Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

247 for trading, every1 is happy! (Please subscribe!)

After Meng Yi rode on the horse and saw the situation ahead, he immediately knew that the matter had been resolved.

At present, these Huns were killed by the tribes they held hostage.

So now he only needs to face the natives of these tribes.

Just when Meng Yi's idea fell, Han Xin also thought of the same thing.

They looked at each other and immediately waved their arms, only to see the surrounding Daqin soldiers retreating one after another, making way for a huge gap.

Through this gap, you can see the road of the wasteland in the distance.

The tribal warriors standing in the encirclement saw Meng Yi's army and actually gave way, and they all showed surprise.

Especially the chiefs of several tribes, they were all overwhelmed.

At this time, a group of people came running from the small town. The one headed by him was the new city lord of the small town. In addition, he was accompanied by some city defenders.

There are also some merchants.

After they arrived here, they stood in front of Han Xin, who nodded to them.

The city lord immediately waved his arms.

But when he saw the merchants brought by him, they all stood in front of the crowd.

When Han Xin discussed the plan with Meng Yi earlier, he thought of the possibility of the Xiongnu and the natives being surrounded.

These Huns are too cruel, but their number will not exceed the local natives. Although I did not expect these fierce people to be killed by the native natives as their vassals tonight, the results are similar.

Their purpose is to kill the Huns first, and then divide the natives!

These natives who rushed over were trapped in a circle.

Then, you can let those merchants in the small town who understand the local aboriginal language begin to come forward and adopt the policy of Huairou to give those aboriginals relatively better treatment.

In this way, they are absorbed and slowly integrated into the civilized world.

If these native chiefs were not stupid and could take a long-term perspective, they would definitely agree.

Then this small town. It will become a radiant point in the border area and radiate to the surrounding area, passively controlling all the indigenous tribes in the surrounding wasteland.

No longer afraid, these indigenous tribes have a heart of rebellion.

The plan is good, it just depends on how it goes.

At this time, Han Xin looked at the new city lord.

The new city lord nodded immediately and told him that there was no problem, so he could rest assured.

At this time, the merchants who came out of the tribe all walked into the tribe with the warmest smiles.

When they were walking, they continued to take out a bag of salt from the cloth bag they were carrying and distribute it to the tribe warriors who stood in front of them.

The amount of these salts is not too much, and a cloth bag probably only contains more than one or two salts.

But this is a very precious thing for the tribe temporarily.

Everyone went to snatch them, so that when these merchants were marching, no tribal warrior stepped forward to stop them, allowing them to reach the position of the tribal chief.

At this time, the chiefs of several tribes all stood together.

They were worried that the surrounding Da Qin soldiers would massacre them. After the battle just now, the chiefs of these tribes saw the abilities of the Qin soldiers.

They wear armor and have sharp weapons.

Moreover, the combat power is extremely brave. Under such a premise, their tribe warriors are not opponents of the other party at all.

Later, Meng Yi asked the soldiers around him to get out of the way. The chiefs of these tribes did not know what he meant, and did not dare to let the tribesmen go. After the new city owner in the small town came over with the merchants, their hearts were broken. Just relax a little.

Because these merchants who have been brought out of the small town have all had contact with them.

In order to make money, the merchants in the small town would go to the tribe to exchange items to get some furs, as well as other precious ores.

Then take it back to the small town and sell it to make a profit.

They can also communicate in indigenous languages.

Relatively speaking, it is much stronger to (bbbe) than to face the Daqin soldiers directly.

A merchant headed by it is the largest merchant in the small town!

He had met with the chiefs of several tribes. After he came over, he showed a gentle smile to the chiefs of several tribes that the surrounding army had no malice towards them.

The purpose is only for those Huns who control them, to drive away these evil Huns and restore peace in the wasteland.

After hearing the news, the chiefs of several tribes felt incredible.

At the same time, they were slightly grateful to these Daqin soldiers.

After all, these tribes were controlled by the Huns, which caused a lot of scourge, and many warriors of the tribe died innocently.

And these Daqin soldiers can help them kill these Huns, which is a great good thing for the tribe.

After seeing their expressions softened, the merchant immediately observed his words and continued: "In order to show the sincerity of the Qin army, some salt was specially distributed to all the tribes present for free. 35


This news shocked the chief of the tribe even more than the previous news.

Salt is hard currency in the wasteland.

At the same time, it is also a very precious thing!

If these indigenous people want to live, they absolutely cannot do without salt.

However, they would not be able to refine such things as salt, and could only exchange some items in the small town. On weekdays, a large piece of fine fur could be exchanged for a little salt.

At this time, the merchant actually said that it could be given away for free, which was a pleasant surprise.

At the moment, these chiefs all expressed their gratitude.

At this time, the leading merchant once again threw a bombshell.

He said that in addition to the free salt, there was also fine burlap, which was also given to the chiefs of the tribe to make clothes.

There are also a considerable number of iron weapons, presented to each tribe.

Speaking of the salt in front, the chiefs of the tribe are ecstatic.

Then it was said later that he presented coarse cloth clothes and various iron tools, which shocked the chief of the tribe beyond any doubt.

Fortunately, salt can be traded, but weapons, especially iron weapons, are rare.

In a small town, it would not be allowed to circulate into the wasteland at all.

Unexpectedly, it is actually given to the tribe now, and there is a certain amount. For these indigenous people, it is like a pie from the sky, and they are dizzy when they are smashed.

At this time, the merchants said again that they could let the chiefs of the tribe and designated personnel come to live or trade in the small town.

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