Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

273 Get burned, the situation is 10se! (Please subscribe!)

There is no way for the flames to pass, and the clothes will be burned directly, igniting the whole body.

Han Xin looked at the houses on both sides and said, "Go, use war horses to push these houses down and smash them on the flames!

Han Xin is a very powerful military strategist.

Naturally, he would not be blocked by the little flame.

After receiving his order, the cavalrymen arrived at the sides of the houses on both sides and found stone pillars to tie them up.

Then he started to move the warhorse he was sitting on and pulled towards the middle.

The power of the warhorse was great, and after some pulling, only a clatter was heard, and the house actually collapsed.

The direction they collapsed was in the middle of the street.

The thumping thumping sound was incessant.

After those stones flew over, they immediately covered the blazing flames.

Although those kerosene can incendiary bombs for a long time, after being isolated from oxygen, there is no way to re-ignite.

After seeing this situation, Han Xin was also quietly relieved.

After there was no flame burning, he could continue to charge forward. He led the cavalry under his command to quickly move towards the direction where the fire was burning, and rushed straight ahead.

Opposite him is Timur!

Timur led the soldiers beside him and lined up to shoot arrows at the cavalry on Han Xin's side.

A large rain of arrows fell, blocking the offensive of these cavalry rushing forward, and at this moment, a group of soldiers wearing armor rushed over on the street.

These were the Xiongnu soldiers who were temporarily dispatched nearby, as well as the local city defense soldiers.

After they arrived, they lined up neatly and began to form under the command of Timur.

Everyone stood in front of the flaming wall of fire, and the cavalry that Han Xin had originally led were shot by the archers and could not move forward quickly.

At this time, seeing so many people arriving again, his heart sank immediately.

However, he looked ahead, and there was a loud shout of killing.

Obviously, Meng Yi was launching a rapid attack on the city wall at this time.

Imagining the Daqin soldiers who were betting their lives outside, Han Xin couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "The soldiers rushed over with me!

After he finished shouting, he was the first to rush forward.

And those Da Qin cavalrymen behind him followed closely.

These Da Qin cavalrymen are all uniform in their movements!

When they were running, their faces were resolute, and in their eyes there were only the Huns standing opposite, and the local guards.

Just as he was rushing forward, another rain of arrows flew over.

Han Xin was ready to rush over with his cavalry desperately and fight in close quarters.

At this time, they saw a large number of local guards coming up with long spears.

They used spearmen to resist the cavalry.

There were archers shooting arrows in the back, and pikemen in the front to resist, while Timur took the core Huns with swords and shields and stood in the center.

In this case, even if the cavalry led by Han Xin rushed over, they would definitely be blocked, and there was no way to have any influence on the archers in the rear.

Timur stood still.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, because he felt that Han Xin's wave of cavalry would definitely be blocked here.

At his side, a large number of Xiongnu soldiers stood beside him holding wooden barrels containing kerosene.

As long as Han Xin and his cavalry were blocked, these Xiongnu soldiers would immediately throw the kerosene out.

When the time comes, the fire will be ignited, the cavalry in front will be burned to death, and at the same time, a wall of fire will be formed, blocking the advance of the cavalry in the rear, and suppressing them with bows and arrows, so as to consume their living strength!

Although the Daqin soldiers attacked very violently on the outer city wall, and the city wall was in danger, but Timur had already thought in his heart that he could not let the two sides cooperate with each other, otherwise the city wall would definitely not be able to be preserved.

Although these cavalry rushing into the city are fierce, they are relatively easy to deal with. As long as they are blocked, the pressure on the city wall will be reduced.

I don't believe that the soldiers of Daqin can fight to the death here.

They came on an expedition and had insufficient reserves.

If it is really desperate to attack the city, it is very uneconomical. Maybe if you hold on for a while, the Qin soldiers outside will retreat directly.

When Timur's thoughts fell, Han Xin had already rushed to the camp where the pikemen were with the cavalry behind him.

Originally, Han Xin was in the lead, but the personal soldiers around him didn't want him to take any risk, so they rushed to the front of him and smashed down with the weapons in their hands.

・・For flowers..

After the clanging sound, the spearmen were swayed left and right, and the weapons in their hands were swayed.

At the same time, they were rushed directly to the ground by the war horse and screamed.

At the same time, the cavalry in the rear also charged forward one after another. Among the cavalry, some who were good at cavalry shot arrows and slammed into the pikemen.

Others are scattered among the archers who shoot bows and arrows to the rear.

The screams of the blockbuster sounded, and at this time everyone fell into the realm of fierce fighting.

Han Xin forcefully chopped the sword in his hand.

A spearman just charged up with a spear, and he cut the spear all at once, and at the same time stabbed the sword into the opponent's stomach, killing him with one sword.


After doing this, Han Xin immediately shook the sword in his hand, and the blood fell to the ground.

He rode quickly to the rear of the camp.

The sword and shield hand took a step forward at this time and stood there!

After seeing this situation, Timur knew that the cavalry led by Han Xin could not be easily stopped.

Immediately, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Put the fire on!

After he finished speaking, the Xiongnu soldiers standing beside him threw all the kerosene barrels in their hands.

Han Xin was the first to discover the kerosene barrel.

He immediately widened his eyes and said loudly: "The back team changes to the front team and immediately retreat!""

His voice came out, and the messenger immediately passed on all his words.

The cavalry had their own set of transmission methods. The cavalry in the back row heard the order and turned their horses and ran towards the rear without hesitation.

The rest of the cavalry followed and turned their horses and charged forward!

At this time, he directly turned a corner and retreated toward the rear like a wave.

They move neatly and rhythmically.

Looking in the eyes of Timur standing in front, he felt quite surprised, even if the two sides were hostile, he also felt very admiration.

With such a training method and such a neat retreat speed, even the Xiongnu soldiers under his command couldn't compare at all.

However, his thought was fleeting and disappeared without a trace.

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