Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

371 Detour tracking, 1 inch long_1inch strong! (Subscribe!)

At this time, Han Xin said loudly: "General Meng Yi, I ask for orders, and the Lin team will detour to intercept them. You bring the main force and chase them directly."

Meng Yi nodded after hearing Han Xin's words.

Afterwards, a group of people was separated and led by Han Xin, who quickly detoured a road and chased forward.

However, Meng Yi still led the rest of the people and lowered the speed of the horse.

Marching between the corpses of these war horses and the corpses of people, even so, some people in the procession fell off their horses, and they all tripped!

Fortunately, the speed of the warhorse was not very fast, and these people were quickly rescued.

Da Chanyu looked behind him and found that the speed of the Daqin cavalry had slowed down.

He then looked around, and found that the number of cavalry around him was less than ten thousand.

This is equivalent to consuming all his team.

These more than ten thousand people, even if they reach this European border where combat effectiveness is generally not high, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve a decisive victory.

Da Shanyu is sad now.

He was thinking about what to do next when suddenly a cavalryman said loudly: "No, Da Chanyu has another cavalry chasing after him!

Da Chanyu immediately looked up and saw a group of people rushing towards him.

This team was led by Han Xin. They took a detour, and at this time, they accelerated the speed of 360 horses to chase.

Because they have kept the horse's physical strength before, the horse can still bear it after speeding up at this time.

On the other hand, these cavalrymen led by Da Chanyu were unable to raise their general speed because of the long running to squeeze their stamina.

Even with a whip, it can't improve one more point.

Seeing this, Da Chanyu immediately narrowed his eyes and said, "How many people are there?"

A knight of the golden family who was checking the situation said loudly: "There are more than 10,000 people who are the same as us."

Seeing this, Da Chanyu immediately gritted his teeth and said, "We can't run away any longer, the horses' physical strength is no longer suitable to continue running. Since they are only more than ten thousand people, we will fight them here, grab their horses, and then If you want to run forward again, get rid of them! 99

After hearing Da Chanyu's words, the cavalry of the Golden Family responded loudly.

At the same time, they all began to reverse the running direction of their horses, facing Han Xin and other Da Qin cavalrymen to charge over.

At this time, Han Xin also saw the appearance of the Xiongnu cavalry turning around, and he immediately shook the spear in his hand and said loudly: "Generals! The Xiongnu (bbbe) dare to come forward to fight with us, and show them what Daqin is called. elite cavalry."

After Han Xin finished speaking, the big relatives who followed behind accelerated madly.

They quickly rushed forward to meet the Huns who were running over.

The rumbling hooves sounded, shaking the ground.

Both sides have more than 10,000 people.

At this time, they all knew the identity of the other party, and they all showed their strongest fighting power.

Han Xin took the lead.

The long spear in his hand was swung like a tornado by him, and before a Hun cavalry in the front row could reach the front, he was swept out by the barrel of his spear and fell to the ground.

After that, a large number of Golden Family cavalrymen also rushed up, and they drew their long bows and aimed their arrows at the Qin cavalry.

Volley is a natural skill of the Huns!

Seeing this, Han Xin immediately swung the spear in his hand, and after a few bangs, the bow and arrow that had been shot in front of him were blown away.

The cavalry who followed behind him also held up their shields to resist.

When Han Xin rushed forward, he had ordered the cavalry with shields in the team to come forward.

He knew that these Xiongnu cavalry were good at riding and archery, so he made preparations early, and now it seemed that he was well prepared to resist the attack of those Huns.

The Xiongnu cavalrymen were also very angry when they saw this, and they rushed forward with their weapons.

At this time, Han Xin waved his spear to meet him, and a Xiongnu cavalryman in the front row held a knife and swung it over him.

Han Xin pointed the tip of the gun at the opponent's heart and poked it. As the saying goes, one inch long and one inch strong, this gun poked a blood hole in the opponent's heart.

Then Han Xin entered the crowd with the help of the shock force of the horse.

I saw the cold light of the long spear in his swinging hand flickering, and the Hun cavalry who were running beside him were knocked down to their horses.

At the next moment, the cavalry behind him also collided with the Xiongnu's cavalry.

The sound of bang bang bang is endless, these are the Xiongnu cavalry led by the golden family!

Therefore, the fighting power is very strong.

And the Qin cavalry led by Han Xin were also not weak in combat.

When they met, it was a chess match.

Dangdangdang was heard incessantly in the shouting, and people fell off their horses every moment.

When the war horse was running, the injured cavalry was knocked out with the help of the impact force of the horse.

Some soldiers were even beaten into the sky, rolled and vomited blood and died.

The battlefield looked extremely brutal.

Da Chanyu was surrounded by the cavalry of the golden family in the middle position, protecting his personal safety from being hurt.

Da Chanyu's eyes also flickered with bright rays of light. He was holding a golden machete and made a charge.

But he didn't move forward.

Dadan is distinguished by his status, and he will not leave until the last moment.

The Huns' cavalry knew that this was their last chance.

If you can kill all these Da Qin cavalry, snatch their war horses, and ride both by one person, then you can quickly leave here.

Because of this, the cavalry of these Golden Clans all brought out the strength of their entire bodies to fight.

Meng Yi in the rear led the main force behind him to run forward, and there were too many corpses on the ground along the way!

In the end, he had to order a group of people to detour to the front first, and then use sticky hooks and other weapons to drag the corpse to the side of the road to open the passage!

After such a method was implemented, the road soon became clear, and the main force led by him increased the speed.

There are forward troops in front of the main force, who are responsible for spying on intelligence and giving early warnings to prevent dangers from occurring.

They first discovered the two sides that were fighting, and the cavalry team immediately reported the news to the main force.

After Meng Yi heard this, Han Xin was leading his troops to fight against Da Chanyu's troops, and immediately rode his horse to the gallop.

Speed ​​up and chase the past, ready to join the battlefield.

At the same time, Da Shanyu was also very anxious in his heart. He really wanted these soldiers under his command to take down all the Qin soldiers led by Han Xin, but it seemed that the effect was not very obvious.

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