Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

362 Erlang, go to battle! (Please subscribe!)

There were only less than twenty Daqin soldiers left, standing back to back.

Among them, the soldiers in the outermost Daqin held shields in their hands, and the other hand held a long spear.

At such a stop, the entire queue looks like a hedgehog, forming a small array, facing the surrounding Huns soldiers.

They were already determined to die.

The Xiongnu soldiers who walked down the hillside immediately turned into murderous reapers of life.

They rarely meet a small number of Qin soldiers.

Usually they are hunted down, this time, they have obvious advantages and their self-confidence has greatly increased.

Under this premise, they all shouted, waving the knives in their hands, and charged towards the circular array.

The first Xiongnu soldier raised his machete, flashing a cold light, and slashed at the outermost Qin soldier.

The Qin soldier also reacted very quickly, and took a step back toward the rear.

And another Qin soldier standing beside him was right in front of him.

This Qin soldier holds a shield in one hand, and a long spear in the other hand.

When he saw the Xiongnu soldiers shouting and rushing towards him, he just slashed his shield with a knife.

Then the Xiongnu's knife bounced back.

The spearman standing behind the shield player straightened his spear and thrust forward with force.

Hearing a pop, he pierced the Xiongnu soldier, and then let him fall to the ground.

At this time, the confrontation between the two sides was very fierce.

Blood splattered, although the array of Qin soldiers was small, their lethality was not weak at all.

Those unprotected Huns who only wore leather armor needed a little effort to break through their formation.

Both of them, like a ferocious pack of wild wolves, faced a hedgehog with thorns all over their body, and it was difficult to attack.

This takes time.

As the battle intensified, the situation of the Qin soldiers standing together became critical.

All of them were sweating profusely, because they maintained a tense formation for a long time, as well as their spirit, as well as fighting with those Huns soldiers for a long time, which caused serious physical and mental exhaustion.

Perhaps in another quarter of an hour, they would be overwhelmed by the waves of Xiongnu soldiers.

And at this moment, the rumbling sound of hooves sounded.

Meng Yi rushed forward with his lieutenant and the elite Qin cavalry behind him, and when they arrived at the edge, Meng Yi shouted: "The son of Qin, join me on the horse to fight!

As he spoke, he quickly swung the lengthened sword out.

The Xiongnu soldiers in front of the cavalry were caught off guard and were immediately hacked to death on the spot.

These Huns did not have war horses, they walked on two legs, so they could not cope with the charge of the cavalry.

After Meng Yi rushed madly, he instantly crushed a bloody wound in the crowd.

This wound was torn apart by the elite Qin soldiers at the rear, and it became even bigger. The Xiongnu soldiers who fought on two legs were occupied by themselves.

It is because they ride horses all the year round and have natural looped legs.

At this time, facing the charge of the cavalry led by Meng Yi, there was no way to speed up the running speed, and they were trampled to death by the war horses.

Even if they bravely attacked from behind, they would be suppressed by the elite soldiers led by Meng Yi and hacked to death on the spot.

The screams came together.

Standing on the hillside, Da Chanyu's eyes became cold.

He did not expect that Meng Yi would return at the same time when he wanted to escape.

This time, he miscalculated. The Hun soldiers who ran down the hillside and attacked with two legs were not the opponents of these Qin cavalry at all.

At this moment, the cavalry of Da Qin was crushed and hacked to death the soldiers of the Xiongnu.

Those who react faster, crawl towards both sides of the hillside crazily, in order to avoid the fate of hacking and slashing!

But among the ranks of the Daqin cavalry, there were also those who were good at cavalry and archery.

They drew their long bows one after another and aimed their arrows at the running Hun soldiers. After a roaring sound, the Hun soldiers were shot to death on the spot.

They rolled down the hillside and were trampled to death by horses' hooves after they fell.

Only some escaped.

And those wounded soldiers who were originally surrounded by these Xiongnu soldiers were also pulled up by their companions.

Among the cavalry troops led by Meng Yi, there were some vacant horses.

There were a lot of these war horses, so after the wounded Qin soldiers were pulled up, they were placed on the vacant war horses and let them ride forward.

・・For flowers.....

After riding on the horse, the physical strength of these Qin soldiers stopped immediately.

They are maintained in the middle position.

Fighting here at this time, don't need their efforts!

And at this time of being attacked, there are also peripheral companions to resist, so that they can maximize their physical strength and restore their spirits.

These are the concepts of the Daqin cavalry in combat, which can cycle and continuously generate combat power.

And at this time, the Hun cavalry who had followed them finally arrived!

They rode their horses forward, and at the same time pulled their long bows and shot arrows at the queue of Daqin soldiers.

After Meng Yi rescued the wounded soldiers, he turned his horse's head and prepared to rush towards the rear again for a while!


At this time, the team he led reached the position at the mouth of the valley.

When Da Chanyu saw this, how could he miss such a good opportunity to kill the enemy?

Immediately he swung his arms and exclaimed, "Shoot the arrow down!"

As his order was issued, the soldiers under his command pulled up their long bows one after another, aimed at the location of the valley entrance, and released their bows and arrows!

After the sound of rushing, a large number of bows and arrows shot straight out, hitting the cavalry queues heavily.

Those Qin soldiers on horses hurriedly raised their shields to block!

However, their blocking strength was limited, and a large number of bows and arrows were shot down, and only those cavalrymen who erected their shields had nothing to do.

But there are more cavalry without shield protection, but at this time they are shot by bows and arrows!

Mainly because the number of Xiongnu cavalry is too large to deal with!

Even those cavalry with shields, when the bow and arrow are fired, there are times when they can't protect themselves!

They were shot by bows and arrows between the leaves of the armor and penetrated directly through the body.

Blood splashed out, and some seriously injured Qin cavalrymen fell off their horses, and then were trampled to death by horses' hooves, and life on the battlefield became very fragile.

Meng Yi let out a loud roar, raised the specially-made long sword in his hand, and rushed towards the front to prepare to slash and slash a path!

At this time, the Huns cavalry encircled by the two sides finally gathered together.

In front of them is a strong tribal leader.

This tribal leader holds a huge hammer in his hand.

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