Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

221 The cavalry takes the lead, and there is some1 behind it! (Please subscribe!)

There must be someone behind the scenes!

Sure enough, when Han Xin's thoughts fell, he saw a group of people wearing simple armor and half-padded jackets appearing on the river ditch.

These are the Xiongnu, and their number is two hundred.

At this time, standing at the top of the river ditch, the head of the Huns wore extremely luxurious armor, and he also had a long beard.

Standing there watching the battle at the bottom of the ditch, to be precise, watching Han Xin lead the rest of the Qin soldiers to rush forward.

When Han Xin raised his head, it just happened to meet his eyes, the Xiongnu immediately shouted aloud, and then saw the other Xiongnu standing beside him, all of them took out their bows and arrows and aimed them at the river ditch.

Seeing this, Han Xin was shocked.

He could see that the opponent's action was to shoot arrows below, and at this time, their cavalry team was rushing at full speed.

Moreover, because the natives who blocked them were also damaged, if the Xiongnu was shooting cold arrows from the side, the Qin soldiers who followed him would not be able to carry it at all.

With this thought in mind, Han Xin immediately shouted: "Speed ​​up and rush through here!

After Han Xin shouted, he was the first to speed up the horse and charge forward.

At this time, there were two natives standing in front of him, holding stone axes in their hands, ready to slash the front legs of the horses that Han Xin was riding.

As long as he was hit, his warhorse would fall down immediately, and Han Xin would also be thrown out, trapped in the siege of those indigenous peoples.

At this time, Han Xin shouted loudly and swung the saber in his hand vigorously.

His blade just hit the top of one of the stone axe, cutting the stone axe directly.

Then he followed the shield held in his other hand and slapped it down.

With a bang, it hit the head of the native who shot.

Finally shot him out.

And the warhorse riding under him also roared at this time, and quickly ran forward along the broken passage, and soon reached the rear of the natives.

Seeing victory in sight, there was a screeching sound from above the river ditch.

Han Xin immediately looked up and found that the Xiongnu standing in the row above the river ditch were full of bows and shot down hard toward the front.

Rows of bows and arrows crossed the sky and fell on the heads of Han Xin and other cavalrymen.

After seeing this, Han Xin was also shocked.

He hurriedly shouted: "Defense.~!95

After shouting, he put his shield on top of his head.

Then he rode his horse forward without hesitation.

And the cavalry that followed behind him also did the same.

Everyone put their shields on top of their heads and pushed the horses under them to charge forward quickly.

The natives were at a loss.

At this time, bows and arrows fell, and hundreds of bows and arrows fell, forming a small rain of arrows.

Most of these bows and arrows fell on the heads of Han Xin and the Qin cavalry behind him.

Therefore, the shields in their hands have endured tremendous power.

During this time, the natives who stood to attack them were not protected and were shot by bows and arrows. After being hit by the bows and arrows, the natives immediately screamed and fell to the ground.

Then he was trampled to death on the spot by the horses of the Qin cavalry.

In the splash of blood, the aborigines scattered towards both sides in a panic to prevent being shot by bows and arrows.

And at this time, he took this opportunity to take Han Xin and the cavalry behind him and rushed past, seeing that they were about to reach the river ditch, and the group of indigenous people was on the edge of the queue.

But at this time, several strong natives came over.

They were a head taller than ordinary natives, and with huge stone hammers in their hands, they stood taller than war horses.

Then he waved the stone hammer and knocked on the top of the horse's head. After seeing this, Han Xin immediately turned around the horse's head with a strange cry, and then blocked it with the saber in his hand.

With a loud noise, Han Xin was almost shocked by the long sword and let go of it.

The strength of the real hammer held in the hands of the natives is too great, and it is not a match for ordinary long swords at all.

The rest of the Qin State cavalrymen also went up to meet them. The spears in their hands kept poking at the aboriginals, but these aboriginals cooperated very well. The stone hammers in their hands swept back and forth. The long guns will be blocked by them.

If you are a little careless, you will be hit by a hammer all at once.

The soldiers of Qin country followed Han Xin and turned a corner and ran in the other direction.

At this time, after talking about such a delay, they were still surrounded by these indigenous people. Seeing that they couldn't escape, Han Xin was a little anxious.

Just at this moment, the group of Xiongnu standing above the river ditch started to shoot arrows again. They drew their bows and arrows and aimed at Han Xin and the group of Qin cavalry that he led.

The ground on this side of the river ditch is really too small.

After Han Xin took the cavalry around and turned the horse's head, he didn't run very far when he saw a slope, and on the slope were all kinds of primitive people standing.

He didn't dare go down the slope to avoid getting entangled.

Also, the slope is sloping, and after repeated collisions, the station is full of physical exhaustion, and it is really difficult for them to climb the slope at this time.

Once the cavalry stopped, it was about to be surrounded and killed.

Immediately Han Xin continued to turn towards the road where they came, and the cavalry behind him hurriedly followed.

With a bang, a feather arrow fell again.

Han Xin could only block the shield above his head just as he did just now.

But this time he didn't have so much luck. After the screams sounded, several Qin cavalrymen fell off their horses.

Then they were directly caught by the natives who had already been eyeing them, and they were killed on the spot.

After these Qin cavalrymen were killed, the natives began to shout as if they had been injected with powerful potions!

Without caring for their lives, they rushed towards Han Xin and the cavalry behind him frantically.

At this time, Han Xin wiped the blood that had been splattered on his face and looked at the other side of the river ditch.

At this time, he prayed that the cavalry in the rear came to rescue quickly, otherwise they would definitely be consumed here.

Just as he was praying in his heart, suddenly there was a rumbling sound of footsteps in the distance.

Han Xin's face was filled with joy, and so were the rest of the Qin cavalry.

Everyone turned their heads in a hurry.

At this time, a large number of cavalrymen came running.

They wore the characteristic gray armor of the march.

When they ran over, their movements were neat and uniform. It was the primitive people who had been sent out by Han Xin to gather up and surrender, and the three hundred cavalry soldiers who were searching for dark arrows in the grass!

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