu, and fulfilled my wish, and I want to reward you greatly!"

After he finished speaking, Han Xin immediately raised his head and said: "The last commander does not need His Majesty's reward, as long as he can fight for His Majesty in the battlefield is the last commander's glory."35

After Han Xin finished speaking, Meng Yi also said beside him, "That's right.

After the two of them finished speaking, Qin Huang really showed a more delighted smile on his face.

All he wants is such a loyal and brave general!

After that, he took a few steps forward and helped Han Xin and Meng Yi up with his own hands. Naturally, the two stood up by taking advantage of their strength, but they couldn't really ask Qin Huang to help them.

After they stood up, Emperor Qin looked at them and said, "This battle has shown the might of Da Qin! Very well, bring that Da Chanyu to my side!

After he finished speaking, Han Xin shouted to the cavalry team behind him.

At this time, I saw that more than ten cavalry were surrounding a group of war horses, running over quickly.

On the horseback of this war horse, there was a man in gorgeous clothes.

He is the big one.

When Da Chanyu came to Qin Huang's side, he was overturned directly under his horse. The violent overturning made him cry out in pain and opened his eyes.

At this moment, Da Chanyu saw a man in a gorgeous dragon robe standing on the carriage in front of him.

This person is naturally the Emperor Qin.

Da Chanyu recognized his appearance at a glance, and at this moment Da Chanyu's eyes radiated a very complicated light.

In this situation, he naturally knew what was going on.

When he was knocked off his horse on the battlefield, he fainted directly, but he still remembered the matter of his dismounting.

At this time, when he saw Qin Huang, he understood that he had been arrested!

He then sat up from the ground, looked at Qin Huang and said, "If you lose today, you will kill or cut! Do as you please.~.35

After hearing his words, Emperor Qin snorted coldly and said: "You don't say such a heroic statement in front of me, tell you, you are incompetent to be defeated by my soldiers, and you slaughtered my Daqin people and disturbed me. Disciple, you are very sinful!

Killing you today is to comfort the souls of my dead soldiers!"

After that, Emperor Qin waved his hand and said: "Come on, pull him to the top of the valley and hang him directly on the valley!"

After Qin Huang finished his words, two big Qin soldiers who were like wolves and tigers ran over.

They fiercely pulled Da Chanyu up, and then pushed them up the hillside.

Da Shanyu knew that his death was approaching, and he cursed in his mouth. In the end, he was stuffed with a rag by a Qin soldier and finally calmed down.

And those cavalrymen of the Golden Family were a little restless when they saw their minister Yu being pulled away.

However, the soldiers of the Qin State who were glaring at him with their knives drawn, made them dare not move, and could only watch helplessly as Da Chanyu was crushed to the top of the valley.

At this time, the soldiers of the Qin State had already found a tree with a crooked neck at the top of the valley, which just protruded beyond the top of the valley, forming a wooden pole slanting toward the sky.

After Da Chanyu was pulled over, he was put on a rope by Daqin soldiers and pushed down. As the rope tightened, Da Chanyu let out an unconscious cry, and then stared wide-eyed and was hanged above the valley. .

After seeing this situation, the cavalry of the Golden Family all showed expressions of grief and indignation, and they were more in pain.

At this time they could do nothing but watch their leader be killed.

At this time, Emperor Qin looked at the Daqin soldiers standing in front of him and said, "You all continue to move forward as you begin, and I want to surrender all the resistance forces on this land and make him a vassal of my Daqin. "

Hearing Qin Huang's words, Han Xin and Meng Yi led the other Great Qin soldiers to kneel on the ground one after another, claiming that they were!

As for the cavalry of the Golden Family, they were also pulled by the soldiers of Da Qin at this time, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

At this time, they were reluctant and had no choice.

Seeing the performance of his subordinates, Qin Huang couldn't help laughing. After that, he stepped onto the golden frame and ordered the team to move on.

After this battle with Da Chanyu, the big stone in the hearts of the Daqin soldiers completely fell.

Their long-time enemies, the Huns, have slaughtered all the Huns so far!

At that time, the country of Daqin will be safe, and they are not afraid of the Huns who dare to repay.

As for dealing with the European cavalry, the soldiers of Da Qin were more confident.

They have played against European soldiers and know what those local soldiers are like, and they are simply vulnerable at this time of battle.

With this kind of thought in mind, everyone held their heads high when they walked around, with a strong momentum.

The entire army formed a long dragon, walking on the earth, because Emperor Qin had an order for the army to conquer all the legions in this place.

Therefore, as the leading generals, Meng Yi and Han Xin, they must do a good job in the preparations.

Han Xin personally led a group of men and went to the front to explore the road as a forward soldier. At the same time, he also took a look. How far is the nearest city from here?

Before leaving, he also brought those Hun soldiers of the golden family who surrendered, and the entire army walked on the road for several days.

During this period of time, the Hun soldiers who surrendered have gradually forgotten the news of their death, and the sadness in their hearts has also weakened.

Minds come back to their own existence.

After all, they themselves need to eat and drink Lazard every day, especially food, if they don't eat (good king's), they will definitely be unbearable after walking for a long time.

For these captives, Han Xin did not treat them badly, and the food was also according to a certain amount of supporting roles, so that they could maintain their physical strength, of course, they would not be too full.

After all, these people are just prisoners, not their real soldiers, and they need to be prevented from having too much strength to escape.

Da Danyu was hanged in the valley, left to the wind and the sun, and carved by mountain eagles.

This is past tense.

Han Xin led those Xiongnu soldiers to explore the road ahead, promising to give them more food, but the condition was that these Xiongnu soldiers could participate in the battle.

That is to say, they will become the vassals of Daqin soldiers.

The Huns of the Golden Clan naturally did not do this thing as a vassal of others, but they agreed to it for the sake of their stomachs.

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