Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

253 Orderly, brave Daqin soldiers! (Subscribe!)

In this case, it is impossible to push down the ladder easily.

And these ladders to the city are carefully designed.

Where they contacted the city wall, they were all wrapped in iron sheets that had been tempered.

If you want to cut off this skin, unless you use a divine weapon that cuts iron like mud, you can't cut it off in a short period of time with ordinary weapons.

With this skill, the soldiers of the Qin State will immediately climb up the city wall.

After seeing the ladder to climb the city falling to the city wall, even the stupid soldier knew that the enemy was about to attack the city.

The soldiers panicked.

At this time, a large number of Hun soldiers ran up the city wall.

When they saw the local guards running around, they immediately went up and punched and kicked.

Those who were extremely disobedient directly slashed with knives and hacked them to death on the spot. Under the bloody suppression, the local defenders quickly calmed down.

They all looked at the Huns in panic, and the soldiers of the Xiongnu finally discovered the situation outside, and they were more sensitive to the soldiers of the Daqin.

After all, all of them were driven here by Daqin soldiers, but they didn't expect Daqin soldiers to chase after them.

When they found that there were many Daqin soldiers standing outside the city wall, they all showed a look of horror.

This is simply a godsend!

When they arrived at the wasteland where Europe is located, they never thought that the soldiers of the Qin State would chase after them!

Originally, I thought that I could rely on their fierce attack to re-establish my own country here, but I didn't expect these Daqin soldiers to arrive silently.

Not to mention the shocking hearts of these Huns, a sound of orders sounded among the Qin soldiers in the rear!

Seeing a large number of archers, they raised their arms, aimed at the top of the city wall and pulled their bowstrings.

At this time, the team had already advanced to the edge of the city wall, and the archer pulled the bowstring and made a sound, and a large number of bows and arrows hit the city wall.

The Hun soldiers standing on the city wall reacted very quickly, and immediately fell to the ground.

If you can't dodge in time, pull up the local defenders next to you to make a shield to block the front.

Those guards who were used as shields were shot into hedgehogs and thrown under the city wall, but they protected the safety of the Xiongnu soldiers.

At this time, everyone did not dare to say a word.

At this moment, everyone was avoiding the bows and arrows designed by Qin Bing below.

After all, the Huns were more valiant than the local hands. They waited until the bows and arrows shot by the cavalry stopped temporarily, and immediately turned back towards the bottom, and also used the bows and arrows to reflect!

After the bows and arrows on the city wall shot out, they immediately covered the Qin soldiers.

The Qin soldiers in front hurriedly raised their shields above their heads for protection. After a tinkling sound, the bows and arrows bounced off immediately.

A large piece of bows and arrows quickly fell on the heads of those Daqin soldiers.

At this time, the Xiongnu soldiers above the city wall were all crazy.

They did not expect that the soldiers of Da Qin would be here.

But they knew that they couldn't let these Daqin soldiers run to the city wall, otherwise, they would surely die.

At the same time, the warning message above the city wall was also transmitted to the rear of the city at this time.

In this city, the Huns were stationed, and at the same time, there were also the local soldiers who were cooperatively defending.

There are 30,000 Huns in the entire city.

Those local defenders numbered 70,000, and the two sides cooperated and cooperated with each other.

The number of Huns above the city wall is still very small, there are about 4,000 of them, and the rest are local guards.

Those local defenders could not compare with the Huns in terms of fighting power and fighting consciousness, and even less than the soldiers of Da Qin.

Under the rain of arrows, the most dead were these local defenders.

As for the Huns, they also suffered relatively few casualties, while the Qin soldiers below the city wall suffered the least injuries at this time.

Although the Huns kept shooting arrows above the city wall, aiming to cover them, but under the arrow rain, only a few soldiers of the Qin State were shot to the ground.

The rest of the bows and arrows were all carried by the shield.

After the first wave of arrows was caught, behind the Qin soldiers, the archers pulled their long bows up again.

Then he aimed at the top of the city wall and shot it directly.

Although it was an upward attack, because the distance was not too far, Qin's bows and arrows were powerful, so this wave of arrows once again covered the city wall.

··For flowers.....

In accordance with the previous method, the Huns used the body of the local defenders as a barrier.

They hid behind the city wall.

At this time, the rain of arrows shrouded down, and there was another scream.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Yi ordered the army to start moving forward quickly and climb the ladder to the top of the city wall.

Meng Yi gave an order, and the entire army began to move.

Those soldiers who attacked the city in the first wave were all strong people. They were carrying shields and holding a ladder in the other hand, then bit the knife in their mouths, and climbed towards the top of the city wall with fierce eyes.

Because the ladder here is on the top of the city wall, the construction is very strict, so the soldiers above the city wall have no way to push the ladder away for a while, they can only grab the things around them in a panic, and throw them towards the bottom of the city wall.


For example, some soldiers' swords.

There are also shields, and even the corpses of companions.

They kept throwing them towards the bottom of the city wall. Those Daqin soldiers who climbed up the city wall put their shields on top of their heads, and everything that fell above was bounced off.

Only those corpses that were thrown down could still have some effect on them.

Some unlucky Daqin soldiers were knocked under the city wall, they screamed and their hands and feet were broken.

Some were thrown to death!

At this time, a quick response team ran over, dragged them away and dragged them to the rear, and then they were treated by doctors in the military camp.

The rhythm of the entire attack on the Daqin side seemed to be orderly and not at all chaotic. On the other hand, the Huns standing above the city wall, as well as the local guards, had become like flies.

Because they did not expect that the Daqin soldiers would arrive here so quickly and launch an attack.

So above the city wall, there are no rolling stones, or orange wood or anything like that.

At this time, under their effective defense methods, there is no way to stop the progress of the Daqin soldiers!

In the front row, several Daqin soldiers had come to the edge of the city wall with their knives in hand, then reached out and grabbed the edge of the city wall, turning over and jumping up!

When he jumped up again, he immediately swung the knife in his hand vigorously forward, breaking through the guards on the city wall that were about to surround him! Bu.

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