Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

316 A big event, punished severely! (Subscribe!)

Everyone's strength is very strong.

The house was originally dilapidated, and under everyone's strong push, it immediately shook.

The gray wolf that was in the house was startled, he stood up suddenly, and saw that the surrounding walls began to break, and his eyes widened and he ran towards the door quickly.

At this time, they saw several people standing at the door holding wooden sticks, all of which had sharpened heads and looked very powerful.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the door, several people standing at the door at this time poked out the spikes in their hands.

One of the people with the spikes was the man he had previously assigned to find food!

He gritted his teeth and stabbed the thorns into the heart of the gray wolf, and he attacked very decisively.

After seeing this, the gray wolf burst into anger!

He is the leader of the high-ranking Gray Wolf organization, and he has never been treated like this. Now this group of people treats him like this, it is simply unforgivable!

But in the face of so many spikes, he couldn't block them all!

At the moment, I can only retreat, while waving the knife in my hand, hoping to force these people out!

And at this moment, the wall collapsed with a loud bang, and the four walls collapsed towards the center one after another!

The gray wolf watched the wall collapse, and could only let out an angry cry!

Then he swung the long knife out to block, but how could the knife in his hand be able to block the thick wall.

After a loud bang, these walls were completely smashed on the gray wolf.

He also screamed and was buried under the rubble.

At this moment, the crowd standing outside looked at each other and stared at the ruins with wide eyes.

When they found that there was no sign of the leader of the gray wolf organization, they couldn't help but let out a laugh.

The man with the spikes exclaimed, "We did it!"

The others standing beside him also nodded fiercely.

Someone suggested: "Let's hurry up and report this news, we can get the reward.~!

Under that person's suggestion, everyone cheered and started running towards the block next door!

The block has just been searched and no one has come in a short time!

So go to the next block.

Just after arriving on the next street, Jack had already walked out with his men.

Jack felt that it was useless to stay in that house. After all, the people of the Gray Wolf Organization were killed and wounded, and those wounded were also controlled, and they would be handed over to the local residents to deal with.

As soon as he reached the street, he saw a group of local residents running over.

At that moment Jack said: "Why did you come here, did you find out that there are members of the Grey Wolf Organization? Really, the information is useful, I can reward you with a gold coin, and if you catch the leader of the Gray Wolf Organization, I will reward you with a gold coin! "

After hearing his words, those people were all excited!

Jack's words let them know that the reward of ten gold coins is true!

The person who was the first to report the news immediately said, "My lord, we caught the gray wolf, and he was buried by the collapsed house. We will take you there!"


After Jack saw him speak, he immediately said in surprise, "Then take me there quickly!"

After Jack finished speaking, the person who led the way nodded violently and said, "Okay, I'll take you there to talk!

He's the first to swing his arm and invite Jack forward!

At this time, Jack also led the group of men behind him and walked forward together.

Under the guidance of the resident who led the way in front, they soon reached the side of the collapsed house.

There are still a few people guarding here to prevent anything from happening inside!

When they saw Jack's arrival, they immediately said, "The man hasn't come out yet, he's still in the ruins."

After hearing their words, Jack waved his arms and said without thinking: "Go ahead and dig up the ruins immediately and catch the gray wolf!"

After he finished speaking, his subordinates immediately stepped forward to do things.

At the same time, Red Light Bull, Ah Tang, and James have all been brought over by his subordinates!

The news spread quickly, and everyone knew it!

When they converged on the edge of the collapsed house, under everyone's gaze, they could see the ruins, and they were quickly torn apart!

As the smoke and dust rolled, I saw the gray wolf lying on the ground with a red face!

Between his arms, two large fragments of the wall appeared, and it was this fragment of the wall.

Hold him down so he can't get up!

And there was a layer of soil on his face, if Jack hadn't brought someone over and caught him out in time, I'm afraid he would have been suffocated long ago.

Strictly speaking, it was Jack who saved his life!

However, at this time, Gray Wolf did not appreciate Jack's thoughts at all. He stared at Jack and said loudly: You bastards, you dare to catch me, and if you let me escape, I will never let you go. "5

In his clamor, the bull came over and punched him in the stomach!

The gray wolf couldn't help but his body arched and his eyes bulged out, and he tumbled to the ground with a scream!

At this time, Manniu threw his arms and said, "How dare you say such nonsense when you are about to die, do you know who this is? He is the new City Lord of Tenglong City!

Bull has always admired Jack very much.

At this time, Jack was very calm in his heart.

After catching the gray wolf, the Chiba organization in another block was much easier to deal with.

At that time, the city lord on Tang Longcheng's side will be at his fingertips.

It is not an exaggeration to call him the new city lord now.

Jack looked at James and said, "Go get him back!""

James got rid of his arm and let the two men go down and bring the gray wolf over.

At this time, the gray wolf only cared about the pain and didn't dare to say a word, but Jack gave him a light look and said, "Bring his still alive men to the street together, and gather all the people in Dongcheng District. Residents gather me on the street!""

After he finished speaking, he looked at the people who reported the letter and said, "Every one of you will be rewarded with a gold coin, and the one who finds this person first will be rewarded with ten gold coins!

After he finished speaking, the residents below immediately cheered loudly.

Everyone was dazed by this unexpected reward.

Originally, everyone thought that it would be enough to divide ten gold coins, but Jack was so arrogant!

To actually let each of them get a gold coin, this is simply a fortune from heaven!

Everyone couldn't help but kneel on the ground and kowtowed to Gong loudly.

For these people's kowtows, Jack showed nothing at all!

In his heart, what he was thinking about was how to become the city lord!

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