Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

212 Fertile soil, found indigenous (9 more, please subscribe!!)

212 Fertile soil, found indigenous (ninth more, please subscribe!!)

The land here is pale black, very fertile, and has never been cultivated.

"If potatoes and sweet potatoes are planted here, the yield will definitely increase by several layers!""

Qin Huang looked at the black earth and looked around.

I just don't know if there will be hidden enemies here now, maybe there are Xiongnu who have already landed one step ahead of the others over the years.

Meng Yi and Han Xin also raised their vigilance, fearing that something unexpected would happen.

Han Xin also said solemnly at this moment:

"Your Majesty, now let's push the coast across the mouth to eliminate all kinds of hidden threats, and then set up camp."

Qin Huang nodded, this is the most appropriate way.

The 200,000 army pushed horizontally along the way, and encountered many beasts along the way, but the 230 soldiers of the Great Qin War all climbed out of the pile of dead people, and this murderous aura gathered together.

Even beasts run away when they see it.

Ferocious beasts are the most vigilant of danger, and they will never fight an uncertain battle or lose their lives in vain.

What shocks people even more is that on this primitive land, there are old ginseng with thick children's arms, as well as various medicinal materials, countless.

Emperor Qin even ordered that they were not allowed to destroy these medicinal materials, and they would send someone to pick them up after they stabilized here.

Meng Yi is even more focused on planting the Black Dragon battle flag on this land.

Emperor Qin looked at this scene and looked around, it was also very spectacular!

The soldiers consciously opened up a passage, enough for people to walk.

(bbbe) The wild beasts and birds in the jungle have become the rations of the soldiers.

There are also a group of craftsmen who came together this time, and they stopped to investigate every other section of the road.

Just as the army was marching silently, there was a sudden change in the front, and Meng Yi walked over with a serious face.

"Your Majesty, this was found ahead. 35

Qin Huang's eyes narrowed, and when he fixed his eyes, he saw that it was actually a stone axe made of stone.

This kind of stone tool is extremely simple, as if it was back a thousand years ago.

The corner of Qin Huang's mouth raised a smile, thinking that no one has any desire to conquer.

It's just that their equipment is too backward now.

Han Xin was also stunned and couldn't believe it.

Meng Yi smiled and said:

"When I was in Fusang, the people on the island were relatively primitive, and some of them wouldn't even speak."

"Don't make a fuss.""

Han Xin was also an eye-opener. He originally thought that the road to battle was bound to be extremely tragic, but now he still uses stone tools, which makes the natives here fight with the Daqin army.

Even if the Daqin army stood there motionless, the stone could break the armor of Daqin soldiers, it was a fantasy.

This is simply a war without suspense, and Han Xin's originally tense eyes relaxed.

But Emperor Qin's incomparably majestic voice sounded again:

"All cheer up, something feels wrong here, go and explore!"

Looking at Emperor Qin and his serious appearance, Han Xin finally raised his vigilance again.

Don't take it lightly.

Meng Yi also drew out his long sword and began to go to investigate in person.

Because Qin Huang has now felt a very faint smell of blood.

Not the blood of beasts, but human blood.

After a while, Meng Yi came out of the jungle with a corpse in his hand.

A strong stench was emitted.

Qin Huang fixed his eyes and said lightly:

"It looks like this should be the native of this land, but he was injured by a sharp weapon. We must know that the land we are in is still a virgin forest. Where did the sharp weapon come from? Where did the sword come from?"

Everyone immediately reacted, and there are other people with more advanced development here.

Therefore, Daqin soldiers were more vigilant and held the weapons in their hands tightly. Primitives were easy to deal with, but with soldiers with knives and swords, this was not necessarily the case.

After all, the Daqin army only set foot on this land, and they are not particularly familiar with everything here.

"How's the inspection around? 35

Qin Huang asked coldly.

Han Xin quickly said:

"There is no abnormality around, and now a different accident has occurred, so let's set up camp first.

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