Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

159 The Wolf's Ambition Will Be Destroyed

Under this depressing sky, there was only Xu Fu's weak voice.

The audience was silent, watching Xu Fu being slashed by thousands of knives.

Meng Yi knew that this punishment had shocked everyone else, so he handed the knife to another soldier to continue the execution.

He walked up to Xu Fu's hundred guards and asked coldly:

"Tell me everything you know.

These hundred or so people are all the people closest to Xu Fu, and they must know Xu Fu's plan.

The location of the mines, and everything on the island, Qin Jun has not fully understood yet, so he must ask.

Qin Huang didn't want to hear Xu Fu's screams, his tongue was cut, and he couldn't ask anything, so he could only use his subordinates to open the knife.

Hundreds of soldiers were originally from the Great Qin Dynasty. As Xu Fu's henchmen, they had been saddled all the time, knowing that this time they would not be able to survive this time.

Just ask not to be as bad as Xu Fu.

Everyone knelt on the ground toward the distant Qin Huang, and the wailing was endless.

"Your Majesty, I'll tell you everything we know, I just want to give me a good time.

"I said, I said it all!"


Meng Yi killed one of them with a single sword, shocking the mourning people.

"Just say it, don't talk too much!"

Meng Yi's voice without any emotion sounded.

The others swallowed, and one of the soldiers most trusted by Xu Fu stood up.

"Meng, General Meng."

"Xu Fu, developed here and dug a lot of gold. There are seven gold mines and thirteen silver mines that have been discovered.

"There are four gold mines being mined that I can show you.

"Also, Xu Fu has great ambitions. He wants to wait until it develops and return to the Central Plains to swallow and swallow Daqin."

"For this plan, he frantically built ships off the island, just to return to the Central Plains!""

When Meng Yi heard the last, the aura he exuded was extremely cold.

"It's a wolf's ambition!

After telling all the plans, the more than 100 soldiers did not dare to breathe, waiting for Meng Yi's decision.


As Meng Yi waved his hand, the cold voice was a relief for these people.

After a period of chaos, all of Xu Fu's dead servants were killed one after another, and Xu Fu was still being tortured by himself. Now, for him, even death is an extravagant wish.

The matter here came to an end, and Meng Yi went to resume his life.

Telling the Qin emperor everything, Langzi's ambition will be destroyed in the end.

The battle came to an end, Daqin officially took over Fusang, and Meng Yi also reported the situation of the battle.

“The island has more than 60,000 inhabitants, leaving 10,000 laborers, and the rest have been cleaned up. 35

"Fusang's ten thousand soldiers were all killed, and Xu Fu's hundred elites were also killed.

"I have no one killed in Daqin, only 120 people were injured, no harm was done."

Listening to this string of data, Ying Zheng nodded again and again.

This first battle in the world can be said to be a complete victory.

The morale of the soldiers is greatly increased, which is very important. The level of the army's combat power accounts for a large part of the morale.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was refreshed, and Xu Fu, the traitor, received the punishment he deserved. Compared with the gold on the island, Xu Fu had no value at all.

Meng Yi offered a bamboo tube again, and Ying Zheng took it and spread it out. It seemed that this was the map of the island, and the markings on it were very clear.

"This is where we landed on the island, this is where we met our first small tribe.

"Right now we are here.

Meng Yi pointed on the map and told Emperor Qin the current situation.

Su Qing also explained:

"These special marks should be the minerals on the island."

When Qin Huang heard this, his eyes narrowed, looking at the points marked by special symbols on the map, even Qin Huang breathed a sigh of relief.

And these are all kinds of minerals, there are as many as nineteen.

"Nineteen places..."

"Nineteen mines! 99

Meng Yi also responded excitedly:

"Your Majesty, yes, this is all the news from Xu Fu's subordinates.

Nowadays, the most common copper mines are only a dozen or so being mined in the entire Daqin.

Unexpectedly, looking at the backward and barren island, there are as many as nineteen gold and silver mines combined.


Moreover, the purity of the gold on the island is astonishingly high. Emperor Qin had already witnessed it. Even Su Qing did not expect Xu Fu to be so rich.

This huge wealth, even the emperor is shocked again and again.

"Your Majesty, this is the palace built by Xu Fu, and he hid all the gold in it.

Meng Yi reminded.

Ying Zheng raised the corner of his mouth and strode forward.

"Lead the way to see the gold that Xu Fu helped me dig! 35'

Meng Yi also laughed and took Emperor Qin to the Xufu Palace. This massive amount of gold must be seen with his own eyes to be considered a 2.8 addiction.

On the way to the palace, after passing through the battlefield just now, Xu Fu had not yet died and was suffering.

Qin Huang didn't even look at him.

Instead, he looked at the terrified indigenous people.

This is all the labor force of Da Qin in the future, and it needs to be arranged well before the rolling gold can come to the Qin emperor from the ground.

Glancing over, no one dared to look up, and they all avoided Qin Huang's eyes.

Emperor Qin was condescending, and the aura of an emperor was unmistakable, and the sense of oppression made people so nervous that they couldn't breathe.

"You should all die, but your lives are still left, do you know why?"

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