Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

282 Fighting in the woods and fleeing! (Subscribe!)

so many people!

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Timur immediately frowned.

Then he said: "All the soldiers and soldiers come with me into the woods, let's set up an ambush here, if the soldiers and horses from the rear come to listen to my orders, be sure to leave them all here! 39

Timur completed the mentoring plan in an instant.

He himself was a general of the Huns, and he was also very experienced in combat.

It was only during the battle that Han Xin's soldiers and horses were forced to charge, causing a miscalculation, and finally the city fell into the hands of Daqin soldiers.

But that doesn't mean his commanding ability is poor.

Under the command of Timur, the soldiers under him burrowed into the woods one after another to hide!

As for the war horses, at this time they were all pulled into the depths of the woods and mounted on the pegs.

If it is not very close, no one will be able to detect it, and there is a group of horses parked here!

And Timur also ordered the soldiers to hide among the grass and trees and look out quietly!

Han Xin led his cavalry, and after the fast pursuers reached the edge of the woods, he immediately frowned.

It stands to reason that after chasing for so long, they should have caught up with the Timur deserter!

Why is there no one here!

A soldier in front said loudly: "Report to General Han Xin! The camp was discovered ahead, and it looks like it belonged to the Huns! The 267 Huns should have just left, and the horse dung on the ground is still hot!

That soldier is a soldier spying on intelligence, and he is also more active.

In an instant, it was obvious that the Huns had stayed here.

Han Xin was taken to the camp, nodded, and then said: "All the soldiers, be careful with me! Those Huns and their ferocity, maybe they will hide in the dark and wait for us to appear!

After hearing his words, those Qin soldiers nodded in agreement.

Then everyone looked around cautiously.

Han Xin pointed to the front and said, "Send a team of people to search ahead! Also, in the woods, let me check it out! Be sure not to miss any clues!

After hearing Han Xin's words, the soldiers nodded.

Then they divided a team of men and went to the front to investigate the news first!

The other one ran into the woods for detection.

There are not many of them, but all those who enter the detection range are people with vigilant eyes and agile skills!

After they reached the woods, they immediately pulled out their knives and stared hard at the four (bbbe) weeks to prevent danger!

At this time, Tian Muer gritted his teeth and stood behind a big tree!

He originally thought that Han Xin might, because he found that the horse dung was hot, so he would lead his men down into the woods to attack!

In this way, he fell into his trap. He didn't expect Han Xin to be so vigilant, and he just dispatched some horses to explore the woods.

But at this time, he had no choice but to stand up and question Han Xin!

After all, the two sides are hostile. As long as he dares to appear, Han Xin will order his men to attack without hesitation.

Seeing that the horses sent by Han Xin had arrived in the middle of the woods.

At this moment, Timur said loudly: "The soldiers rushed out immediately! Kill these people!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the Huns who were in ambush immediately launched an attack on nearly 2,000 people, and immediately rushed out from their hiding positions!

They formed a huge group and rushed towards the outside, and the targets they attacked were those Daqin soldiers who entered the woods to investigate.

The soldiers who were investigating saw the Huns rushing over, and their faces stiffened.

Then they turned around and fled outside without hesitation. They kept their identities in mind, they were just soldiers investigating the situation!

At this time, their task is to report the situation here to Han Xin, who is waiting for news outside!

Instead of staying here and fighting each other recklessly.

Besides, their numbers are huge, so staying here would be a death!

How long would it be if you didn't run away at this time?

With this thought in mind, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty ran quickly towards the outside of the woods!

And the soldiers under the leadership of Timur followed one after another!

Seeing that these troopers were about to run out of the woods, Timur immediately waved his hand and said, "The archers shoot me arrows!

There are not a few people among the Huns who can shoot arrows!

After his order was issued, he saw the archers immediately draw their long bows and draw the bowstrings at the running Daqin soldiers!

Only heard a few sounds, the bow and arrow flew out and landed heavily on the Daqin soldiers who were running.

The soldiers of Daqin were immediately shot to the ground several times!

The soldiers who were fleeing in front immediately turned around, grabbed the arm of their companions with one hand, and dragged them towards the front.

This performance fell into Timur's eyes, causing him to immediately grit his teeth and resent it.

These soldiers didn't even leave him a prisoner!

At the moment, he once again ordered his soldiers to shoot arrows!

At this time, those Da Qin soldiers had already run out of the woods!

When they ran out, they were immediately discovered by Han Xin.

Han Xin immediately said loudly: "If there is an enemy attack, everyone will rush to me!

As he spoke, he rushed forward with a man and a horse.

The soldiers pulled the wounded to appear, clearly in danger!

Han Xin responded very quickly!

Timur saw Han Xin lead his soldiers forward, ran out of the woods, and then Han Xin let the big army attack, he immediately stopped with gritted teeth!

Then he said loudly: "Everyone step back with me, don't come into contact with these Daqin soldiers!

As he spoke, he ran towards the rear first.

His voice was also heard by Han Xin, and Han Xin naturally knew that these were all Timur's subordinates!

Immediately, he said loudly: "Be careful, the Huns have entered the woods! There must be an ambush, everyone must be on guard, and don't be hurt by these Huns!"

"Yes, follow the command of the general!"

The soldiers under his command all responded loudly.

At this time, Han Xin took a look, and the soldiers who ran out to spy on the intelligence said: "What's going on! How did you meet those Huns inside?

After hearing his words, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

Mainly at this time, they saw the Daqin soldiers of their own family and felt a sense of security standing in the lieutenant general.

One of the spying soldiers who took the lead immediately looked at Han Xin with his fists folded and said: "Report to General Han Xin, we found these Huns in the depths of the woods, they formed an encirclement and were ready to attack! We see the situation is wrong, everyone They all run away!"

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