Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

207 Wechat private interview, super modern idea! (4, please subscribe!)

207 Wechat private interview, super modern idea! (4, please subscribe!)

Emperor Qin put on the clothes of ordinary people, and Fu Su did the same, and made a simple disguise, which was not difficult for Su Qing at all. It is still accompanied by the old celestial master, with the old celestial master sitting in the formation, all accidents will not happen.

Soon several people came to the street and looked at the bustling street.

The shouts of the hawkers and the laughter of the people are endless.

Emperor Qin saw hope in the eyes of the common people, and saw their self-confidence. It seems that they are all very satisfied with their current life.

No worries about food and clothing, go shopping from time to time.

"Guest officer, please stop, this switchblade is really useful.

"Look at just one flick, the knife comes out, and it's easy to carry. 55

A street vendor stopped Qin Huang and the others and started to sell.

This is the first time Emperor Qin has seen such a thing, why didn't anyone tell him?

Only then did Fusu speak softly:

"These are all little tricks made by the craftsmen, because there are too many, they are not presented to the father and the father one by one.

Fusu almost missed his mouth, and Qin Huang nodded.

Looking at the delicate switchblade in his hand, he was very satisfied and bought it at will. The hawker smelled money.

Smile and continue to speak:

"Master, I still have nail clippers here, why don't you take a look?"

"Also, there are various types, you can choose at will, I will give you a cheaper price. 35

Qin Huang laughed loudly.

"One of the same!"

This is his own people, buy some gadgets, that is, to have a good time.

Qin Huang and several people walked all the way, and the items on the street were so dazzling that people couldn't see it at all.

In particular, the city has been replaced with concrete roads, which are extremely spacious and the city walls are much higher.

Right now, no one can break through the city defense of Xianyang.

Now, looking at the entire Central Plains, there is no such force that can form an army to attack the city.

Daqin's intelligence system is already very complete.

"You can really look far!

"Hurry up and show me, is there really such a magic?"

A group of children gathered around, not knowing what they were looking at, Qin Huang was also interested and went up to take a look.

I saw a person pick up a long tube and observe it in the distance. Fusu was also very interested and asked:

"What are you looking at?

The little girl said triumphantly:

"I stole it from my father and it's called bbbe.

"Looking far into the distance with this telescope, you can see very clearly."

"My father is a craftsman, very good! 35

Qin Huang also smiled and asked:

"Can you show me?"

The child also saw that Qin Huang was not like a bad person, so he agreed, and this time he stole the glasses to show off in front of his friends.

The telescope is not yet particularly mature, and his father still has to study it, and then he will give it to the Qin emperor as a gift.

But it can't be broken.

The child carefully handed it to Emperor Qin.

Qin Huang imitated the appearance of a child and picked up the telescope, and found that everything in the distance became particularly clear.

He could clearly see how the birds were feeding in the distance.

Qin Huang was full of praise:

"What a good thing!

Immediately, he let Fusu experience it, and gave it back to the child.

Qin Huang walked all the way and was in a busy city. He had never had such an experience before, and he was also connected to the system in his heart.

"System, what do you think of the current Daqin?"

"My world really has everything, everything!"

Su Qing also nodded, according to the current trend, it is estimated that in a few years, the city will be full of high-rise buildings, catching up with the pace of modern times.

But Su Qing now has a more grand idea in his heart, that is to go beyond modern times and develop in a more advanced direction.

Let Daqin become the best in the world and the best in the universe!

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