Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

312 The position of the city lord, grit your teeth and con10d! (Please subscribe!)

According to the information that was inquired earlier, everyone walked towards the headquarters of the members of the Grey Wolf Organization.

The headquarters of the Grey Wolf Organization is located in a small two-story building at the end of the block!

This place is extremely secretive, and the soldiers of Daqin have no way to notice that there is an organization hidden in it.

When we arrived at the edge of the small building, there were several members of the president's organization wearing jackets, walking back and forth on the street, patrolling!

They all have long knives on their back waists, and the cold light flashes!

Seeing this, Jack waved his arms without hesitation and said, "Go and solve them!"

After finishing speaking, Man Niu immediately led the rest of the big men and ran quickly forward!

And Jack also accelerated at this time.

A few big men standing at the door were surprised to see someone rushing over.

They want to hide, it's too late now!

At the moment, they could only shout and run back, but the speed of their running was not as fast as the chasing speed of Manniu and others.

Before they could turn around, the bulls chased them up and kicked one of the members of the venue organization on the lower back.

This time, he kicked him straight into the shit!

With a sound of 320 touch, this member of the Gray Wolf Organization was kicked to the ground, his chin was knocked on the ground, and blood was flowing!

After that, the bull smashed him with a fist and knocked him unconscious.

After that, the people led by Manniu also quickly stepped forward, pressed all the members of the gray wolf organization to the ground, and then beat them for a while!

If the resistance is fierce, they will be killed on the spot.

Between the bloody storm, these members of the gray wolf organization can be solved!

At this time, Jack just led the rest of the main force to the door!

After arriving here, he looked at the two-story building and found that the door was closed.

It seems that the shouting outside just now raised vigilance inside!

Immediately, he said: "Go find a wooden stake and kick the door open, and today we must kill all the members of the Gray Wolf Organization!

After he finished speaking, he waved his arms, but saw several tall men running over immediately.

They all had big hammers in their hands, and they knocked on the door with all their might.

A hammer is more powerful than a stake!

The sound of the big hammer slamming the pump was incessant, (bbbe), and the door was smashed and swayed constantly, almost shattering.

Under such circumstances, there were also some panicked shouts.

It can be seen that they are also very frightened by such an attack that the gray wolves stop the members.

At the same time, the people inside did not expect that someone would dare to attack the headquarters of the Grey Wolf Organization. This is simply too bold.

Just in the lobby of the two small buildings, there is a man standing in a robe made of gray wolf skins.

He is the leader of the gray wolf organization, nicknamed the gray wolf.

Holding two steel knives in his hands, the cold light flickered, at this moment he clenched his teeth, looked at the rumbling door and said, "What the hell is going on, who dares to attack the headquarters here! Go to other blocks. , call me back with all the hands!

After the gray wolf finished speaking, the subordinates standing beside him immediately agreed in a panic!

At this time, I saw one of my subordinates rushing over, ran in front of the gray wolf, and said loudly: "It's not good, boss, the brothers who are patrolling in other blocks have not responded! I have just sent a message on the roof of the building. The signal is on, there is no response in a few blocks, it can be seen that they have been completely wiped out, and we have no external rescue at all now!"

After listening to what his subordinates said, the gray wolf immediately turned gloomy.

He then gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone is holding on to me, and now there are more than 100 people in the house! I don't believe that anyone outside would dare to deal with us like this. After this wave is over, I will definitely Take your brothers to kill all those who do things, cut off the heads of their leaders, put them on a wooden stake for others to see, and let them know that my gray wolf organization is not easy to mess with!"

Under his loud shouts, these people under his command all returned their minds!

The two men with big arms and round waists first came to the edge of the gate, then put their shoulders on the door panel, gritted their teeth against the force of the big hammer outside.

Smashing the hammer on the door panel kept vibrating, causing the two big men to be pushed back continuously, and the two big men couldn't stand it anymore!

At this time, a few people rushed up to hold the door, and the two sides seemed to be wrestling. At this time, no one would let the other!

The gate becomes a rope of resistance for both sides!

An anxious look flashed in Gray Wolf's eyes. Although he had just said ruthless words, he didn't have a clue in his heart. He was able to kill the men who were patrolling the block without his knowing it. The opponent's strength is definitely above the strength of his subordinates!

And the number will not be small.

Otherwise, they won't kill all the subordinates on the block at the same time!

This could be a big move against his group.

With this thought in mind, the gray wolf stood by the door with two steel knives, walking around constantly, calming himself down, and thinking about the way back!

Although the gray wolf is ferocious, he also knows that if the opponent's strength is too strong, he must escape, in order to make a comeback!

Otherwise, reckless fighting can only give away your life, and there is no benefit at all.

And just outside the gate at this time, Jack watched those people with sledgehammers not smashing the door, and he was a little anxious in his heart.

Seeing that it was getting late, Daqin's army would leave after tomorrow. If he didn't complete the task, he would not be able to get the title of City Lord of Tenglong City.

He didn't know that Meng Yi and Han Xin had already negotiated, no matter what, they would let him sit on the position of the city master!

Therefore, Jack is thinking now, so he must kill the people of the Grey Wolf Organization as soon as possible, and then subdue the Chiba Organization.

At that time, I can go to Han Xin and Meng Yi in an open and fair manner, and ask them to reward them with the position of Lord of Tenglong City!

And by that time, he has already unified the underground forces of Tenglong City. After cultivating his own men, the entire city can be said to be under his control, and no one dares to resist again, that is, the master of a city!

He is equivalent to rising from the bottom stage to becoming a high-ranking person, and any ordinary person will feel excited in his heart.

For this goal, Jack immediately gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Find some kindling and put them at the door. Since they don't come out, set the whole house on fire and burn everyone inside to death!"

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