Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

265 is by no means an opp1nt, the raid was successful! (Please subscribe!)

This is what they had planned before.

After all, there are too many Huns. If they attack hard, they are definitely not opponents. They must use tactics.

Changing clothes was the tactic they used to catch the Huns by surprise.

Everyone's speed was very fast, and after the exchange was over, they threw the killed Huns into the nearby grass.

Then, the team leader led the rest of the team members, all sitting around the bonfire.

The war horses next to them also stood there quietly grazing.

From the outside, it seems that nothing has changed.

After waiting for a while, the Huns who were chasing the hares in the distance finally returned.

One by one they were very happy.

The head of the Huns held the ears of the hare in his hands, and everyone around him also laughed and laughed at him, and extended their thumbs to express their compliments.

After hearing the compliments from his companions, the Huns were even happier.

He then nodded and shouted to the edge of the camp to show off.

The leader of the Qin soldiers led the other team members, sitting by the bonfire, and turned slightly to look at the 11 Huns who came back, as if attracted by them.

The Huns with the hare in their hands immediately sat down by the bonfire, patted one of the Huns on the shoulder and murmured.

A few more Huns also sat down and talked around the bonfire.

However, there were two Huns who were assigned to pick up firewood.

At first glance, those two were the lowest-level existences among the Huns.

And the one who caught the hare seemed to be their captain.

After talking for a while, he found that the companion sitting next to him did not say a word.

At this time, he immediately added a sentence, a little impatient in his tone, as if he was angry that his companion did not praise him.

At this time, the captain of the Qin soldiers immediately turned around, raised the knife in his hand, and stabbed the Xiongnu captain's heart with force.

With a puff, the white knife went in, the red knife came out, and blood spattered out.

Sitting next to them, the other Huns were taken aback.

Their eyes widened, and they didn't expect that their companions would actually kill their captain.

At this moment, one of the Huns saw that the knife in the hands of their companion was not a weapon they used well, and immediately shouted!

Just at this moment, several other Daqin soldiers sitting nearby jumped up quickly, swung the knife in their hand, and slashed forward with force.

Between the light of the knife, the light of the knife cut on the necks of the Huns, cutting them down to the ground, leaving only the two Huns who escaped in time and were not cut down at once.

They fled towards the rear frantically, but were caught up by the squad leader of the Qin soldiers and hacked to death from the rear. Only one of them joined the remaining two companions. They immediately drew out their knives and attacked the Qin soldiers. The squads here face off against each other.

There are three of them, and the number of people on the team is four!

Although the number of people is at a disadvantage, they can still stabilize their positions under the situation of hard frontal support.

The Xiongnu shouted loudly, but the soldiers of the Qin State did not understand a word.

However, they can guess what they mean, and they should be asking loudly.

The captain of the Qin soldiers immediately stood up and said loudly: "We are the vanguard of the Qin Empire, you surrender immediately and throw away your weapons, otherwise you will be killed.

After the captain of the Daqin soldiers shouted, the three Huns standing opposite were flustered, and they did not know what the captain was shouting.

At this time, the captain of the Daqin soldiers also gave up shouting. He immediately waved his arms and ordered several team members around him to move towards the front.

At first sight, these Huns went out to report the news, and they didn't know what news they reported. At this time, they had to be caught and brought to Han Xin, and after some inquiry, they would naturally know.

Now the three Huns must live one.

When the team leader led the team members around him to surround him, he saw that the three Huns on the opposite side also showed a fierce look. They raised their knives one after another and aimed at the soldier of Daqin who was running ahead. Captain, shouting loudly.

At this time, they also saw that these people were not their own companions at all.

The captain of the soldiers of the Qin State came to one of the Huns, raised his knife and slashed at him. At this time, the conversation was meaningless, so it was better to do it directly.

The light of the sword flashed and fell on the Xiongnu.

The latter hurriedly raised his machete to block.

The two sides collided, only to hear a bang, a violent collision, and the Huns fell directly to the ground.

The other two Huns also gritted their teeth and shouted at this time, attacking the team leader.

At this time, the other Qin soldiers who followed the captain also came.

They raised their knives high and swept forward.

There was a clatter, the light of the sword flickered, and it landed directly on the swords held by the two Huns.

The two sides collided, and the Huns retreated involuntarily.

Their number is too small, and they are the ones who suffer from confrontation at this time.

And at this time, the captain of the Qin soldier raised the knife in his hand again and slashed forward vigorously.

257 After he cut down the knife, the Huns immediately hurriedly retreated to the rear.

The captain of the Daqin soldiers, with their companions, pressed hard step by step, and the Huns were forced to retreat to the vicinity of the group of war horses.

After seeing this group of war horses, one of the Huns roared and jumped towards the war horse next to him, preparing to ride the war horse away.

At this time, the Daqin soldiers did not ride horses when they came. If the Huns rode on horses, they would not be able to catch up.

After seeing this situation, the captain of the Daqin soldiers felt a little impatient in his heart.

"Don't let them ride!" he exclaimed.

But now, he led the soldiers behind him to chase forward, but it was too late.

Seeing those passers-by jump on the horses, ready to turn their heads and leave the place.

Suddenly, a Daqin soldier rushed out from the vicinity of the war horse.

He directly cut the saber toward the Xiongnu's body, and cut the Xiongnu to the ground with just one knife, and then chopped off his head.

This Daqin soldier who shot was the one that was added earlier, and the person who did not play the role of the Huns was sitting beside the bonfire.

After that, he came to the side of the war horse for protection.

His mission was actually to guard this side and prevent the Huns from escaping on horseback.

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