Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

286 Suppress the attack and retreat! (Subscribe!)

A piece of bow and arrow flew out and fell on the heads of these Qin soldiers.

However, because they did not form a uniform shooting speed, the bows and arrows shot down were staggered far behind.

When the bow and arrow were shot down, they were immediately opened by the shield hand.

Only a few Daqin soldiers were injured, relatively speaking, those Xiongnu soldiers were injured more seriously.

And some Xiongnu soldiers aimed their bows and arrows at the archers of the Qin Dynasty who were pulling bows and shooting arrows at the rear.

The bow and arrow shot out and came to the archer's side.

These archers immediately folded their longbows and quickly spread out to both sides, forming a skirmish town!

Bows and arrows fell, and some shot in the air and stuck on the ground.

Some were shot in the body of the archers, but these archers were also equipped with armor and suffered only minor injuries, and no one died.

As the two sides fought, after the archers of the Daqin soldiers suppressed one round, the fierce Huns in the front row were shot over.

The following Daqin soldiers rushed out immediately, like a flood that opened a gate, forming a steel torrent that came among these Xiongnu soldiers.

The sword and shield hands in the front row waved their knives, used shields as defenses, and used knives as offensive means to continuously harvest the lives of these Xiongnu soldiers.

The Huns kept falling to the ground, making a thumping sound!

At this moment, they felt very powerless.

Because with their current number and means of attack, it is absolutely impossible to shake those Daqin soldiers who came forward with shields.

Meanwhile, Han Xin is also at war with Timur!

When the two generals were at war, the soldiers around them all scattered at the same time!

A semi-arc shape was formed, including the two of them.

On the outside of this half-arc, is the battlefield where the soldiers of both sides are constantly strangling.

The reason why Xiongnu soldiers and Daqin soldiers were able to fight turbulently was because they had their own generals to command, and generals in this era were the spiritual totems of an army.

At this time, the battle between Han Xin and Timur was also related to the change of the entire battle situation.

Of course, if the two sides can't tell the outcome of the battle, the Daqin soldiers will eventually crush the Xiongnu soldiers, perhaps destroy them all, or beat them to keep fleeing.

With a jingle, the long sword in Han Xin's hand and the machete in Timur's hand collided with each other, and then retreated.

After stepping back, Timur gritted his teeth and looked at Han Xin, who was standing in front of him, and said, "It seems today! The two of us must be divided between life and death.~!"

It turns out that Timur can speak the Central Plains dialect!

He speaks in a eloquent manner!

After hearing his words, Han Xin sneered and said, "You want to fight for my life and death! I'm afraid you think too much! I have more people than you, stronger than you, and you are a lost dog, and I am a tiger who is chasing after victory. , taking you down easily is the same as playing!"

After he finished speaking, he added coldly: "Today you will surely die!"

After hearing Han Xin finished speaking, Timur immediately became furious.

He opened his eyes wide and said, "Then fight it! Take a look!

As he spoke, he immediately waved the machete in his hand and slashed hard at Han Xin's body.

Seeing such a situation, Han Xin turned his body around.

At the same time, cut the saber towards the attacking machete.

With a clanging sound, the two sides collided and pushed away again!

But at this time, the soldiers standing behind Han Xin ran bravely towards the formation of the Huns!

Those Xiongnu soldiers, who had already been suppressed, retreated step by step, precisely because their leader, Timur, was still fighting against Han Xin!

Everyone has an energy in their hearts, fighting to the death.

At this time, although they gritted their teeth, they couldn't stand it in the face of the fierce attack of the Qin soldiers!

A Xiongnu soldier waved a machete and slashed forward frantically!

Opposite him stood a Daqin soldier.

The soldier has a short knife and a shield in the other hand.

After seeing his machete attack, he immediately raised his shield horizontally and blocked it in front.

At the same time, he swung the other knife in his hand.

The Xiongnu soldiers did not have shields at their disposal. They relied on a machete. How could they be shield players and opponents with the knife in his hand.

He was hit by a knife in the shoulder and staggered back.

At this time, the soldiers of the Qin State moved forward again.

Seeing this situation, the Hun soldier who had been slashed with a knife immediately gritted his teeth and continued to prepare to charge up.

Before he came to the front of the shield player, he saw a soldier with a spear suddenly running out from behind the shield player.

The soldier stabbed the long spear in his hand suddenly.

With a thud, he pierced the Xiongnu soldier.

In the next moment, the Daqin soldiers who cooperated with each other walked forward, walked past the fallen Xiongnu soldiers, and came behind him.

Behind the fallen Xiongnu soldiers, there were several other Huns standing.

They also saw that the Daqin soldiers easily broke through the defense of their companions, so they came to them, and immediately rushed forward with a roar to prepare to die!

However, they face the same situation as their previous companions!

The shields in the hands of shield players are not something they can easily break!

The spearmen at the back are another extremely powerful threat!

Although these Huns tried their best to stabilize the battle, under such circumstances, they were suppressed by the Daqin soldiers and retreated!

Originally, both sides occupy half of the half-arc, at this time the Xiongnu soldiers have been compressed to the edge of the half-arc!

Just one step away, it will be directly suppressed to the point of collapse.

And at this time, the battle between Han Xin and Timur (who fought Zhao's) also came to a dead end.

Timur swung a machete in an airtight manner, and the machete in his hand was like a cold light splitting, circling constantly.

The long sword that Han Xin slashed over was opened by him.

At the same time a violent counterattack.

Han Xin himself is also a highly skilled person. Facing the attack of the machete in Timur's hand, he could easily block it and counterattack with his sword at the same time.

Timur was angry.

There was impatience in his heart, especially when he saw that the Xiongnu soldiers under him were beaten and retreated, the impatience was even stronger.

Immediately, he roared loudly and increased the speed of swinging the knife again.

At this time, as he was in a state of turmoil, there were some gaps between his actions, and he was caught by Han Xin and launched a fierce attack with his long sword.

As he chopped vigorously, Timur was forced to retreat, and he was constantly being suppressed!

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