Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

233 Such an opp1nt will solve the battle in an instant! (Please subscribe!)

After passing through, the defensive power of the city gate hole was immediately disintegrated.

Meng Yi stood on the edge of the city gate. He watched the steady stream of soldiers pouring into it, with a proud look on his face.

This is the iron hoof of Da Qin. It acts bravely and keeps going forward. Anyone who gets stuck in front or resists obstacles will be directly removed, and it will be melted directly like white snow in the spring.

At this time, the cavalry who entered the city at the front formed a horizontal array. The middle of the street where they were running immediately reversed the direction of the horse's head, and then took the longbow from the back, aiming at it, still stunned. The soldiers guarding the city wall on the spot drew their bowstrings.


The bow and arrow flew out, and all fell on the heads of these soldiers with a clatter.

Seeing the bows and arrows flying from the sky, these soldiers widened their eyes in horror.

Before they could react, they were directly stabbed by the bow and arrow.

The fierce screams sounded, and the soldiers in the front row were the most unlucky. They were shot into hedgehogs and fell to the ground.

The soldiers in the rear did not escape the fate of being shot. They waved their weapons and wanted to block, but they couldn't stop it at all.

With the sound of being hit with flesh and blood by bows and arrows, these people fell to the ground one after another.

And at this time.

Those Huns who commanded the action followed another street in a hurry and ran quickly towards the other side of the city.

They know that these Daqin cavalry are powerful, and now the city gate can't be defended. When these Daqin soldiers enter the city, they, the Huns, will definitely not be able to survive.

At this time, their whereabouts were finally discovered by those Daqin soldiers who had invaded the city.

A team of Qin troops quickly chased after them, and because the Huns ran faster, they still had some distance to chase.

Just when the Huns were about to run out of the city, a group of residents suddenly swarmed out.

They all stood in front of these Huns with angry rays of light.

After seeing them, the Huns immediately shouted the fiercest and waved their weapons forward, ready to scare away the crowd.

However, these residents were unmoved. They raised their arms one after another, holding wooden sticks or various iron forks in their hands, and even the spoons at home, all of which were held in their hands as weapons and blocked in front of them.

These people are naturally not the opponents of the Huns.

But they stood there firmly, blocking the footsteps of the Huns.

The Daqin soldiers at the rear came up to meet them, and the Huns were surrounded by Daqin soldiers in their desperate cries.

The soldiers of Da Qin, holding steel knives and shields with one hand, marched to surround the Huns in the middle.

Several local residents lay on the ground, and they died horribly.

They were all stabbed several times before they died. In the end, these Huns failed to break through the human wall. They let out a loud roar and rushed towards the Daqin soldiers who surrounded them.

Prepare for desperate resistance.

However, how could these ordinary Xiongnu soldiers be the opponents of those Daqin soldiers lined up in an array, and they were immediately cut to the ground, screaming and falling into a pool of blood.

After going crazy, you will wake up automatically.

Several Huns couldn't stand such brutal killing, and knelt directly on the ground to express their surrender.

However, the Daqin soldiers who surrounded them were not at all soft-handed. They raised the steel knives in their hands and chopped off their heads directly.

So far, the Huns who guarded the city have all died.

When the residents saw that the soldiers of Daqin had killed the Huns, they all threw away what they were holding and fell to their knees.

Their eyes had a very complicated look, which was mixed with fear and some fun.

One of the more mature-looking residents took a few steps forward.

He knelt on the ground and looked at the leader of the Daqin soldier, and shouted loudly: "Thank you for helping us kill these evil thieves!

What he said was the Qin Opera with the right words!

The leader of the personal soldiers looked at him in surprise and said, "You can speak the words of the Central Plains."

The old-fashioned resident immediately nodded and said, "Xiao followed the caravan through the wasteland in his early years, arrived in the Central Plains, and later settled in this small town. These Huns suddenly came to the small town and committed all kinds of evils. The residents and victims of the city did not know. How many!

The old man's family was also killed by them, and they are very resentful! Now, you can help us kill these evil people to avenge, everyone is very grateful, thank you for avenging us!

・・For flowers.....

After hearing their words, the captains of these Qin soldiers smiled slightly and said, "The Huns and I, Da Qin, are mortal enemies by nature. It is normal to kill them. You don't need to thank me!"

After saying this, he looked at the old man and the residents behind him and said, "But I, the king of the Qing Dynasty, only aimed at the fierce and brutal Huns, and I absolutely did nothing to you local residents, and you also No need to be afraid.

After hearing the soldier's words, the mature-looking resident immediately showed surprise in his eyes.

He knelt down forcefully on the ground, prostrated himself, and shouted loudly, "Thank you!


The inhabitants of the city followed him in worship.

At this time, the captain of the Daqin soldiers began to lead the soldiers behind him back, and at the same time asked these residents to dispose of the bodies.

The mature-looking resident at the head nodded immediately.

After seeing the soldiers of the Qin State leave, he re-emerged with a fierce light in his eyes and shouted loudly: "These gang of scumbags are already dead, but we can't let their corpses go, and everyone will cut them into pieces."

As he spoke, he was the first to grab the machete that the Huns had dropped on the ground, and slashed hard at the dead Huns.

The residents who were kneeling on the ground also shouted, excitedly picking up the machete on the ground and slashing forward.

They angrily chopped these Huns into pieces, and finally discarded them into the wilderness.

Finally let the beast devour.

As for what happened in the rear, Qin Bing's captain naturally knew.

But he ignored it and took these soldiers back to the gate of the city.

At this time, the battle on the edge of the city gate was over.

Meng Yi rode a high-headed horse and stood in the open space outside the city gate. The surrendered defenders were kneeling in front of him.

These defenders threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground with their heads bowed, not showing the kind of resistance they had before.

In fact, they didn't want to fight with Qin soldiers at all.

The soldiers of Qin State are very strong in combat, and their offensive ability is also very fierce.

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