Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

184 The Huns are not moving, Han Xin comes to vote

The whole country in the Central Plains celebrated, but there was no action on the Xiongnu side, and the camp was moved again.

The Xiongnu leader was discussing with other small tribes how to break the Qin army last night, and they knew that they had to unite.

The Wusun tribe is a living example, but just as they were discussing, the twelve camps ignited, and the food and grass were destroyed.

At that time, the Huns could not wait to directly kill the old camp of Daqin to take revenge.

This fire of Daqin ignited the raging war of the Huns.

The Huns, who were originally very sturdy in their folk customs, could not bear such a shameful humiliation at all, and some generals would send troops to declare war overnight.

But all this was calmed down by the unsettled Xiongnu leader.

A generation of grassland overlords did not choose to fight at this moment, but just stared at the direction of the Great Wall with mixed emotions.

The big men under his command shouted at the top of their voices:

"Let me go to "217" to be a pioneer, kill him and leave Qin Jun's armor! 39

"It's shameless to burn our grain!"

"King, give the order! Set off!

The Xiongnu leader was just breathing heavily, and he didn't reply at all, and slapped the big man who was the most arrogant in the face with a slap.

The tent fell silent for a moment.

Looking at the leader's murderous eyes, everyone did not dare to make trouble, and quietly waited for the leader's orders.

The Xiongnu leader glanced helplessly at the many soldiers, took a deep breath, and a hoarse voice came out:

"The army retreats three hundred miles, and it is a long-term plan! 35

"Send messengers, beg for peace, and inquire about the situation of the Qin army.

The leader who had not slept all night last night is now bloodshot in his eyes, looking extremely terrifying, and the coldness in his body made the soldiers dare not answer, and dare not think of other ideas at all.

Daqin camp.

"Are they still not acting? 35

"Really calm!"

Qin Huang raised the corner of his mouth and said lightly.

Meng Tian was also puzzled. According to the character of the Huns, if the food and grass were burned, they would definitely chase them, but now the Huns not only did not launch an offensive, but also retreated.

Su Qing's voice also sounded at this time.

"It seems that this time the Xiongnu leader made the most reasonable move, and did not send troops hastily."

Qin Huang also said with emotion:

"Burning grain and grass and slaughtering Wusun is to force the Xiongnu to take action, start the war again, and wipe out all the Xiongnu."

"Otherwise, if we keep pulling like this, when will we be able to exterminate the Huns?

Su Qingyou said:

"There is no need to rush now, just wait slowly. If there is no food and grass, they will definitely take action."5

Qin Huang could only wait silently.

This time, the Huns were able to hold back their anger, which made the Qin Emperor look up to him.

"Report! The Hun envoy is visiting!

A soldier came to report the news in a hurry, but before he could catch his breath, Qin Huang's icy voice came out.

"Shoot directly, don't allow him to approach the Daqin camp!"

Meng Tian and the soldiers looked at Emperor Qin in amazement, but they didn't expect that since Emperor Qin was so fierce now, he didn't even bother to see the messenger.

At least the previous Wusun messenger had met the Emperor Qin once. Now that he thinks about it, if he can meet the Wusun messenger, he probably just wants to exercise Fusu.

After Meng Tian took the order, he quickly withdrew from the tent.

With a big bow in hand, it aimed at the Xiongnu envoy who was still waiting outside the city.

When the Xiongnu came, he was worried, but he knew the fate of the Wusun messenger.

Therefore, before coming, the Hun envoy had already thought about a lot of words, hoping not to provoke the anger of the Great Qin Emperor, but he did not expect that even the gate of the Qin army would not be able to enter this time.

Seeing Meng Tian draw the bow himself, the Hun envoy panicked. The desire to survive made him kneel at the gate of the Daqin camp and begged bitterly.

"Emperor Qin, the two countries are at war, so don't kill me!

But all the soldiers looked at this messenger with cold eyes, without the slightest sympathy.

call out!

The long arrow shot out and went straight to the Hun envoy.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow was inserted into the messenger's body, and the messenger fell heavily to the ground with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Meng Tian also spoke at this moment, and a murderous aura that had accumulated over the years erupted.

"Soldiers, the Huns have disturbed me, Daqin, and have resisted for many years outside the Great Wall. Now it's time for us to fight back. 99

"If you don't break the Xiongnu oath, you won't pay it back!"

"There is no negotiation at all!"

The encouraging words made the soldiers stare more firmly at the prairie in front of them. They have been guarding the Great Wall for too long, and it is time to go back and have a look.

After destroying the Huns, you can go home!

"If you don't break the Xiongnu oath, you won't pay it back! 35

"If you don't break the Xiongnu oath, you won't pay it back! 39

The soldiers were fighting all over, and responded to Meng Tian frantically.

At this time, a group of troops was rushing from the inside of the pass to the Great Wall. Ever since they heard that the Qin emperor had smashed the enemy army outside the pass, wiped out the entire Wusun clan, and burned twelve places of grain and grass for the Xiongnu.

The desire of these people to serve the country could no longer be restrained, and they came one after another, and they came to the border to join the army.

All the way is full of dust, but it can't stop his enthusiasm!

They were led by Han Xin. Because of the arrival of Su Qing, the movement of history has undergone earth-shaking changes, so Han Xin has not joined the army yet.

The shocking record of the Central Plains finally moved Han Xin and wanted to make a contribution to Daqin.

It's just that when Han Xin came to the Great Wall full of enthusiasm, he was ruthlessly blocked by the defenders.

At the border, a group of commoners suddenly appeared. The defenders also looked at nearly a thousand people in doubt, and raised their vigilance. It is not good that these people are pretending.

Qin Jun's vigilance was extremely high, and Han Xin and the others did not expect that they would be intercepted by the Great Wall. ,

Everyone had no choice but to explain in various ways, and the Qin army had already surrounded them.

The leading soldier said coldly:

"Go and report to Your Majesty and inform the situation!

The soldiers on the side came to Qin Huang non-stop. ,


"In the pass, there was a sudden increase of a thousand cloths. It was said that he had heard of His Majesty's power and had come to join the army and serve the country. 35

Su Qing was introducing some items that could benefit the country and the people to Emperor Qin 1.4, and suddenly he frowned when he heard the news.

I thought to myself, a group of commoners came from the customs, could it be said that they were spies of the Xiongnu?

Or is it the malicious intentions of other forces?

Qin Huang fell into contemplation, Su Qing asked indifferently:

"Ask who the leader is."

Qin Huang didn't know what Su Qing meant, and it was obvious that no matter who they were, they would definitely not be allowed to join the army.

But because it was Su Qing who wanted to know, Emperor Qin still asked.

"Who are they leading?"

The soldier looked at Qin Huang frowning, already a little frightened, and said quickly:

"Han Xin. 99

"Han Xin?

Su Qing repeated it suspiciously.

Emperor Qin discovered Su Qing's change and quickly communicated:

"System, what's wrong with this person? Why not?"

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