Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

1.64 million worlds, 5 level system

This time, when Emperor Qin returned from sea, countless people came to kneel and worship, surrounded by Emperor Qin and returned to the Xianyang Palace.

The first thing to do when returning to the palace is to go to the treasury.

Looking at the gold piled up in the treasury, Emperor Qin's eyes were burning.

"System, scan, how many energy points can these golds be exchanged for?"

"The scan shows that 1,500 energy points can be exchanged, and one million gold can be left."

This data also shocked both Su Qing and Qin Huang. They exchanged 10 million energy points and still had gold.

Ying Zheng also couldn't wait to open his own system panel.

Ying Zheng.

Age: 47.

Cultivation: Great Master


Energy Points: 4.9 million.

Permissions: Level 4 permissions.

Martial arts: The Changchun Gong is perfect, the longevity formula is perfect, the diamond indestructible magic is perfect, and the Jiuyang magic is perfect.

Status: Weak, lifespan 270 days.

Progress - Seventy-six percent.

Summoned characters: Li Ru, Jia Xu, Yu Huatian, Cao Zhengchun, Song Yingxing (author of Tiangong Kaiwu), Wei Jinzhong, Cao Shaoqin.

Now that there are a lot of energy points, the system should be able to be upgraded to level five.

Ying Zheng also acted decisively.

"I can exchange 15 million energy points, but I can't exchange all of them. Now that Daqin is developing, we must leave some gold to replenish the treasury."

Qin Huang's eyes are shining now, and he is very much looking forward to the change of using energy points to upgrade to level five.

Su Qing's tone is also full of excitement, the energy points exchanged this time are more than before.

For a moment.

The mountain of gold disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and most of the originally full treasury was immediately emptied, but the remaining gold was enough for Da Qin's expenses.

This also shows the huge harvest of this trip to Fusang, and the mining of Fusang has not been completed yet, and there will be a steady stream of gold flowing into Daqin in the future.

Emperor Qin's energy points increased from 5 million to 12.4 million.

Su Qing also instantly gained 7.5 million energy points.

Now Su Qing has unprecedented fiery, and 10 million energy points to upgrade to level 5 is enough.

And this time Ying Zheng went to Fusang in person, and the country's luck was also soaring.

The luck and energy points have all reached the requirements, and they can now be upgraded.

The current Qin Huang is even more excited than Su Qing. Only when Su Qing improves can he improve himself.

He also excitedly asked:

"System, can you upgrade to the fifth-level system now?"

Su Qing also smiled and said:

"Host, have you upgraded to level five?

Su Qing is especially looking forward to what changes will occur after he upgrades. If he knows the four-level system, he will be able to travel around the world, the vast space and time, and he will arrive in the blink of an eye.

Swimming in this world is completely beyond the imagination of mortals.

Level five?

What will be the effect?


Ying Zheng said decisively, and his voice became a little trembling.

In an instant, Su Qing exhausted 10 million energy points and national fortune, and sacrificed in this void.

With this upgrade, the purple energy between the heavens and the earth began to flow towards the Emperor Qin, filling the surroundings of the Emperor Qin.

"The way of heaven?

Su Qing said to himself, this time he could clearly feel that the natural sound of the world resonated.

This is a celebration, and an aura of quaint simplicity is blowing towards the face.

Su Qing's soul has already gathered, if ordinary people find out, they can't tell whether the present Su Qing is the body or the soul.

At this moment, Su Qing felt as if all the worlds, which were originally ethereal and illusory, had become transparent.

In between, he could only feel the existence of the Tao of Heaven, and now he seems to be able to communicate with the Tao of Heaven.

The luck of heaven and earth is fixed, Su Qing takes a little bit of luck, and the way of heaven is to have a little less luck.

Now Su Qing only feels that she has a secret connection with Tiandao.

Before, I just touched the threshold of heaven.

One day, Su Qing believes that he will finish his luck and become the way of heaven.

This day, this place, flowers, plants, people and animals.

All within their own thoughts.

Eternal thought!

The power of this awakening also shocked Su Qing.

Take things from the world?

Su Qing began to ponder, what he can do now is to travel in the world, but only in the world without any substantial touch or change.

It was like a picture passing by in front of his eyes, but he never interfered.

The current power, taking things from all worlds, can it be said that when you travel in all worlds, can you touch anything in the long river of history?

A person or a thing, or is it the illusory cause and effect?

Su Qing is still uncertain about all of this. Seeing that the system has not been heard for a long time, Qin Huang also tentatively asked.


Ying Zheng pondered for a while and continued:

"You have been promoted to level five, my life span?"


This is what Ying Zheng is most worried about right now. Every time he opens the system panel and sees that his lifespan is only a few hundred days, he is rather annoyed.

The countdown to death, no matter who it is, is a little uncomfortable to watch.

Not to mention that Emperor Qin has only developed Daqin now. If he doesn't dare to solve the problem of his own lifespan, it is estimated that this Daqin will decline again.

Because the current Great Qin is completely inseparable from Emperor Qin, and no one else can take on such a big responsibility.

"Wait, I'll be back when I go."

Su Qing's relaxed voice came, giving Qin Huang great peace of mind.

From the treasury back to the bedroom, quietly waiting for the good news of Su Qing.

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