Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

339 Insufficient strength, prepare to escape! (Please subscribe!)

After improving, the impact formed cannot be countered by a single individual.

Moreover, the array formed by the spearmen has been punched out of the gap, if they continue to stand there, they will only be enlarged by those wonderful gaps, and will not be able to form effective lethality!

The archers stood at the end of the line to shoot arrows.

The bows and arrows they shot fell towards the European cavalry.

But these European cavalry were fast, and they also held shields and had limited lethality.

With the speed of the horses, those archers could reach them without the second round of arrow rain.

Under such circumstances, the lieutenant general leading the team on the side of the Qin soldiers immediately shouted: "Charge!

At this time, the lieutenant led the Qin cavalry by his side and rushed forward. They faced more than a thousand people, and the "three, four, three" European cavalry of nearly ten thousand people did not have any fear!

Both sides rode war horses.

After the sound of the rumbling hooves, with an indomitable momentum, it quickly covered the whole ground!

The speed of the war horse is very fast.

After hitting the opponent's array, the lieutenant raised the sword he was wearing at an extremely fast speed, and then slashed forward.

A European cavalryman raised his knight's sword to block, but the lieutenant cut off his arm with his long sword. In his screams, he poked the long sword into his neck again, and took advantage of the speed of the warhorse. The entire neck is cut!

The blood spurted upwards like a fountain.

The blood formed brilliant sparks that scattered throughout the team!

The other European cavalrymen were horrified when they saw this.

And the back of the duke also shouted loudly: "Rush all over me! Kill them, kill them all! There are only a thousand cavalrymen, so what are you afraid of? Overwhelm them with the advantage of numbers!" "

As he spoke, the duke raised the knight's sword in his hand, as if he wanted to charge forward.

Of course, he is only doing actions, he will not take risks.

And the family generals who followed him also guarded him very closely. The European cavalry formed a heavy queue and ran forward quickly!

The hooves of the war horses rumbled, forming a rushing sound on the ground!

After these war horses ran wild, with an indomitable momentum, they finally completely fought with those Thai cavalry.

Gradually, the Qin cavalry could not hold on.

Although these Qin cavalrymen are very brave, they are too few in number, facing an enemy several times their own, and they cannot really stand up to the speed of the war horse on such a narrow ground!

So they are also losing a lot of blood.

However, as the bravery of the Qin cavalry, no one of them retreated, and no one was afraid!

They all charged forward with decisive momentum.

For a time, these European cavalry did not completely eliminate them!

Let them rush back and forth in the team, causing a large number of cavalry to fall off their horses.

With such combat power, in the European battlefield, no country can be inferior.

But the Duke's heart is still at peace!

He could see that as long as he was given a certain amount of time, these cavalry could be completely wiped out!

Just when his thoughts fell, he heard a rumbling sound behind him.

It was the sound of horses' hooves on the ground, and he was very familiar with it.

At this moment, the duke turned around immediately and saw a large number of cavalry rushing out of the duke's mansion!

The headed man wears armor with a grim look on his face!

This person is Han Xin!

Han Xin led the troops into the Duke's mansion.

After he found that there was no resistance, he understood that the duke must have led most of his family to the military camp behind the duke's mansion, and wanted to lead his own army away together!

And the lieutenant came to block, I am afraid that the blocking force is not enough.

At the moment, Han Xin immediately led the soldiers and rushed directly from the duke's mansion.

He doesn't have to be afraid of what kind of damage it will cause to the Duke's Palace.

Now the final battle result is the main focus, rather than to protect the Duke's mansion from being damaged, his decision is very correct.

When he just arrived here, the cavalry team led by his lieutenant was already in jeopardy.

Although the main body of the cavalry team of more than 1,000 people is still there, the casualties of hundreds of people also hinder their mobility to a certain extent.

And after rushing for a while, their physical strength consumed a lot!

In a quarter of an hour, these cavalry will be annihilated by these European cavalry far outnumbered them!

Han Xin arrived without hesitation, raised his saber and said loudly: "The soldiers rush up to me and kill all these rebellious European soldiers, no matter how dead or dead! 95

Between the words, he shouted loudly and rushed forward.

Several of the homes guarding the Duke saw this situation and immediately went up to them, but Han Xin slashed back and forth a few times, cutting them all down to the ground!

After seeing this situation, the Duke was so frightened that his soul almost flew away!

In a panic, he pulled the reins of the horse and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, don't stay here any longer!" After he finished speaking, the soldiers under his command speeded up and rushed forward.

The duke formed a group with his home generals, and then led most of the European cavalry to run towards the city gate!

Only a small part was entangling the more than a thousand cavalry led by the lieutenant.

Of course, the number of these Qin cavalrymen is now only a few hundred.

It is still very easy to rely on this part of the cavalry to entangle them, after these things are done.

There is a huge gap left, allowing the cavalry under the Duke to run quickly.

At this time, the Qin archers who were standing at the back of the team also began to draw their bows and arrows.

They stretched their bows and arrows while letting go, and then heard a clattering sound of small bows and arrows shooting straight at the length of 1.4 kong, dashing towards the cavalry team.

The speed of the European cavalry was very fast, and the European cavalry in the first row put their shields upright in front of them, blocking the arrows that were shot directly.

Then the cavalry rushed past and crashed directly into the crowd shooting bows and arrows.

With the screams, these soldiers rushed out of a huge gap in the archers' camp.

The rest of the archers also all fled!

At this time, there was no longer-range threat, and the cavalry team was able to circle an arc unimpeded and walked towards the distance.

At this time, Han Xin just happened to be meeting with the lieutenant surrounded by the middle.

Han Xin brought more men and horses, and he led the cavalry first.

The number of these cavalry, there are thousands of them running out, they are all majestic!

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