Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

186 Beginning to show the edge, offer a strategy

In just a few days, all the people responded to the call for conscription and began to join the army, and now Han Xin has officially joined the army and is familiar with the life of the army.

He happily started his life in the barracks, but there was no war recently, and the Xiongnu seemed to have evaporated from the world.

If it wasn't for the report from the spies from the front, the Huns would still be amassing a large army. Han Xin once believed that the Qin Emperor had already driven out the Huns and killed them.

Han Xin still dutifully inspected for a day today. During his shift in the evening, Han Xin began to chat with the veteran:

"Brother, you said that these days, why haven't you seen the shadow of the Huns?

Another veteran who has been in the army for many years, said with a smile:

"Little brother, you've only been in the military camp for a while, so you probably don't know the situation. 55

"A few days ago, my Daqin soldiers killed the Wusun tribe and burned the Xiongnu's grain and grass. The world knows it, and the Xiongnu also sent messengers."

"But our Majesty, we didn't even see the Hun envoy. 99

"Directly ordering General Meng to shoot him outside the camp gate, the power of a great power is undoubtedly displayed!

After the veteran finished speaking, his face was proud, as if the bloody scene at that time had resurfaced in front of him.

Han Xin listened helplessly as the veteran said again about the recent victory of the Qin army. In the past few days when he was in the army, he would hear people discussing the recent victory every day.

The whole army was immersed in the joy of victory. Han Xin wanted to ask some other things, but he couldn't do it.

He pondered bitterly.

Now the Xiongnu didn't want to fight at all, but Da Qin did not take over the surrender of the Xiongnu.

Hence the stalemate now.

Han Xin frowned, thinking that His Majesty had burned the Xiongnu's food and grass, which was forcing the Huns who were familiar with the grasslands to fight and retreat, so that they could only fight but not retreat.

But now the Huns have not only not been provoked, but have withdrawn from the army, what should be done?

Han Xin thought about it, and now the key is how to get the Huns to send troops to destroy them in one fell swoop.

The veteran looked at Han Xin, who frowned, and asked suspiciously:

"Brother, now our Qin army is a powerful force in the world, why are you still frowning.~?"

Han Xin smiled bitterly and said lightly:

"Brother, you rest first, I'm fine."

Then he fell into deep thought. In the past few days, in the army, Han Xin saw that the Daqin army was extremely proud, and they were all proud and proud like this old brother.

Although this is a good thing, it can increase morale, but all this must be controlled within a certain degree. According to the current development of the Qin army, it has been immersed in the previous victories.

If he is on the battlefield, if he loses, even a small defeat, it will plunge the Qin army into the abyss and be completely helpless.

Han Xin sighed deeply and stayed up all night.

On the second day, at the entrance of Emperor Qin's tent, Han Xin had been waiting at the entrance.

The people in the barracks all looked at Han Xin. The veteran general from last night was also frightened. He ran to Han Xin and said:

"You're crazy, this is the barracks, it's the greatest favor for Your Majesty to let you enter the barracks, and you are still waiting at His Majesty's door? 35

"What are you going to do?"

Han Xin's eyes were firm, and he said loudly:

"I want to meet Your Majesty, I have a plan to hit the enemy army!"

When many soldiers heard this, they all dismissed it. Even His Majesty and General Meng Tian did not think of how to deal with the hiding Xiongnu. What can Han Xin, a big-headed soldier, do?

Outside the Qin Emperor's tent, Han Xin, regardless of the world's eyes, insisted on waiting for the Qin Emperor here.

The generals in the army were even more angry, but Han Xin was personally summoned by His Majesty as an army officer, so there was nothing he could do about this stubborn Han Xin for a while.

If it were another ordinary soldier who dared to openly stand outside the Qin Emperor's tent and did not obey the command, he would have been beheaded long ago.

In a helpless situation, a general can only enter the account to report.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, there is a Han Xin who was in the army that you summoned before asking to meet Your Majesty at the door.

"Boom can't go away, you see?

Qin Huang raised his eyebrows, thinking that Han Xin could only be in the army for a few days, and then he began to have ideas?

As the system says, is there real talent?

Qin Huang suddenly became interested and said lightly:

"Let him in.

The general was relieved, thinking that the Emperor Qin was angry today, and it was estimated that neither he nor Han Xin would have a better time, but the Emperor Qin was not displeased.

He had to summon him in person, which made the generals a little puzzled. Who is this Han Xin?

Since it can get so much attention from the Qin emperor?

After Han Xin got permission, he came to Qin Huang with joy and said excitedly:

"..Your Majesty, I have a plan to injure the Huns!"

Qin Huang looked at this excited Han Xin, and was very curious about what he could do to defeat the enemy.

A majestic voice came out.

"Han Xin, what's your plan, let's hear it!"

Han Xin smiled and said:

"Your Majesty, although the Huns have destroyed a lot of food and grass, they will definitely not be able to last for a long time. It's just that everyone in the army is extremely proud. If this continues, over time, I'm afraid it will be unfavorable!"

"The Huns are like lurking hungry tigers now, and they will definitely fight back. If the Qin army is in the current situation, even if they defeat the Huns, it will be a tragic victory!

Han Xin said at the end, he still hated that iron is not steel, and he was full of sense of belonging.

Qin Huang chuckled and said:

"I also understand what you said, the current situation in the army is consistent with what you said, is there any way to change it?

Han Xin was full of confidence and spoke again.

"The solution now is to fight with the Xiongnu one step earlier, and end the battle as soon as possible, and then your Majesty will personally come forward to spur the army, so that the Qin army's combat power has been maintained at the highest level.

"I thought about it for a whole night last night, and came up with a strategy, which is to let the Daqin army pretend to send troops before the Xiongnu camp. Now the Xiongnu must be full of grass and trees, and they will definitely retreat again. 35

"Let the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty serve wine and meat in front of the Xiongnu formation, and anger them again. Since they can endure the burning of food and grass, they will definitely not choose to fight against each other, and will only choose the method of seeking peace to end the war.

"As long as they come to ask for peace, they will let Young Master Fusu receive them and make Da Qin's request."

"I hope the two countries have friendly exchanges, and I hope they can send 100,000 soldiers and 100,000 ordinary people to come to our Daqin to learn various techniques."

"Cheat people over and kill a wave in the pit!"

"Destroy the enemy!

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