Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

245 Scared to break the courage and fight together! (Please subscribe!)

Han Xin did not let his personal soldiers pursue him.

He asked Qin Bing to seal the entrance to the barracks, and then said with a sneer: "Since entering the Qin army camp and wanting to leave, it's a dream!

As he spoke, he saw a blaze of fire outside the barracks.

Large tracts of firewood were piled up in the wilderness, and then lit, illuminating the entire wilderness as if it were daylight.

The fire also reflected the Huns who ran out, as well as the natives of the tribe, and it was very clear!

They all stopped at this time.

The members of those tribes immediately fell to their knees and put their palms on their foreheads in prayer.

The flames on the wasteland were not easy to come by. The soldiers of these tribes worshipped the huge bonfire with the same feeling of worship as the gods, so they knelt down and worshipped.

After seeing their appearance, the Xiongnu soldiers were in a hurry.

Anytime, still praying, there is something wrong!

When the Huns next to him saw this, they immediately drew out their knives angrily and stepped forward, preparing to chop off the flames.

11 Just at this moment, cluttered footsteps were heard in the darkness.

When the Huns looked up, their eyes widened with fright, because those who came out of the darkness were the very elite Qin soldiers!

After they appeared, they all roared loudly, then stretched out their hand and drew out the saber they carried, pointing straight ahead.

At this time, they were lined up in an array and fell into the eyes of the Huns, and he immediately sank infinitely in his heart.

Originally, he thought that since he couldn't cause any damage, he would return immediately. If he was fast enough, he might be able to run out of this place and get in touch with the large army.

At this time, Meng Yi personally led a team of people to ambush outside the barracks.

He had discussed it with Han Xin in advance.

Han Xin drove the Huns and natives from the barracks and let them escape in panic.

When these Huns and tribesmen rushed out of the barracks, he would appear a huge bonfire lit.

A large number of Qin soldiers behind Meng Yi were also revealed.

They number between tens of thousands, wearing armor and staring at the indigenous people in front of them.

The number of these indigenous people is 50,000.

The strength is much worse than that of the Qin army!

The natives were holding stone weapons, while the Qin army was there.

In their hands, they are holding very sharp and sharp weapons, and the cold light is shining.

Han Xin took the army out from behind, Meng Yi was on guard at the front, and the army slowly closed.

After the complete merger, it was when the natives and the Huns were killed.

Faced with these encircling soldiers, the Huns looked anxious.

He finally knew that it was a trap!

The Xiongnu commander hesitated in his heart, seeing that he could not leave today, he immediately gritted his teeth and shouted: "Everyone is fighting! These Qin troops are not invincible, as long as they escape, they can survive! 39

After the shouting was over, the commander of the Huns rushed up first.

He waved his machete, and the first person he met was Meng Yi.

Meng Yi saw the commander of the Huns running over, and drew out the knife directly, colliding with each other.

The commander of the Huns was also a very fierce person.

A machete in his hand flew back and forth.

During the flickering of cold light, every time he slashed towards Meng Yi's neck, ready to hack him to death.

Ordinary soldiers were difficult for the Zhao family, but Meng Yi easily blocked them and fought back at the same time.

The commander of the Huns was good at horseback riding, but if he stood on the ground and competed in swordsmanship, he couldn't compare to Meng Yi at all.

The two sides fought. After three or two blows, Meng Yi found a gap. He stretched out his long sword and swung away the machete of the Xiongnu commander.

With a click, a gap was cut in the neck of the Huns commander.

With blood flowing, he fell down on his back in disbelief.

He didn't even understand when he died, how did Meng Yi take a fancy to his neck!

Meng Yi didn't care about this at all.

He didn't have any emotional ups and downs at all about the death of a Huns.

The combat power of this commander is not at the same level as him!

At this time, his eyes turned to another Huns.

When the Huns saw that Meng Yi had actually killed their leader, he was shocked, and at the same time, he shouted, and nervously slashed the weapon in his hand towards Meng Yi's body.

That commander is the spiritual totem in their hearts. Without that commander, the Huns would only use personal bravery to confront the enemy!

Several Huns attacked together, and it was still shocking to watch!

In the face of the attack, Meng Yi did not blink.

He easily blocked it and kicked out, kicking one of the Huns out.

Then the long sword spun around and stabbed into the heart of another Huns, stabbing him to death.

In the splash of blood, Meng Yi, like a god of war, killed several Hun soldiers.

At this moment, he looked forward with cold eyes.

In other places, Meng Yi led these soldiers, just to surround the fleeing Huns.

Except for the Huns who went out to Meng Yi, other Huns also fought against Qin soldiers.

After they fought hard, there were only a few hundred people left.

Hundreds of people wanted to attack the encirclement of tens of thousands of troops, but they couldn't break out.

They were eventually forced back.

Moreover, the formation of the soldiers of the Qin State, under the command of Meng Yi, shrank rapidly, constantly suppressing the living space of the Huns.

These Huns looked at each other and knew that the Qin army led by Meng Yi was powerful.

The Huns were a little scared and could only drive the natives to fight!

The indigenous people are mentally retarded and are afraid of killing at this time.

They all wanted to kneel and surrender.

But after being driven out by the Xiongnu soldiers, they involuntarily took stone weapons and marched forward to attack.

Facing those well-equipped Qin soldiers, they were not opponents at all.

Several were easily beheaded, and in the blood spatter, more natives were chopped down.

In the Qin army's powerful slaughter, the indigenous people instantly fell several thousand people.

Many natives knelt down directly.

Qin Bing did not attack at this time, but bypassed them.

Under this circumstance, even the chiefs among the natives were afraid, and dared not let their subordinates continue to die!

Anyway, if you don't deal with Qin Bing, Qin Bing will not kill them!

The Huns did not think so.

The Huns and Qin soldiers are natural enemies!

At this time, they knew that they would definitely die against Qin soldiers!

Therefore, they did not go forward, but continued to drive the natives of the tribes behind them to attack.

If you disagree slightly, immediately look over with a knife.

In the flickering cold light, several of those natives were hacked to death, but such a threat could not make the frightened natives advance.

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