Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

263 prevent it from reappearing and move forward at a high speed! (Please subscribe!)

After such a tight defense and aftermath, the attacking wolves were all killed.

Han Xin ordered those soldiers to check around to prevent other beasts from appearing.

Fortunately not in the end.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when there were no beasts around.

After that, Han Xin instructed the Daqin soldiers under his command to take a short rest.

After a series of battles, everyone's mood is more surging.

Fortunately, these wolves attacked ordinary soldiers, not the horses they were riding on.

In this wave, although a few soldiers were injured, most of them were rescued, and there was no way for those who died.

Han Xin ordered the soldiers to put their dead companions on horseback, take them out of the desert, and burn them on the spot.

After the rest was over, he ordered the team to start.

When the entire cavalry team was advancing, the speed was still very fast!

Although the sky was dark, but because of the guidance of the map, it was no problem to run along the front.

The key is that tonight, the stars in the sky are extremely bright.

Han Xin relied on the stars to guide the way, and did not turn his way at that time.

Taking advantage of the cool breeze at night, everyone moved forward quickly, resting people and horses.

Under such pursuit, when the sun was shining, one of the soldiers in the front shouted: "It's on the edge!

His voice was more excited.

After hearing his voice, those who followed behind were also really happy.

As for Han Xin, he also smiled at this time.

After several hardships in the middle, they finally reached the edge of this desert in a day and a half.

Seeing that everyone was very tired, the war horses they were riding also started to foam at the mouth.

It was clear that the horses couldn't take it after the long journey.

Immediately, Han Xin ordered everyone to stop temporarily and rest at the edge of the desert.

Although it is also a piece of sand, there is still green grass.

The point is, the cool breeze in the air is much stronger than walking under the scorching sun before.

After everyone stopped, Han Xin picked out some soldiers with relatively strong mental strength and went around to patrol.

Mainly because he was frightened by the wild wolves that suddenly rushed out yesterday, to prevent the previous events from happening.

At the same time, he also asked these soldiers to pay attention to whether there was a water source nearby.

Everyone's water bags have been run for so long and consumed halfway, and there is not much left.

If no water source can be found, some soldiers may become dehydrated.

This is a very serious matter.

The soldiers dispatched by Han Xin scattered, and some patrolled nearby.

Some go farther, to find the place where the water source is, presumably after walking out of the wasteland, there should be a water source to be found.

There were several groups of soldiers walking towards the distance.

There are five people in one of them.

This is a squad.

The captain led the way, with water bladders on their backs.

When walking forward, they looked around from time to time to prevent wild animals from appearing!

When the army walks in the wild, wild animals are easy to appear.

Of course, when everyone gathers together, ordinary wild beasts can't hurt them, but will be annihilated by them.

However, ordinary squad members have to be careful when walking.

The number of people is small, and if they meet, for example, the existence of the wild wolves last night, they will definitely be surrounded and killed.

The captain of this squad is an experienced soldier.

He was a little old, and when he walked forward with a beard, his hand kept pressing on the handle of the knife.

After walking forward for a while, he suddenly twitched his nose, stopped after smelling it, and said, "Do you smell anything?

After he finished speaking, the rest of the soldiers also stopped and lifted their chins to smell the air.

Another soldier said, "It smells like barbecue. Is there anyone else around here?"

After he finished speaking, the rest of the soldiers became vigilant.

The captain who led the squad immediately pulled out his knife and said, "Let's follow the location where the smell emanates, attack and see what's going on."

After he finished speaking, the members of the squad followed him one after another, holding weapons and marching towards the location where the smell was exuding.

Their steps are very light, so as not to disturb those in front of them.

And as they moved forward, they could see that a lot of green grass appeared on the road.

··For flowers.....

And among the grass was some horse manure.

Everyone is familiar with horse manure.

This kind of cavalry in the cavalry ranks is often seen.

They also need cleaning every now and then!

However, it was in their own team. At this time, outside the wasteland, in the wilderness, they first smelled the smell of barbecue, and then saw some fresh horse manure.

This means that there must be someone nearby!

The current leader of the squad immediately squeezed his fingers and made a movement to let everyone spread out and search for the vicinity.

After getting close to here, everyone can't speak.

If the words caused movement and caused the vigilance of the people in front, maybe they would turn around and kill a wave.

The situation of the other party is unknown, and at this time, it is necessary to keep as quiet as possible.

After the investigation is completed, the next step will be decided.

While everyone was searching, after a while, one of the soldiers gave a signal.

When everyone gathered around, the soldier pointed forward.

The place where the soldiers were hiding at this time was a bush.

Around this grove, there are some green grass.

The grass grows so high that it reaches the position above the knee of a person. If you squat down and don't pay attention, you can't see it.

Everyone looked forward from here, and found that not far away, there were several cavalry soldiers sitting on the ground.

They were grilling with a bonfire, and the clothes they wore were the Huns.

After seeing this, the captain of the cavalry immediately stared.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty and the Huns were not born to deal with each other.

Besides, the Huns appeared in the wild, and they were dressed to tell the news.

The leader of the team rolled his eyes, and then waved his arms to make everyone back. After retreating to a safe distance, he lowered his voice and said: "There are more than ten of those Huns, you can think of a way, we will take them down. ."

After the squad leader finished speaking, the soldiers standing beside him were slightly surprised.

One of the soldiers said, "We have such a small number of people, how can we deal with them? Why don't we go and report to the large army, let General Han Xin lead the cavalry team, and they will be taken down with a single charge." Bu.

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