Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

178 Ancestral Dragon set off, Xiongnu bowed his head

The Wusun army wailed, and the army was defeated like a mountain, and the Daqin soldiers destroyed everything in front of them like a torrent.

Fusu stepped off the war horse, and the long sword was placed on the neck of the leader of Wusun.

The leader of Wusun looked at the Daqin soldiers in front of him in horror.

Looking at the disabled soldiers beside him, he knew that this time was completely over.

He knelt down on the ground in fear, looked at Fusu and the Heavenly Master and said-:

"I surrender! 35

"I surrender, I will not fight, I wish to be a minister to Da Qin from generation to generation. 99

But it didn't get any response.

Fusu looked coldly at the Wusun leader, and then at the captured 30,000 Wusun army.

As if making a major decision, they have laid down their weapons, do they still want to kill?

He was a little uncertain and looked at the old Tianshi, but the Tianshi didn't say a word.

He just looked at himself with a smile.

The way of kings?

The warriors behind him follow themselves to death and victory today, don't they kill the dead warriors?

Many of these captives were stained with the blood of Daqin soldiers.

Fusu held the long sword tightly in both hands.

The voice became a little hoarse.

"Not my race, kill!"

The leader of Wusun was struggling to death and shouted:

"Isn't Da Qin a great country?

"How could you be so slaughtered?

"Aren't you a country of etiquette? When the two countries are at war, they won't kill you!"

"Did you do it?"

Fusu recalled what Emperor Qin said, Wusun is not worthy of the state, and a group of beasts care about etiquette, that is the most ridiculous.

"You don't deserve it!

Fusu spit out these words softly.


The leader of Wusun was about to refute, but his head was chopped off by Fusu.

The atmosphere became solemn, and the surroundings were dead silent.

Blood splattered all over the grassland, and the other captured Wusun people watched in horror.

Accepting the final judgment of fate, they are still lucky, hoping to be forgiven, even if they are slaves, it is better to die than live.

After Fusu installed the head of the leader of Wusun.

"Kill all!"

His voice was not loud, and he even said it lightly.

But this has already determined the lives of tens of thousands of people.

The Daqin soldiers began to act in awe, while the old Tianshi followed Fusu, who was in a trance, and said lightly:

"Man, you always have to experience it.

Fusu hummed softly.

Countless wailing, cursing, crying came from behind...

Fusu perfectly completed the mission given to him by the Emperor Qin.

The Wusun people disappeared completely on the grasslands.

The thick smell of blood fills everyone's nostrils, winning or losing, this is the battlefield!

At this moment, Emperor Qin looked at the prairie with high spirits and said very easily:

"Compared to the sea, this grassland is almost more interesting."

Meng Yi, who went to sea with Emperor Qin, also echoed with a smile.

Qin Huang and Meng Yi were both chatting and laughing, but only Meng Tian was watching the surroundings vigilantly.

He was afraid of a sudden attack by the Huns, so he helped Su to encircle and suppress the Wusun State, and the Huns would definitely take action.

In the eyes of the Huns, Fusu led an army of 100,000 people, like a piece of fat mutton, how could he let it go?

They have been spying on the excellent equipment of the Qin army for a long time, if the Xiongnu bumped into Fusu.

Fusu will definitely lose, and the Xiongnu's combat power is much stronger than that of Wusun, who is not in the mainstream.

But looking at the Qin Emperor's personal expedition, it was a burst of relief.

This gave Meng Tian a headache, so he could only do his duty as a courtier and look around vigilantly.


Qin Huang's eyes narrowed, and the surrounding atmosphere immediately became tense.

The soldiers were also infected by this strange atmosphere, and they all raised their vigilance.

Meng Tian's face was heavy, and he said lightly:

"They are here!

Sure enough, a moment later, an army of Huns appeared on the endless grasslands, and they were menacing.

They shouted loudly, extremely arrogant.

This time, they were extremely excited when they heard that Fusu had killed Wusun, but they all knew that Fusu had no experience in leading an army to fight, and they would definitely seize this opportunity.

But he was shocked by what he saw.

Daqin soldiers are like rainbows on the grassland.

Standing quietly in the same place, especially the one at the head, his aura was like a god.

The Huns stopped immediately.

"Why are there so many Great Qin soldiers here?"

"Who is in the lead?"

"Meng Tian is going to stand behind him?

"Could it be..."

The Xiongnu's eyes were fierce, but he never dared to take a step forward.

They knew they were facing the Great Qin Emperor, Ying Zheng!

At the moment when Emperor Qin set off, the news of Emperor Qin's personal expedition had already spread.

· · Flowers ·

"Fight or not?"

The Emperor Qin turned his energy, and the great grandmaster's roar was like rolling thunder.

Shocked everyone's heart.

The Xiongnu war horses were all frightened by the word "fight or not"!

This was the first time they faced the Qin Emperor, and the pressure swept in like a tidal wave.

The leader of the Xiongnu generals had a solemn expression.

Originally, it was a great military feat to besiege Fusu today.

Unexpectedly, the emperor of Qin was waiting for them halfway.

He had the heart to cry.

Not to mention that Emperor Qin himself is a great master, and there are even rumors that there is a heavenly being hidden beside Qin Huang.

As far as Emperor Qin's monstrous aura was concerned, he was startlingly unable to raise his fighting spirit.

This time the Hun leader who led the army did not know what to do.

The Xiongnu army and the Daqin army were separated by a safe distance, neither fighting nor retreating, so they were in a dilemma.

Before the war began, the Huns were in chaos.

"Let's fight, this is the first emperor, if we can pull him off his horse, it will be a supreme military feat.

A big bearded man had an excited look on his face, but he was not afraid at all, because he saw that Qin Huang personally only brought 100,000 horses with him.

In his eyes, it is still possible to fight.

It's just that there are more dissenting voices.

"Could it be that the first emperor would stand here waiting for us so freely? He must have left behind."

"Let's hurry back and report the situation.""

Emperor Qin's prestige was displayed at this moment, just standing here, let the Xiongnu start all kinds of guesses.

No one dares to underestimate!

Qin Huang laughed loudly.

"Just a bunch of rabble!

In the time of a tea, the leader of the Huns who led the army on this expedition never dared to take risks.

said coldly:

"withdraw troops!

The other soldiers also let out a long sigh, and finally, under the pressure of Emperor Qin, they also thought about taking a long-term plan.

The Huns retreated one after another, and even at this distance, the Qin army was reluctant to catch up.

The mighty Huns army met Qin Huang for the first time and retreated without fighting.

Seeing the prestige of Zulong's expedition, Emperor Qin quietly watched the Huns go away without saying a word.

until the soldiers came to report.


"Master Fusu wiped out the Wusun tribe!

"Great victory!" Bu,

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