Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

The 366 formation changes, put a shuttle array! (Please subscribe!)

Meng Yi said loudly: "Soldiers, rush forward immediately, don't be afraid of casualties, as long as you join with General Han Xin, we can kill all these bastards!"

With Meng Yi cheering by the side, the Qin cavalry who followed him all shouted loudly, echoing him.

The army formed a rope and charged towards the Xiongnu cavalry!

Looking at it from a high altitude, it seemed that two groups of black ants were biting at a dead tree trunk.

The big tree was quickly cut off, leaving only a thin layer in the middle.

Seeing that the Xiongnu cavalry team was about to be completely pierced, the rumble of horses' hooves sounded in the valley.

The support of those Huns cavalry arrived.

They rushed towards the Qin cavalry led by Meng Yi.

Before anyone arrived, the Xiongnu cavalry in the front row immediately shot their bows and arrows.

The bows and arrows flew down between the elephant arrays and shot several Qin cavalry off their horses.

At the same time, Meng Yi also observed the situation behind him.

He immediately shouted: "All the soldiers! Immediately the back team changed to the front team and rushed back to me to block them.

With Meng Yi's commanding ability and the vision of a battle formation, it can be seen that these cavalrymen rushing out of the valley are all recharged and ready to work.

If they caught up with their own cavalry and attacked from the rear, I am afraid that they would be swept away immediately before they converged with 353 Han Xin's cavalry team.

At this time, before they launched a thorough attack, they had to fight them head-on to block their pace.

In this way, these cavalrymen can be prevented from rushing to kill their own men, and it can also buy time for Han Xin's team in the rear.

At this time, it is time to compete for the willpower of Qin soldiers!

Following Meng Yi's order, a large number of Qin's cavalry turned around and began to counterattack towards the Xiongnu cavalry chasing from behind.

They waved their spears quickly and fell on the Xiongnu cavalry.

Between the arrays, another archer shot bows and arrows, and the two sides came and went, forming a rain of arrows in mid-air.

The next moment the cavalry in the front row of both sides collided with each other.

Daqin cavalry, the front row are all armed with spears!

When they arrived at the front of the queue, they straightened their spears directly, just like those European cavalry, and rushed directly to the Huns cavalry charging on the opposite side!

In the first moment of the collision, the Xiongnu cavalry in the front row flew up.

Those Xiongnu cavalry were relatively old-fashioned, only wielding machetes at this time of battle, without long weapons.

As the saying goes, one inch is one inch long and one inch is strong. The long spear did take a certain advantage when rushing into the formation. With Meng Yi's command, he himself came to the front of the battle formation, and several lieutenants also followed him.

The back team became the front team, but these lieutenants went directly from the front team to the back team and became the leader again.

After the pikemen in the first platoon had withstood the Huns, Meng Yi and the lieutenants completed the preparations.

Shaking the reins of their horses and shouting loudly, they charged forward.

And Han Xin also shouted hard at this time, mobilized the long spear in his hand to aim at the cavalry of the Huns in front, and glanced at the past.

With a loud bang, the spear smashed into one of the Huns' cavalry.

This time, even the Xiongnu's weapons and himself were smashed and flew out!

The horses neighed, and then the following cavalry trotted forward.

Han Xin also saw the situation behind.

He was also very anxious when he heard the voice of the Daqin soldiers turning their horses around to meet the enemy.

At this time, Han Xin knew that the cavalry under Meng Yi had been here for a long time, and their physical strength had already been severely exhausted.

If on a normal battlefield, at this moment, the cavalry led by Meng Yi should be replaced to rest and wait for the next wave of attack to arrive.

At this time, he was really holding on.

Under the anxiety in his heart, Han Xin also rushed forward with the Qin army behind him as if he was desperate.

Those Xiongnu soldiers kept being knocked down to their horses (bbbe).

The battle was fierce on the battlefield. At this time, the personnel of both sides were like sandwich biscuits on the battlefield, and the chaotic battle broke out.

At this time, Da Shan, who was standing on the top of the hill, was also in high spirits. Because this battle was related to his future, he was very anxious.

Just as he looked at this moment, the men and horses on both sides had entered into a fierce battle.

First of all, those Qin soldiers led by Han Xin, they had already penetrated the Hun cavalry team, but the Hun cavalry team only attacked horizontally!

There are still a lot of them in the vertical direction, and they immediately converge towards the middle.

The gap that had been opened was about to be closed at this time, and because they were attacking from both sides towards the middle, the cavalry led by Han Xin began to be compressed towards the middle. Give direct truncation!

That's when you can kill him.

Without the commander, the cavalry he led would be easy to clean up!

Han Xin also knew about this situation, and he immediately directed the team to change the formation, forming an instigator-like formation that spread to both sides.

This shuttle-style formation is pointed at both ends, and at this time of evolution, the positions of the sharp cones are all powerful fighters.

They wielded knives, or other heavy weapons, blazing fast to clear the way.

Any Xiongnu cavalry standing in front of them would be smashed and smashed away by them.

Under such circumstances, he actually forcibly withstood the Huns rushing over from both sides.

The Huns army that came out of the valley, at this time, was oppressing the soldiers of the Qin State led by Meng Yi, and kept retreating.

The number of Qin soldiers here is relatively small.

Those Xiongnu cavalry came with a fierce will to fight.

They were not involved in the head-on battle.

Wait until the follow-up is about to end before joining the battlefield.

These people, regardless of physical strength and the morale of the soldiers, are in the highest state!

Besides, among them, there are quite a few archers!

Under such superposition and suppression, Meng Yi had to take his people to slowly retreat, otherwise he would probably not be able to hold on.

Fortunately, Han Xin has taken the team to stabilize the formation at this time, and when Meng Yi retreats not too far back, he will merge with Han Xin's team!

After the two teams merged, Meng Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Xin and Meng Yi looked at each other, and immediately shouted loudly: "Change!"

Their voices sounded together, and the voices spread far away.

The cavalry under their hands immediately began to form a circle around the edge of the formation when they got the order.

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