Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

237 Straight to the point, the plan to conquer the indigenous people! (Subscribe!)

As soon as the Huns came over, they rushed out and annihilated them all. Han Xin also extended his thumb.

He said to Meng Yi: "General Meng is worthy of being a God of War figure, and this move of secret soldiers is really brilliant. 35

After hearing Han Xin's words, Meng Yi laughed and scolded: "You are a dignified military officer, and naturally you understand this better than me, so don't bury your brothers anymore."

Han Xin laughed immediately.

On the same day, Emperor Qin ordered the three armies to be rewarded. Most of the soldiers of the Qin state camped outside the small town, and they had provisions for the army.

Immediately buy a pot to cook rice and take a rest.

With the protection of these large armies, the vicinity of the small city is temporarily safe, and there is no need to worry about being attacked.

And after seeing the mighty force of the Daqin soldiers, the residents in the city were also very afraid of the Daqin Empire from the bottom of their hearts.

Also at ease.

These great troops did not commit any crimes, they were much better than the Huns!

Moreover, Meng Yi led the army to drive away the Huns who bullied them and beheaded them all. They were very grateful to Meng Yi and the Da Qin army behind him.

The new city lord spoke pure Central Plains dialect and came to the city lord's mansion where Qin Huang Yingzheng was located.

Also offering 240 of the best things in town.

After being reimbursed by the Huns, there are not many good things in this small town, but it can represent an attitude.

Qin Huang Yingzheng was very happy about this, it was rare to see someone who could speak the Central Plains dialect in this foreign land!

He also rewarded the new city lord and the post of county governor.

This is a formal appointment.

The new city owner was not happy. He sang and danced with the residents of the city that night, and performed for the soldiers of the Qin State outside the city to relax.

Silent all night.

Everyone slept slowly in jubilation.

However, Meng Yi and Han Xin did not fall asleep, they gathered together to discuss the next attack plan.

What Emperor Qin wanted was military exploits and invincibility.

The small town is just the first step.

Now that Meng Yi has taken the first step, he can also sleep peacefully.

Meng Yi and Han Xin stood on the edge of the map, watching the terrain ahead, preparing to plan the next step Sang Tao!

Now they are on the border of northern Europe.

According to the display on the map, if you go further, it is the center of Europe.

It was also the place where the main force of the Huns had already attacked.

In the present Huns, the rear troops have been annihilated.

I don't know if this news was leaked or not.

Through Meng Yi's previous interrogation of the Huns, we can learn that they conquered the tribes nearby and let them participate in the battle as vassals.

I don't know what form these tribes are now, they fell to the Xiongnu side, or they still have hatred for the Xiongnu.

This matter has to be considered.

The local indigenous lethality is also very powerful.

Although their fighting skills and will to fight are not good, but relying on their familiarity with the local terrain and the advantage of their numbers, if they encounter a small group of Qin soldiers, they will definitely cause huge losses to them.

Han Xin had personally experienced this, so he paid more attention to these natives.

In this matter, it is not enough to deduce on the map alone.

Han Xin asked the city lord of this small town to come too, and the city lord of the small town was a local resident.

Behind him, there is also a commander of the local guards.

After the two of them arrived, Han Xin went straight to the point and asked the new city lord something about the nearby indigenous tribes.

After hearing his words, the new city lord immediately showed a disdainful expression and said: "Those natives are all uncivilized savages, he is incompatible with the civilized world, as long as you have salt and other luxurious items, you can get them in the tribe in exchange for them. Anything over there, including the population!"

After hearing the words of the new city lord, Han Xin said, "Those tribesmen are not so stupid."

The new city lord said to him: "What this general does not know, in the wasteland, the people in the tribe are in short supply, especially for things like salt, which are very scarce, they have to change, and they keep them in captivity. The cattle, sheep, and the items obtained from hunting, if they are exchanged in the civilized world, they can exchange for some decorations and clothes that they do not have.

This city lord is also a talkative person. From the fact that he can speak pure Central Plains dialect, it can be seen that he has a very wide range of knowledge and a very good understanding of these local conditions.

Under his explanation, Han Xin and Meng Yi also understood that the tribes nearby were primitive primitive people.

The small town here is an outpost for the European civilized world to reach the border, and it is also the only city nearby.

As an outpost leading to the front of the European world, he played the role of transferring goods and guarding the territory.

In the interior of Europe, many merchants will arrive at the small town with their items, and then take a break and continue to rush to the Central Plains to sell.

Of course, there are few such caravans, but the role of a small town cannot be replaced.

This is also the reason why the broken army of the Huns will be stationed in this small town!

The rest of the neighborhood is an uncivilized location.

These savage indigenous people can be brought to the inland countries of Europe through constant commodity trading, and let them perform performances or gladiatorial fights, so as to win people's attention.

The current city lord is very contemptuous of the nearby barbarians. In his words, these are all beast-like existences. As for the commander of the first soldier, the same is true.

Meng Yi looked at the new city lord and said: "The Huns conquered those barbarian tribes nearby and asked them to help fight. Now although these Huns have been killed, the barbarian tribes they conquered have not been wiped out. This matter is a hidden danger. , had to guard against.

The current city owner waved his hand directly and said: "General, don't worry! I will take the guards in the city to deal with this matter.

Han Xin glanced at him and said directly: "You have only three hundred guards left in the city now, how can you fight against those barbarians, their number is definitely more than tens of thousands!"

The new city lord immediately said calmly: "Three hundred people is enough! Those barbarians still respect and fear these soldiers in the city! Otherwise, I will cut off their commodity trading and make them in short supply. Nature will yield.35

Although I don't know where the confidence of this new city owner comes from.

But since he said so, Han Xin and Meng Yi looked at each other and decided to let him send someone to try it.

The new city lord naturally hurriedly agreed, saying that in the early morning of the next day, he would immediately send someone to deal with this matter.

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